The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 16 Ch. 135 - Mother, Um

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2019
11 reading back my own comment...I'm not sure I'm proud of it. We don't need more Twitter mentality outside of Twitter...
We're all here to have an enjoyable time and I'd like to apologize for my previous statement, with lacked tact.
But still, I stand for the message and am open to discuss about it more maturely if you have counter arguments.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
tl;dr: these last two chapters are a little too heavy for a fun harem series

I'm sorry, but like I said the last chapter, her mother has a point. And obviously, abusing your child is a no-no.
It's not like she's retarded or anything (although severely lacks practice with talking because... she doesn't), and tbh, Rentarou/Rentarou's family are all just enabling her at this point. It's only tolerable in anime/manga, but not really in real life.
Again, cute and quirky anime traits are usually easy to "don't think about it too much it's cute/anime", but the author turned it into a serious issue with the talk and the um, abuse. 100 Girlfriends is a usually lighthearted series, which is why I found these recent chapters with Shizuka jarring and why I dislike them.

Not to mention that:
  • Her mother has very valid fears for her future, although she did it the wrong way and actually made it worse, if not at least stalled Shizuka.
  • Rentarou: "So what if she's not very good at speaking?!" Um, she's way WAY worse than "not good" at speaking my dude.
  • Unironically, Rentarou did most of the talking for her.
  • And then... the chapter just ends with all of them still enabling her. I guess her mom being a little less strict/abusive would help Shizuka, but now it just makes Rentarou look like he doesn't want to help Shizuka become better.
She's still in middle school, this is a marathon not a race, she has plenty of time to work on that, forcing it isn't gonna help much
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
shizuka's mother was foreshadowed the first time shizuka appeared on this manga, i didn't expect it to be resolved in 2 chapters, but it's still a good conclusion nonetheless.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 13, 2019
Some neurodivergent people out here are non verbal, this is specifically prevalent for autistic folks. This is the way they are, and they do exist, within society. Some neurodivergent people also can speak, but that takes a big toll on their extremely energy consuming and lead to burnout at some point in life. Those people push their limits because of the same reasonning, if everyone can do it, they too, can, if they try hard enough, until they break, medically break, physically break. The idea of non verbal people being retarded also show how limited your knowledge about that topic is. Intelligence is a not a straight line, it's a spectrum. For example even a animal might outsmart you on a given task. But that doesn't mean you're retarded, you have other skills up your sleeves. For non verbal people, speaking is abuse, speaking is destroying their mental health.
Like gay conversion therapy, therapy to make people verbal also exist, this attempt to make people fit a certain idea of normal is abuse, it gove them ptsd. It says a lot about our current society.
People with dyslexia or dyscalculia can outperform normal people on some tasks but it is regarded as a flaw because our schooling system put a big emphasis on reading and mathematics. You never see a illness about lack of creativity. Some people are creative and some aren't, and it's okay, but not all skill benefits from the same acceptance. What if a person isn't creative ? Is it that important ? No, they probably have their own strong points. Imagine directly labelling them as retarded....The double standard is tough. And that's seemed to be the case for Shizuka san. Actually I think that the author did a great job in giving visibility to a minority, and in a very smart way. It's actually more effective to ask for help and find a social group that'll be willing to listen to your needs and support you rather than hiding how much you're struggling and overworking yourself, that's the secret recipy for a crippling mental health and that's for everyone, verbal or not. The author giving visibility might change what is tolerated or not in real life. And tolerated or not, people like Shizuka do exist, do suffer and non verbal people that exist in real life can be cute and quirky. I can understand your point on the sudden swift in genre though, not to your liking, fine, but please stop spreading misinformation and hate. Therenis nothing more dangerous than hate disguised as concern.
If you really were concerned about Shizuka then you're doing the opposite of what can really help her. Which is creating a place for her to thrive in society. She can communicate just fine with modern devices.... rejection at this point is purely social chosen rejection.
It also pains me how mental health is disregarded even to this day. It's not because you can't see it that the struggles don't exist. Can you see love ? Then does love exist ? For depressed people even doing simple things is not simple yet it is so easily labelled as lazy.
You also seems to lack knowledge in Japanese language. Maybe that's on the translation team but you basically almost never say something straightforwardly in Japanese. Even more so with someone you just met and your senior or superior. The phrasing you mentioned about is very clear to understand for japanese people and both of them knew of the meaning in

Even, straight out saying"yeah she can't speak but it's fine" would've been rude as fuck.

