The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 3 Ch. 36.3 - Extra Chapter 34 - Thought Of A New Signature

Active member
Apr 26, 2020
Moaaar. I keep rereading everything each update to be satisfied lol
Dex-chan lover
Dec 5, 2018
@havelmom Do you have to be retarded every single chapter? I would ask how it's stalling but you clearly are too stupid to answer that and are just repeating yourself like a parrot.
Jan 27, 2018
because she has a western-sounding* first name

Her first name is Japanese. Basically, like Touhou's Marisa, in roman letters it looks completely ordinary but in actuality it's 100% written with kanji, and it's even pronounced differently.
杏奈 -> あんな -> Ah-n-na (written in romaji as Anna)
魔理沙 -> まりさ -> Mah-ree-sa (written in romaji as Marisa)

There are a few cheeky names like that nowadays in Japan; basically western names created using Japanese "letters"/words.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
As always she is 10 steps ahead of him - already thinking how her name would sound with his last name 😂 my oh my, girl, you are adorable
Apr 11, 2020
@havelmom still whining about stalling, kek. Let me applaud you then.
Excellent point, fantastic argument, very well said *clap clap*.

About the ecchi thingy tho pretty sure it’s for the Japanese audience. like it or not, nothing can be done, cuz well, it’s not for us. If the Japanese like it, then it’s the only thing that matters.
And don’t forget this is the same author with Mitsdomoe, “that” manga about 11 years old kid. Old habit dies hard i guess lmao
Feb 26, 2019
She's not even hiding it anymore with that Ichikawa Anna.
Mar 14, 2018
It's not that. Sure, I've been fapping to some fucked up doujins for more than a decade now, proud to say so. And by fucked up I mean at least something teterun-tier, not some vanilla shit like Metamorphosis, kek.

What I am talking about is placement, balance, and general usage. These pictures not only are not a part of the manga itself, they also go in sharp contrast with the tone and direction of the work. Imagine posting some ecchi artworks of Komi-san in the end of every fucking chapter, and it being official?

Separately they're great things, but together? It's the same as using weird spices and sauces together: sometimes what you get is pretty good, but more often than not, if it ain't supposed to go together, it shouldn't.

Honestly, it's dismaying. The fact that only some people are noting it and are dissatisfied with this, let alone the fact that the editorial department, if she has one (it's online manga mostly), passed this, shows that it's polarizing.

I'm only going to note that in these comment threads at first there was only one guy arguing that it's "too much" (me), now there's more. What does it mean? Beats me. I'm not going to drop it because of this (lol), but would I enjoy it much more without these? A firm yes.
Apr 11, 2020
@N0Mi0 Norio always separates her extras and artwork tho. So it’s most likely the translator team decision to put ‘em together.

But honestly those artworks aren’t too far-fetched from the theme of this manga. It’s wholesome and fluffy, yes, but not the “100% pure” like Komi. It’s “50% pure, 50% naughty”. Ichikawa literally had boners and did beat his meat, and things like “sex position” and “do girl fap” did get brought in. So I’ll put it on the same category as Gal Gohan. But less in-manga but more in-artwork lol.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 18, 2018
Talking about subjects that are not necessarily pure. The author of the manga is beautiful. Beautiful and talented is unfair
Mar 14, 2018
OK.. Your comment prompted me to do some additional research, and results are, well, inconclusive. Because I can't access the old chapters on the site.

First of all, it's not the translator's team. I'm pretty sure I got from 4chan the same raws as they work with.
Now, we should note that the hot images in question are almost exclusive to extra chapters. Which kind of nullifies the basis for me being angry.

For those that do come with chapters, I have raws for them and in these raws the pictures are the same, so the question is whether they were added by the compilers, god bless their souls too, or do they appear like this on the site? I can't answer this right now...

As for extras, it also is unclear whether the ecchi-esque images are a part of one / series of chapter-posts on Twitter, or the compilers just include her art to her extras.

In any case now that we (well, I) can clearly see that main chapters (i.e. official releases) have either no or pretty innocent additional arts, I really don't feel any right to be dissatisfied.

Case closed as "Kyakka / Inconclusive" (Yukinoshita-sama's VA).
Jan 27, 2018

It's not that complicated. They've said before that they just put down all the content as it was released, and only change the order if Norio-sensei retroactively changes the order. Twitter art released before new extras are getting put at the end of core chapters, because that's when they were created IE where the chapter ends with a bunch of ice cream from when Norio posted a bunch of ice cream on twitter.

Just look at the MD main page for the series, all their resources are right there.

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