But I hadn't used the expression “morally correct” or even the term “morally”. You pretended to have quoted me when you'd done no such thing, and there's no getting out of that falsification now.
You were talking of moral responsibility and and then indicated it was wrong to hit the child. You are lying. You obviously believed it to be a morally correct choice. And I know this because I decided you knew this. You can't escape this falsehood now.
Anyone can review the discussion to see that the falsification here was yours.
If they first fall down a flight of stairs, maybe.
No, I'm not.
To say that X is at odds with the facts is not typically a moral claim, but to say that X should be in accord with the facts is always a moral claim
Flat out false. And because the first assertion is complete generalized nonsense the rest can be safely discarded as the irrelevant trash it is.
No, the first try worked.
Step two of delusion. Repeat the truth you want to see.
You thought that the law somehow embodies morality.
False, and you do not get to dictate what I thought. Go fuck yourself. Claim discarded.
And that mistake carried over into your argument that I were somehow contradicting myself in not adjusting my argument to the fact that the female protagonist were not legally an adult; you simply wouldn't have attempted that ridiculous argument otherwise, and you wouldn't have now abandoned that argument if it didn't hang on that confusion.
1.) I will pay you to stop using "were" like that. And, no, no. I don't care if it's grammatically correct. It's really, really fucking odd to read. 2.) Your statement was talking of onus on child versus adult. You, obviously (because I can apparently decided these things for you, that's a helpful "debate" tactic to be able to just decide for yourself what someone else was even thinking... don't think that'll fly in court, however), did not realize she was not an adult and thus that did not pertain to your argument.
You're actually unwittingly admitting you were wrong. Um, bravo? Honesty is a good new leaf for you.
Nope. You've just seen (or perhaps pretended not to see) the logical failures implicit in your argument.
1.) You've yet to prove the existence of any and are using batshit insane deduction to base your argument. 2.) This is an argumentum ad logicam fallacy and thus you've just made yourself into an unwitting (...well...) hypocrite. You really are you own worst enemy.
To be effective, a threat has to involve something regarded as a cost.
Well, there is. With me blocking you you won't get your pretentious, smug self-important pseudo intellectual masturbatory ego boost and have nothing to tip your fedora at. Why, that's a crime to humanity right there. You might even have to (gasp) go back to Reddit.
Oh, if you actually believed that, then you would already have stopped arguing. You're trying not to look foolish, but making things worse for yourself.
Oh yeah, fuck the idea of people defending themselves from bullshit.
I provided a statement of the principles for which you argued after an explanation of how they could be seen as the principles for which you argued
Oh, you admit it's nonsense? Thanks.
By the way, I just decided to take your prior statement as what I thought could be seen as a principle in support of child slavery. Sorry if that was, y'know, not. But I've decided it so now you have to adhere to it.
I've repeatedly told you why you've been engaged in moralizing
...As we see RIGHT FUCKING ABOVE THIS you've repeatedly been deciding what I've been saying. Which means that you telling me I'm moralizing when you decide what I say is laughable and pathetic.
Well, I'd instead describe you as incompetent and very much an example of Dunning-Kruger syndrome.
The irony being that those most likely to cite Dunning-Kruger are most likely examples of it themselves.
Careful analysis of what one's opponent has said may be alien to you, but it is not silly.
So you don't realize how fucking ridiculous you sound. I figured that.
No, it was exactly an answer to the question that you actually asked
...By not answering it and changing the subject. Riiiiiight.
You objected to my noting that other forms would also do so because it showed that there were a logical problem with the argument that you wanted to make.
Objecting to changing the subject and bringing up whataboutisms indicates I had a logical problem with MY argument?
This, again, is one of those instances where you think you're making sense... but you're not. Then again there's a laundry list of things that you think are just evident and correct that aren't.
Logical structure is always relevant.
Then, please, start utilizing it.
I didn't have to be a mind reader; I explained in my previous comment why there was a clear reading of what you were arguing.
Like how earlier you decided my principles for me because my question could be interpreted as one by someone that's batshit? We've seen your track record, I wouldn't be touting that if I were you.
Again, you keep denying making moral claims but your claims are about good and bad. You keep trying to have your moral cake and eat it too.
how the hell you took that as me agreeing with you when even you recognize that in the context of it there was no way that's what I was doing and I was countering your argument from the get go and wasn't even making it about morality. I think any reasonable person would have realized that I was saying while you think that's morally correct that doesn't necessarily make for an effective solution or argument in the real world.
Ah, but I owned myself, since:
Yeah, you got me there.
No, the performative contradiction of moral subjectivism became relevant when you employed rhetoric of moral subjectivism.
Yeah... No.
Nope. Without morality, fact or logical validity have no force; the other party can always ask “So what?”
1.) And? Sometimes that's valid. 2.) "Facts be morality" is such a moronic concept that I, and any rational person (of which you obviously do not qualify), would reject it. And if you actually believe that, it's pathetic.
I don't need you to entertain it; I'm arguing here for the benefit of anyone reading who is actually committed to logic and interested to see it explained that there is a “should” and hence morality in argumentation.
Should equates to morality? So in mathematics when I should follow the order of operations, that's an issue of morality?
Huh. Yeah, math is moral implications. Never realized that before. Thanks for making me realize that! Now that I think about it, you SHOULD capitalize the letter of each new sentence! English is also intrinsically linked to morality!
FUCK STRING THEORY, GUYS, WE NEED TO GET TO WORK ON MORALITY THEORY. Deep at the subatomic level, there exists a moral choice. Waveform collapse? NONSENSE. That's a morality call being made.
You've stated a great many things in this discussion without evidence.
No, actually, I haven't.
In fact, most people here will be well aware that a great many children are assaulted
Yes, too bad that doesn't necessarily make it pertinent here, which was the kicker in my statement. You just decided, again, that it did. Stop doing that.