The only saving grace is that the MC is cute.. lol.. such a pity he's too naive. I don't blame him, though, I blame his parents. This is what happen when you do bad parenting.... Such a pitiful kid.
Is the Heroine! She has the personality of a girl and it would make great plot since MC sees these Angels as living beings, meanwhile the grandparents would kill without hesitation.
...Honestly poor little girls just wanted to eat some crops but he slaughtered them brutally for it... no really wtf... with his mindset he really is dangerous... what if some little demi human girl stole something to eat and he just instantly kills her ...
Comments say MC is dumb...are you for real? Seriously...are you for real? You sure the MC is dumb? Or the MC is raised to think like that? Because I see that he isn't dumb, he just thinks that way because he's raised like that.