Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Going Back to Sleep

Apr 11, 2019
can the author stop with all the fucking sister abusing little brother trope, that shit wasn't funny in the first place, but tolerable. Now it's just super annoying
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
He could go about it in a roundabout way. Like domesticating some monsters and siccing them on some of his shitty family. I think at this point he’d be justified in unleashing a goblin horde upon the ladies in the house.
Active member
Apr 13, 2019
I think people forget that he is actually a grown ass man, and he can see that the situations is not really a big deal, thats why he doesn't do anything about it.
His sister is on the abusive side, but that is just a kid being a bit of a brute (most kids are like that, yes you likely were too, you just don't remember it). She does care about him and he knows that.
The mother and the maids making fun of him is fair game, he openly banters a lot himself. lLike when calling out her mother on her changing her dialect and the food stuff with the maids.
His father destroying him in training for using his nickname is also fair game. They are a family who practices sword fight every day under a national hero, the manga doesn't show it but its most likely an intensive training that would probablly turn them into elite soldiers if they choose so.
I fell like it was well established that all of the adults just see him as another adult and not a kid that can be bullied with minor things.
Active member
Jul 8, 2018
It's interesting to see how divisive the sister's and father's actions are to the MC. I feel like everyone who is defending it as natural family rough-housing seem to misconstrue just how it appears from an external point of view. The sister is an overly strong tomboy who doesn't care for her brother's privacy or personal space and privilege as she barges in and slaps him about due to his internal monologue. I feel like this also ties into the abuse apologist nature of enjoying tsunderes as they claim that the physical blows and so are just signs of affection than obvious subconscious actions of powerplay. Every time he's rude or too strong in intent before her she pushes him down. Same for the father who is so embarassed that he takes out the shame on his underskilled child.

If one steps back from the medium and just imagine seeing a family where the talented youngest sibling is not allowed to be too uppity or contradict the more 'masculine' behavior of the father/sister you'll notice how abnormally vengeful their actions are against his childish actions.

On top of that the more 'feminine' or less confrontational characters never put their hands on him. The maids shake him down for food and snacks but not once has his older brother, the cook, the shy blacksmith, his mother or any other side character actually physically resolved him being more confident in relation.

I'll still read this cause I like isekai but I personally feel that the opinion of this being a healthy treatment is false and should color how one assumes a proper intimate contact should be.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So here I'm again to hear from the defenders of the abusive family.
Please enlighten me again how the way they act is acceptable. Especial consideration for the sister, tell me again why the MC should not be violent against her.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@SexualBard Thing is, nobody else knows he's "actually a grown ass man". They just treat this little kid like shit because he's more mature than any of them. Sis/dad beating him up constantly, and mom/bro just encouraging it. He's only six.

Edit: your explanation works for why Al acts like he does, but it doesn't excuse his shitty family behaving like this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@ SexualBard
That argument does not hold because if an adult were to be treated the way the MC is treated they would retaliate, hard. Not only a lot of what is done to him would be crimes, even if it were adults doing to one another, when done to a child, since his maturity does not change his biology, it becomes a serious crime.

Another thing is that you have to remember that what he is doing is wrong, he has enough power to destroy all of them but keep taking abuse for no reason, it is exactly how he will not accomplish his goal of a slow life.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
People keep trying to justify the sister's actions by saying it's just normal with the time and era, look her parents are fine with it. Yeah no, she physically abuses her brother, he just doesn't complain because every time he does HE GETS ABUSED EVEN MORE. The problem is that his parents fucking APPROVES of it because to them he's just a snot nosed brat, hell, his brother is aware of the shitty treatment but also doesn't say shit because, surprise surprise, the complaints will fall on deaf ears and he ends up being the one bullied.

I really want him to just run away when he's older, at least to get away from his shitty sister. Who the fuck looks at a massive bruise on a kid and just sum it as a "Oh my, they are being lively today." NO! YOU FUCKING GO ASK WHY THEY WERE FIGHTING. Only negligent parents react like this because this is sure as hell isn't healthy for the child's mental well being. If he wasn't an isekai'ed character, the child would have turned into a sniveling yes man who wouldn't eat, would run away and hide out in the forest and would have been truant and ultimately have run away from home to become an adventurer the moment he could.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Akabane The brother is not directly abusive, but he is complicit. He never stands up for Al and I remember one time he tattled on Al to their sister, knowing what she would do.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Oh man, this comment section is almost as hilarious as the manga.

First, Al's dad isn't beating him up constantly. Once, he decided to teach his kid a lesson and there's plenty of justification for it because Al does get into trouble often for saying too much. (And honestly, he just had him spar more intensely than usual, but since Al kept going on with the embarrassing nickname, having seemingly not understood a thing, he knocked him out.) For instance, he should not be saying Viscount Lolina out loud in any circumstance, even when the related person isn't there to hear it. If he keeps this up and ends up saying too much with higher ranked nobles, it's not just a single hit he might end up with. In other instances, like when Al took a pot without consulting anyone about it, his dad simply reminded him to ask permission beforehand.