Also....have you missed the last panels where she speaks herself to her mom ? Acknowledging that she ran away from communication and decided to change that ? While maintaining her boundaries.

They gave her a place to exist and thrive as herself. It's more than what we could ever wish for in real life. And it's beautiful. At the end her mom said something along the lines of "So this is how you communicate ?" realising that in a attempt to "better" her daughter by projecting her own insecurities onto her she lost sight of her daughter and severed real communication. They were able to mendle that back at the end.
Oh wow thanks for replying, lessee...
  • Er look, I'm not attacking people with mental disabilities alright? Neither do I think Shizuka has/is one, nor did I actually call her one. All I'm saying is oral communication (since she's not exactly mute), again, is an essential life skill in any society. I didn't think nor was I bothered about it until now when things got a bit serious in this chapter when the cute anime quirk of "being a super book nerd that she only 'speaks' in writing" became something of a disability.
  • I dunno where the gay conversion therapy thing came from and the bit about creativity isn't exactly relevant so I'm not gonna comment on those.
  • She already has a safe and supportive environment through Rentarou and his harem, but they didn't really do anything so far to help her with her communication problems aside from Rentarou's app (also, why not just use a normal text-to-speech app😅). It's even worse because one of them is a principal and the other a teacher. I mean, damn, Shizuka has been suffering like this since Chapter 3, and it's only now she's getting some sort of help? 😬
  • I have a bit of an issue with calling my useless online opinion "misinformation and hate" though. I dunno what's problematic with wanting some actual help for Shizuka (if she needs it) or complaining about the shift in seriousness.
  • Sure, but you can't expect the whole of society to accommodate every individual's physical and/or mental problems. I mean, that's kinda happening right now in the US, and oh boy, they're a mess right now because of it IMO. Being "too nice" can be just as bad.
  • I'm just your typical manga reader with some Japanese knowledge gleaned from being a weeb. I can't comment on the Japanese raws since I can't read Japanese, and you probably can't as well so that point is moot. Also I was just pointing out that "So what if she's not very good at speaking?!" is an understatement, and it's a bit funny.
  • I didn't say she didn't give any input. I merely stated that Rentarou did most of the talking, which fine, I guess she needed some help with. I can relate a bit since I have issues with communicating vocally myself, and ehem, commenting here in MangaDex helps somewhat with that. I commend Shizuku for at least speaking up even just a small amount because being honest with a strict (more so if abusive) parent takes courage and risking being harmed/kicked out, and I should know...
Also, your reply is just fine aside from calling it misinformation and hate 😅
I'm just a fellow manga/anime enjoyer, and amateur writer so I reallllly have to think deeply about stuff, especially figure out why some writing bothers me.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
This was an outstanding chapter in this series.
Rentarou didn't go full on ultra instinct boyfriend, no 4th wall breaks, just Rentarou helping his girlfriend reconciliate with her mother by making her see Shizuka's perspective.

The mother also got a lot of characterization here, showing she did the things she did because she cares for her daughter, but just doesn't understand her.

I was not expecting such a serious chapter, but I love that it was done this way. :D
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
reminds me of elementary school speech/therapy classes some classmates would be forced to go through

