The amount of shade these ladies are throwing at each other over choices of beverage is just amazing.
I thought in this setting all the ladies are financial administrators? (Like that happened all the time in history to some extent but here it seems much more formalized). Do they really have this much free time ~w~;
@Kuroww: Agreed, though enough milk and sugar is enough to achieve the same effect for me in tea at least XD I've had decently tasty "herbal teas" though (which basically just means any dried plant matter
not including tea-plant leaves, that you soak in water for flavor).
(If you're getting queasy icky feelings from both it's probably the caffeine, mind, at risk of stating the obvious. It's among the milder of drugs that our species uses commonly, but it still doesn't agree with all of us. And as with all drugs the effect is gentler both with lower doses, and when mixed with food to slow down the absorption rate)
But, like, the idea that everyone's just going to enjoy the so-called "sweet and fragrant" teas (or coffees) when introduced to them (without milk nor sugar!) instead of going "uck, that's bitter" is a terribly pervasive delusion of aficionados. This series is horribly guilty of it XD