Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken

Aug 15, 2020
Quick question: Is the manga also almost over? Since, Final Arc in LN is volume 18 and manga says its in volume 16 or 17.

Sorry I'm new at reading manga. And I haven't read any LN.
Apr 25, 2020
In all honesty, the fact that they chose to make it a slime (which is sexless and genderless by nature) even though it's actually a dude (aka the gender is male) feels to me like the author wanted to add crossdressing without the stigma of the tag itself, which, ironically enough, just makes it worse, since now there will be some people who actively filtered the tag and they get this stuff.
Dec 27, 2020

It might feel that way to you but its actually "sort of" part of the overall plot... you want spoilers? I can explain why "him" (for lack of a better word) being genderless now actually makes sense later on down the line.

Also... this is not a romance story... so people being so uppity about things like this is very silly imo
Apr 25, 2020
Sure, I've already dropped this after all. Nothing of value is being lost.
this is not a romance story... so people being so uppity about things like this is very silly imo
The start of the isekai MC has a certain self-insert feel to it and adding what is de facto crossdressing to self-insert is a total disaster
Dec 27, 2020
Self insert characters ... in an Isekai? Noooooooooo... you dont say? :D :D :D

"im just an average nice guy without a girlfriend getting transported to another world where I am an OP bad ass with all the chicks fawning over me..." Yeah never seen that plot line before in an Isekai :D

Anyway on to the spoiler. But first I have to say that I have not read the final draft of the Lightnovel version since I cant read Japanese - so im going on Webnovel information here. The story will play out differently in DETAILS but not in overall plot. Basically it goes from rough draft to finished draft.


Rimuru is basically the creator of everything in the universe aka "God" but without knowing about it. He is (1 half of) Star Dragon Veldanava (Veldoras older brother so to speak - even though he actually made Veldora) In essence at first there was nothing then Veldanava "poped into existence - or created himself? hard to say... its mythology. Makes as much sense as any mythology tbh. He then created 3 siblings for himself Veldora and his 2 sisters who are all basically incarnations on natural forces - with Veldora being "storms". Over time he created more and more things until stuff started changing on its own based on parameters he himself had implemented (the voice of the world - which Rimurus skill "great sage" is a (limited) copy of.). So far so good... problem is at some point he fell in love with a human women and had a child (Milim) transfering the vast majority of his power onto her in the process. The thing is by his own rules "God" must love all his creations equally and cant play favorites - so in a round about way the "voice of the world" had him die (long story) since he was violating his own natural laws and that would endanger all of creation. God cant die though so the "kind" part of him was transported to another reality (the human he starts off as in the series). But so was the "grudge" part of him that felt resentment for his own creation turning against him (Yuki).

So him being genderless and unable to procreate is partially a safety mechanism for reality itself. And even in his original form... gender didnt really matter tbh. He was (will become) all powerful. Changing gender is childsplay if he desired so.

In essence its a story about a God gaining his powers BACK over time without repeating the same mistakes he made in the past.
Now as for author self insert... apart from working in general contracting himself I have no idea how much Fuze based Rimuru on himself or not. But then again... write what you know as an author. Isnt that a motto? :)

Finally a question for you... Youve droped it then? Why are you even commenting or checking up on it then? To complain about what you think is gender bender agenda? Seems you got a slight chip on your shoulder... just saying :)
Apr 25, 2020
"im just an average nice guy without a girlfriend getting transported to another world where I am an OP bad ass with all the chicks fawning over me..." Yeah never seen that plot line before in an Isekai :D
YoU cAn'T mAkE a MaNgA wItHoUt An OrIgInAl PlOt, MaNgAs ArE jUsT lIkE bOoKs!!!1!11!

Now, regarding the spoiler: oh what a surprise, the author added a plot in the manga somewhere after what I've read to justify the utter mess made before which I happened to read.
(1) Said plot is incredibly convoluted, most likely on purpose to pander to the "very original plot but trash > takes some but good" audience that I can see you're a part of, as per your comments on the manga.
Furthermore, (2) I actually stopped reading it pretty early
12 chapters in, right after the crossdressing part
and up until then there's actually no indicative signs of such a convoluted plot appearing in the future whatsoever, which just strengthens the theory that the plot is a patch for the garbage made beforehand so the author can shield the manga with the "That's because of the plot" excuse.
(1) and (2) thus end up painting a really sad scenario altogether.

Why are you even commenting or checking up on it then?
Because I've recently dropped(and also started reading) it and because I want to warn the readers of what this manga really is.

what you think is gender bender agenda
This is just a strawman. I don't think there's an agenda of sorts but just a way to sneak in a manga something that is actually filtered by some without getting the problematic tag on the manga, which simply means it's an attempt to dodge problematic tags to not look bad while still indulging in what said tags indicate.
On the topic of crossdressing, you've now called it gender bender , which is actually kind of fitting if it weren't for the use of the two tags which can be interchangeable and in this case are also both manifested in some degree, so it's best if the manga actually had both "crossdressing" and "gender bender" tags to ensure that potential readers actually knew what they're going to get and, more importantly, so that people who exclude these tags don't end up finding this manga in their search results.
Sep 23, 2020
because you want to warn people . they can decide it on their own.
if you have written a story better than this you can say that .
people are intelligent they don't need others warning on what to read or not to read .
i admit the story is not perfect but keeps me and others want to read it.
i've read it like 7-8 times in manga, watched the anime 6 times , read web novel twice, and currently reading light novel second time.
people will read it if they like it.
Sep 15, 2020
@Darthinvader Well... don't get it wrong, even if Rimuru is genderless, he indentifies himself as a male. Just read the wiki. And yeah, there is some kind of an agenda... from some fans who get wet at the idea of Rimuru in futa/female form, so they keep saying "he" doesn't have gender.
Apr 25, 2020
they can decide it on their own
Of course they can and they should; it's also important that they know what they're getting into, which is also the reason there should be the "crossdressing" and "gender bender" tags on this manga as well. As I've already said before, there are many people who don't like to read some things (namely the two I have already mentioned countless times) in a manga and they actively look out for these tags so that they don't read the mangas which have them and not adding these tags on a manga is disrespectful towards those who filter these mangas out.
Jul 23, 2019
chapter 79 and 80 raws are out already I hope we get some fast translators soon cuz this series is being wronged it deserves the solo leveling treatment when a ever a new chapter for that drops it has like 4 groups racing to release the chapters first
May 7, 2019
@darthinvader You see a dude in drag and instantly stop reading, regardless of the context or quality of the story? Sounds like a major personal problem my dude. Those tags are for stories where the plot revolves around it really.

Also homeboy ain't got a dick or vag so is it really gender bender or crossdressin.
Aug 21, 2020
@ShofaX25 so it might take longer for a release then? that makes sense then cause translating anything that isn't Spanish to English and vise versa, is above me so I respect the translators

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