nano wit the assist check
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2023
Damn such a good chapter. In fact this might be my favorite chapter after the one where Nano became small.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 17, 2019
Oh wow thanks for replying, lessee...
  • Er look, I'm not attacking people with mental disabilities alright? Neither do I think Shizuka has/is one, nor did I actually call her one. All I'm saying is oral communication (since she's not exactly mute), again, is an essential life skill in any society. I didn't think nor was I bothered about it until now when things got a bit serious in this chapter when the cute anime quirk of "being a super book nerd that she only 'speaks' in writing" became something of a disability.
  • I dunno where the gay conversion therapy thing came from and the bit about creativity isn't exactly relevant so I'm not gonna comment on those.
  • She already has a safe and supportive environment through Rentarou and his harem, but they didn't really do anything so far to help her with her communication problems aside from Rentarou's app (also, why not just use a normal text-to-speech app😅). It's even worse because one of them is a principal and the other a teacher. I mean, damn, Shizuka has been suffering like this since Chapter 3, and it's only now she's getting some sort of help? 😬
  • I have a bit of an issue with calling my useless online opinion "misinformation and hate" though. I dunno what's problematic with wanting some actual help for Shizuka (if she needs it) or complaining about the shift in seriousness.
  • Sure, but you can't expect the whole of society to accommodate every individual's physical and/or mental problems. I mean, that's kinda happening right now in the US, and oh boy, they're a mess right now because of it IMO. Being "too nice" can be just as bad.
  • I'm just your typical manga reader with some Japanese knowledge gleaned from being a weeb. I can't comment on the Japanese raws since I can't read Japanese, and you probably can't as well so that point is moot. Also I was just pointing out that "So what if she's not very good at speaking?!" is an understatement, and it's a bit funny.
  • I didn't say she didn't give any input. I merely stated that Rentarou did most of the talking, which fine, I guess she needed some help with. I can relate a bit since I have issues with communicating vocally myself, and ehem, commenting here in MangaDex helps somewhat with that. I commend Shizuku for at least speaking up even just a small amount because being honest with a strict (more so if abusive) parent takes courage and risking being harmed/kicked out, and I should know...
Also, your reply is just fine aside from calling it misinformation and hate 😅
I'm just a fellow manga/anime enjoyer, and amateur writer so I reallllly have to think deeply about stuff, especially figure out why some writing bothers me.
She might not have an official disability but she obviously struggles orally expressing herself. I personally think we need to stop with the taboo of disability, would she stop being cute if she was ? She didn't change a bit, but just focusing more seriously on the matter make her less appealing ? Speaking is an essential life skill but when it causes harm to yourself the smartest choice might be to not outdo yourself. This is a very serious issue for some people, stuck between social ostracization or burning themselves out. Speaking is very hard for her, if it was something she could solve by efforts and goodwill alone she would've done it. Because she is the most aware of how much it can affect her daily life. She can remember perfectly every line of the books she likes. Could you do it ? What if you lived in a world where it was the norm ? A world where you're shamed for not being able to do it effortlessly ? And people around you just wondering why you can't remember exactly what you read. Blaming the amount of effort you put in.

Some people in the comments kept saying she could need some speech therapy or something. The guy who invented gay conversion therapy also came up with the therapy to teach non verbal people with autism spectrum disorder to be socially acceptable. Until fairly recently it was an extremely traumatizing process for those who underwent with it.

The bit about creativity was an exemple to talk about how some skills are more valued in society than others and thoses who can't perform on the ones seen as most essential are labeled as sick, as in defective. Creativity is an example of a skill not currently valued as much. Like it is okay to not be a creative person but not speaking orally is bad.

I interpret it as misinformation and hate because people usually aren't even aware people like me and Shizuka exist. The worse thing society can do to a group of people is not hate it but ignore it. When the general opinion doesn't care, is when the ugliest things happen. Behind closed doors, with nobody to judge, not a gaze, accountable to no one.
I see disdain because we're told to basically bleed for society, to amputate ourselves to fit in, it comes at such heavy price...
If Shizuka could be normal, trust me she would.

I understand that the current social issues in the us might gives a bad publicity but actually society making an effort of understanding is actually easier than for people who are different to fit in. Would it be so difficult to talk to someone using a speaking device ? I'm not asking people to bend over backwards but to meet halfway because some people have been doing all the work to fit in and saying it has been exhausting is an understatement. And it's also thanks to the activists making noises here and there that the current therapies are actually starting to look like therapy with people starting to have positive feedback about it...

Actually I can read Japanese, I'm currently living in Japan too. I'm just emotionally attached to mangadex and I'm too lazy to transfer all of my followed works here elsewhere.
Jan 23, 2018
Mute people literally exist and we were, as a society, forcing them to speak for years, so they could become "a normal member of the society". And, oh no, don't talk about the guys using hand gestures, that doesn't work...... yeah, those kind of opinions did exist (and might still exist even nowadays.... as you can see).

Shizuka using assistance is just normal. The fact that she is comfortable with it IS a good signal. Yeah, she might eventually develop into something else, might it be some other form of communication aid, or even speaking, but does that even matter. The fact that she can actually talk for herself by her own manners and be accepted is what is important. Denying her that, because it's "not normal" is exactly what it sounds like.
Active member
Nov 11, 2018
using text-to-speech is a good step in the right direction and she is improving as well as far as the series goes. Maybe someday, we'll have a chapter for Shizuka again but this time, trying to speak without the text-to-speech as a way of showing more growth
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2019
Been awhile since a good actual emotional chapter without the rest of the comedy this manga usually brings.
though the idea that there are many other girlfriends feels like it would be a sticking issues with that mother, even after the resolution they came to here

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