Tensei Shoujo wa Mazu Ippo kara Hajimetai: Mamono ga Iru Toka Kiitenai! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Kinda rough preliminary translation, I feel like a lot of the issues with grammar or sentence structure could be solved by just re-reading the sentences and changing them to make them flow more smoothly in English. But otherwise this seems like an interesting story so far, keep it up (y)
Dex-chan lover
Oct 19, 2018
So wild! They have mountain wolves at the porch. Walking around the cabin comes with the risk of getting attacked by wyverns. Very exciting every day life!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 25, 2020
Thanks so much for the translation, been waiting forever for this one
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2019
Hmm... Feels like I've read this type of story before. Its gonna be a while till there's an actual drama happening. I bet it was after she left that cabin and look for nelly who happened to be someone important thus the beginning of her involvement in the political drama?
Dec 9, 2023
I’ve really enjoyed these light novels, so I’m excited to see someone pick up the manga version, thank you! I love a generally chill slice-of-life/found family story.
Aug 25, 2020
I'm glad this has got an English translation now. The LN is good and I'm happy I get to see the characters in the manga format now
May 7, 2018
The first page is missing. There’s a page with her packing and leaving the cabin before the one with the wolves.

Also, on page 11 due to a bad line break you have “constitutio n”, on page 25 “suc h” and “sho rt”, on pg 26 “certa inly” and “attac k”… etc, throughout.

Page 29 it should be a summoned one since it’s explained in a few pages that she’s not unique, also on page 31 the same phrase 招かれ人 is translated as “Uninvited” when it means the opposite (on 32 it is translated as “summoned one” again and J-Novel Club translated it as “Invited”)

Page 30 has a sentence cut off, “even though you have a”

Page 32: “That’s why they are often working as a hunter.” - the grammar should be “That’s why they often work as hunters.”
Page 33: “you can even marry the noble.” - since there is no specific individual as the object here, it should be “you can even marry a noble.”
Page 34: “Just simply be envious” - this is a flashback so should be past tense, she wasn’t resentful, she was simple envious.

Page 40: “you missed how she mangled her name from “Ichinokura Sarasa” to イチノーク・ラサーラサ which JNC rendered as “Ichinok Rasarasa”; the important point being that while everyone who knows her calls her Sara everyone in this world going forward thinks her first name is “Rasarasa”, not Sarasa. Nelly also doesn’t say “Neffy” but starts saying her full name ネフェルタリ, Nefertari and Sara not knowing this is an important (but stupid) plot point right up till the end of volume 4 of the manga/volume 2 of the LN.

Page 44: “Even though staying this long” is missing a subject, which is fine in Japanese but not in English; even though you’ve been living here this long.
Page 45: “Nelly usually subjugate the monsters” - subjugates

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