What's this? Is Rose starting to remember how to interact with people who aren't obedient thralls? I wonder how long that will last...
I'm not sure that the horrible stuff she's done so far makes her necessarily
irredeemably evil. I mean, she's definitely fucked-up and abusive. I wouldn't want myself or anyone I love anywhere near her (and I quite like the protagonist, so there's a problem right there). But I can't tell, for instance, if she's intrinsically that horrible, or if she's in a really bad place right now (as has been semi-implied, though with zero details) and spreading her misery around (with a bit too much power at her fingertips to do so, thanks to that god-damn psycho-bird that should never have been given to someone that age...)
(This is of course only from my perspective as someone who's read exactly this far. You may have facts at your disposal that I do not; I'm just basing this off of what I'm seeing in front of me.)