Wdym? In dioceses, both the empire and the papal state ramus can use their powers. It limits the empire's ramus too.I smell a lot of bullshit: first, the "dioceses" shenanigan, which conveniently limit their power, but not the empire's ones. Then we have the soldiers from the empire using the same "surprise twin mechanics" that the pope use...
And why our mc’s ability to coordinate is a priority for the enemyLove how on their own, each of the Ramus are weak but combining their power makes them much stronger.
EIther it simply calls down a meteor or they can lob regular rock to the point of reaching outer space. Either way gravity will do the rest of the work, no special power needed.Wait wait hold up, there's a border where they can use their powers and that's why the arrow control was ineffective ... but then how the fuck was Demi able to see aaaaaaaaaaaaall the way inside the enemy's base in previous chapters?????