The coment section...

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
it doesnt motivates the users

Sorry, it doesn't need to. People comment because they feel like it, not because they seek for agreement, or recognition. Rather, the way it is now discourages you from reading the comments more than anything.
Jul 28, 2019
@MavB_Ver yes it does, you may feel like it, but the comment section has a use, it isnt there so that people chat about trivial things, here is a manga website and it should encorage comments that help other users in the search for reasons to why, for exemple, said manga has a 9, 5 or 7.8.
Saying a better sistem discourages is absurd, if that were the case then none other website would have a triving community.
Jul 28, 2019
@Knonderd I believe that the comments per chapters are ok like this, there arent many most of the time and is good to make a quick look, but the manga ones shouldn't be like this, it isnt about dopamine, but about other users being able to understand why said manga is bad or why others believe it worth at least a try.
Jul 28, 2019
@calvitre people will judge your comments no matter what, that is but an ilusion, however there are means to mitigate that (I said about a lot of ways how to do it, just look around), the others sistems out there arent perfect and I dont want a coppy because I'm consious of that. However the MD comment section isnt a good sistem, it has good ideals and that is why people like it, but just as a Simple way to solve all of this for those who dont want to be pressured, you should have a option (as I said previously) to see the comments not just by the "standard" way, but by newest, oldest, etc... and if you are too "touchy" you should desactivate being able to see the up and down votes.
What I do not agree having however, is resiving a notification when you get upvoted like in youtube, that is just garbage and anoying
Jan 21, 2018
I thought most of OP's issues will be fixed in v5? You can help with the development if you wish to speed things up! Besides I thought MangaDex had advertised themselves for scanlators not having to worry that the images will be compressed and their credit pages to be snipped away. The focus has never been the comment section....
Aug 7, 2019
yes it does, you may feel like it, but the comment section has a use,
that is just one use, the comments section has many uses and the one you like is being met now just not in the way you like. Sometimes I use it to get a feel for why people like a manga as you mention, but just as often if not more I read them for fun, to share with people who have a similar hobby, who find enjoyment in the same stuff I do. It's not hard to scan through the comments and spot the casual vs review style comments.

I'd be be curious to see what sites you say are thriving. I'm guessing it is likely a mix. Political, philosopical, ... these types of sites probably do thrive with or without a like or similar system, since the people are going for heated discussions. Hobby sites that I visit typically are to share the fun and a system like you want, to me, don't contribute to that. Yes it can to some degree be mitigated, but these guys have enough on their plates that I would rather they focus on the more major issues and improvements.

Honestly just a linear / threaded option would likely take care of most of your needs. You could easily scan for the start of a serious thread and then read it.

@calvitre said it better then me when I used the word timid. I hesitated to use the word timid since it didn't quite fit. In some cases it isn't just a timid person but some people come for enjoyment and if it becomes toxic will leave since it isn't fun. That's why I'm here, because it's fun. I would hate to see people like that go, people that are discussing just for the joy of reading manga.

it isnt there so that people chat about trivial things
Do you have a link that states the purpose? I'm curious, I wasn't here when they added the forums. Does anyone know why they did? I'm guessing it was to create a community, not just making "useful" comments. It seems like you would be better off with a simple review section with likes but no comments somewhat similar to MAL.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
In terms of a "rating system", i also agree that its a bad idea, it allows for toxicity, but i think that a reaction system like Newgrounds could work (i say newgrounds because i don't use many forum like websites). We already have things like the emojis (😆😧🤨, etc) so maybe that could work? another thing would be a only like system so toxic comments get ignored and reported or something. Just a thought though, i don't really think a a like/rating system should exist in MangaDex.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
@Fafuncho I don't say that a better system will discourage it. What I mean is that, this system now is bad for ones who want to follow the flow of the comments and filter them out, just like why you want them to be more organized. However, it does not discourage people to make a comment, especially in each respective chapter. The comment section is there for you to express how you feel about a manga/chapter, not restricted to what you may think their use should be. A "rating" system is not necessary for motivating people to make a comment, it's is only relevant to those who think their comments is useful and should be placed on top, and no that is what we are avoiding. I agree with you that a better organized system would be helpful for ones who want to read comments, only that.
Jul 28, 2019
@schlo finally someone with good arguments... well I understood what you are saying and it makes sence in most of ways, however my objective isnt to do a 360° in the comment section but to improve it max as possible, so because of that I made the most ideas that came to my mind and by my analysis of other places.
I still think that the minimal organization (like the way to awnser a comment) is necessary and that at least the option to see oldest, newest, etc, would be a great improvement.
Maybe I'm like way too much "searching for information" more than anything, but the basics should be pointed out and resolved at least.
Jul 28, 2019
@MavB_Ver The thing is that by allowing you to chose from newst, standard, oldest... that *should* be enougth to allow a big diversity in your hability to see the comments, the problem is that if I want a useful comment I wont be able to find it, if I want to see what people thought when the manga started, it will take a lot of time. What I know is that in other places you cand do that, and that is a problem as makes user see just what appears to them and nothing new, it narrows their minds, so I gave ideas on how to avoid such thing.
But werever, although I gave a lot of Ideas, if I get to change at least the organization that is a big improvement and I'll be happy by it, sure thing I still stand that those others improvements that I gave, alongside some other things so that it doenst make it worst more then anything, are the ideal, but I want to at least to "put in the table" the issues about the comment section.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 26, 2018
@Fafuncho Yes, and helping to find useful comments easier has no relation to motivating users to comment, that's the point. I agree with you on the former, but not the latter.

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