The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 38

Mar 23, 2020

That was the point. She likes the concept but she realized she can't do it now because her husband forced the coffeehouse to stop doing that.

She was only annoyed with how the waiter treated her. He went a little far.
Mar 9, 2019
Yeah... not sure about firing the attendant like that. He was most likely instructed by the owner to say all of that. He probably only went along with it because he needed the job. How ironic that he ended up getting fired just for doing what he was told to do.
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
I know it's overkill, but I'm a sucker for these dramatic rich dudes lol. Alphonse is such a sweetie, finally my cutie Chloe is getting what she deserves!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
lol he pulled a Rihanna
Aug 7, 2019
The attendant looked smug, tbh, don't really feel that bad. Plus, that money he got thrown was probably a lot.
Jul 3, 2018
For those complaining about the supposed double standard with regards to the cafes:

There is a world of difference between a cafe that caters to one gender in particular (common even nowadays), and one that flat-out refuses to to serve a particular gender because it considers them inferior and not worth the time (and straight-up tells them that to their face).
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
Been following this story since the beginning, but the pacing/structure/events feel quite off? Like it is hovering around the point, and not exactly hitting it in every scene... I don't know how to explain this but it feels like they make a list of how the story could proceed and then select the second best alternative.

Plus...the actions are so abrupt? Less emotional, and characters are inconsistent(they behave maturely when they should but then act all weird all of a sudden when the plot needs it, like puppets...I can't create a 3D picture of their personalities even after 37 chapters). Like being denied entry and derided as being of shallow intellect and then planning a woman cafe to reinforce gendered that really something Chloe, the determined woman who didn't mind sending a maid to gallows, would do? Wouldn't she be more likely thinking about how she can use her power/modern knowledge to create a better position for women?

I fully respect the time and effort it takes to write a story centered around one topic(teas, which I quite like) but I am unable to really enjoy it at this point.
Nov 18, 2019
nooooo... Prince, there are so many women in the world.... Don't do your friend dirty. Besides this can't be politically good, right???
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020

I think him specifically firing that person wasn't due to that, but the fact he insulted his wife directly (korean culture places high regards on respect, especially in the service industry), basically him throwing his two cents in how women need to "stay in the kitchen" angered the duke, not him doing his job, but his decision to insult his wife with his own quips.
May 4, 2019
D a m n, I almost could see a pair of black glasses on Alphonse as he was dropping the money xD he's so extra, I love him haha 😂
Aug 26, 2019
@dragontrainer I think the way people do things make it obvious whether they’re only doing what they’re being told to do or actually wanting to enforce the rule they were given. In this situation, he completely looks like he wants a woman to just stay outside because that’s her “role”. If he were being forced to comply, he would at least be more apologetic and not proudly say the lines he was given.

Plus honestly, if they wanted to cater for nobles, they should at least make their attendants aware of the people they serve, especially higher ranked nobles like the duke with rumours that he loves his wife, to avoid these kind of conflicts.
Nov 5, 2019
an absolute power move but lol i hope it doesn’t end up with worse rumors about Chloe in the social circles.

I’m loving the romance development in this tho. so adorable

thank you for the chapter!!!!
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
The prince better not be thinking to put moves on Chloe. And LOL at Alphonse just buying everything
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
Wow! Did I see spring rolls, fried rice, momos (& another Chinese dish, I don’t recognise) there?
Didn’t expect that! And what’s with these guys- calling the owner for every little discomfort! Seems paranoid!
And just as she thought “somehow, I feel like something good will happen”
The playboy prince enters! Gahhh🤮

And everyone in the comment section is blaming The MC for having double standards!
Can’t they see- she thought “did he had to put it like that?” She wasn’t particularly against the cafe’s “only men” theme, the way they said that women only need to ‘look good’ implied a girl is just as good as her appearance, although he called her pretty too (that might also be part reason for duke’s anger 😆😆), but she didn’t put her opinions into words, both about the offence she took, and the thought about having little socialising events for ladies.
It’s actually important for people to have places like that, where they can socialise. The noble ladies do organise tea parties at their own places, and they can talk at balls, but if there was a restaurant (like a cafeteria, but considering the story, for “tea” instead of “coffee”), where they could organise gatherings like such (like the current day’s kitty parties), the place doesn’t even have to be “females only”, just reservable - that’s what she’s thinking here.

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