Second, his sister definitely roughs him up too often, but the reality is that kids will do that. Give them a garden, lots of spare time, and they'll start throwing mud and pushing each other around or doing snowball fighting. She may hit him, but she's not beating him up, knocking his teeth out nor drawing blood. We don't see Al going around with bruises at all times. Those are light hits that are there because this is essentially a slapstick comedy. This comes with the genre. She will also intrude on Al's privacy and personal space because some family members are like that. I'm not saying this doesn't suck, just that it's not unrealistic. On the flip side, his family have shown plenty of times that they do care very much for him.

Finally, let's not forget that Al is a really mischievous brat. He's prepared an ice cold bath, a super spicy burger, and keeps dishing out burns even to people he meets for the first time. And in this chapter, he tried to fool his sister in a way that could never have worked because his sister had already heard his conversation with Silvio and knew he was awake. Mature is the very last term I would ever use to define Al.

Now, I'm not saying that this is what proper intimate contact should be, simply that this is what normally happens. More importantly, this is slapstick comedy and should be enjoyed as such. There's nothing shitty or abusive about the family, not by a long shot.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Kireato Knocking him unconscious for using a nickname his dad actually earned in mortal combat, is abuse, not teaching a lesson. His sister decided to almost crush his skull just because he pretended to sleep. Leaving an impression like that on the head requires immense force. Sure, most of her behaviour should come off as just kids playing, but with her inhuman strength it's always more than just light rough-housing. Same with his dad, if not for the fact that he literally sent the child Al flying with enough force to knock him out on impact, it could be excused. His mother sat by and encouraged the dad, and in this very chapter laughed at his sister doing enough harm to leave a handprint on his face.

Al is a little shit, but the people around him treating him like a disposable toy most of the time while he's just six years old is not fucking comedy in any way.


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
The comments aren't that surprising. People are here for power fantasy wish fulfillment, not some "kid" who can't get away with being an asshole.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
On one side:
It seems it was all rather acceptable until the chapter his father trashed his 6 year old son. You could play off the abuse as a joke (if you wanted to) until then. (While the thievery and constant disrespect of his private sphere has been annoying, he is just 6, so hey. Of course nobody respects the ps of a toddler.) But when his dad knocked him out of the park and nobody cared, it redefined the lengths those things go. Especially the physical abuse. That thing couldn't be played off anymore by many people. Not even as part of a gag manga. (Its gag-share isn't big enough.) ...And since then EVERYTHING is now checked very thoroughly, if it could be interpreted as abuse. And here we are. The author suddenly bend the bow extremely and it broke.

I recommend the offended readers to force themselves to ignore that incident. Not to look away from (fictional) abuse, but to see it as a bad decision, the author made. It never happened. I know this lowers the quality of the story, but it gets easier to tolerate that part of the humor.

On the other side:
So what if the MC is a little shit? Okay, he is mischievous, but that's a good thing (for the family). He takes everything with humor, just because of this "character quality". Other people would have taken other steps. And he is an arsehole? Really? He is a grown man on the inside. He knows his stuff. If he gets seen as too arrogant, this is because of the gap between his mental and body age. But he already did archive a lot. His success (with new snacks he "invented" at least) should have granted his some leeway. And even if we still see him as an asshat, his sister is a far worse bitch and gets away with everything. Why is it okay to ridicule the younger brother (which is also a form of punishment), but not the older sister? Because the reader is supposed to like her, because she is a sweet, sweet tsundere. Well, bad job, because she gathered a rather big amount of reader agro. Of course this triggers some readers.

That family respects strength and strength alone in the end. When he puts his sister finally into place, there should be a chance, that it gets a lot better. (But it can't or the premise of the setup gets lost.)

Oh, btw. As I remember it, the ice bath thing and the spicy meat bun (was it a meat bun?) have been intended as punishments and rightly so. And from whom did he adopt those means of revenge? From his social surroundings. At least as a reincarnated person he judged it to be socially acceptable.
Jan 3, 2019
okay i was okay with all the abuse he receive kinda because it wasn't extreme but the author did take it too much with these chapter
like seriously causing a mark on 6 years old child with undeveloped head like out of all the place it gotta be the head and mind you a pressure like this on the head of children have a big chance of turning them crazy or cause them to die or make them unable to walk
i mean heck what's the point of him being born a noble if even the maids bully him it's trash and unrealistic if you wanna abuse him with realistic standard make him born a commoner since commoners parents are bad because they are poor and are addicted to wine
and the problem isn't in the sister only it's the whole family
the mother : think her little child is ugly and outright say it in his face and doesn't stop his sister from bullying him despite the age difference
the sister : abuse him physically and any shape or form
the brother : ignore the bullying and continue his day
the dad : turn violent when he get pissed by his 6 years old child talk and doesn't think even once that it was just an innocent child remark
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The dude should just use his magic, such as teleportation, during the sword practice. He would be nigh impervious.

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