The Duchess' Lewd Invitation - Ch. 3

Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2018
@Kaarme Nothing about the plot is hard to understand, it is hard to `digest.` It is perfectly normal to be confused at how everyone in the story accept her treatment like so. Going so far as starving her, the political hostage- the victim in all of this, then ruin her social standing. The male lead is a horrible person who can't respect his wife, simple as. A magic toad can magically appear in the next chapter and take the lead role, and some readers will still have the same amount of interest.
I hope when she fucks, he'll be on the floor watching closely.
Sep 23, 2020
ML is trash, FL is a victim of the circumstances. I do love her resolve though. I get that the request for an affair is made to move the smut, ahem, plot, along but it doesn't make too much sense lol
Aug 15, 2020
The duke suffers nothing as already shown in chapter 1
The person roxanne is having affair is the duke itself unknown to her, who is fully lusting over him thinking he is special and kind to her. While having her feelings played again by the bitchass
Nov 6, 2019
@CashWalker THIS. i couldn't even handle reading the 3 chapters that were released- definitely gonna drop this, i already know all the issues caused by the ml will be resolved through sex. this series is a smut though, i shouldn't have expected much LOL.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
[ol][*]Have you already forgotten the first chapter? He's dreaming of her. He treats her poorly because what's the point when they are fated to divorce? Why would you make yourself like someone more and more when you know soon you will be separated for good?
[*]It's not rape, they are a married couple. Not all sex is rape, you know. If you read the chapter, you'll actually see she would have liked satisfying sex with him.
[*]She wasn't locked up anywhere. Didn't you just see her walk out to look for the dude? What was he supposed to do? Spoil her until she agreed to the divorce? She wasn't kept in a dungeon and tortured. All she had to to do was to sign the divorce papers. You know, in our world you can divorce someone one-sidedly. You must absolutely hate that system. It's even more unfair than in this series following some weird reverse logic, right?
[*]He didn't rape her, for the second time. He did what he did because she wouldn't accept the divorce. If she had accepted it immediately, she would have walked out with the compensation gold and a belly full of the finest dishes months ago. She didn't want to because her future would be more dim afterwards.[/ol]

@Archomp He didn't marry her because he wanted to. He would like to divorce her but she doesn't want to get divorced and lose what should have been the fabulous life of a duchess. There are no good characters in this story so far. Simply because the FMC seems to be suffering more (has too little to eat) doesn't make her the most tragic victim in the world. She's only thinking about her own welfare when she's refusing the divorce. I don't see her making suggestions to the duke, either, about how to deal with her corrupt family without a divorce. In fact the only suggestion she has made is to be allowed to have a lover. Is that your shining example of a perfect character? She's absolutely no better than the duke.
May 26, 2020
Thank you for the update! The plot is interesting! Lets see whats gonna happen.
Aug 15, 2020
1) First chap is post affair chapter, It is what KR authors do to gauge interest in it. He is not dreaming of her "wife", He couldn't care less about her when she was his wife. He only gave a fuck the moment she said she will spread her legs for someone else and his ego was hurt. That chap is not the starting point but near middle of story. Also fated to divorce? Bullshit, He is the one forcing it on her, while she didnt wanted it.
2) No, it is rape. He did it without consent or care towards other part, Direct words - A husband who would only care for his satisfaction when he was aroused and would pull his trousers and leave the bedroom right after. - This is not sex, sex is done with consent and care about other party. Rape is done to satisfy own urges while forcing yourself on other party.
3) She was locked up in palace where she could not leave / ask anyone for HELP, or for basic necessities of living. She was co-erced, Mentally abused over divorce, losing her servants , dealing with starvation of herself and even for the maid. Not all abuse needs to be physical, mental is plenty. - All she had to was sign divorce paper? How easy you make it for a woman in 15-18th century, where the VALUE of women was nothing more than her virginity and fertility, to be divorced against her own will - Where she absolutely knew her life would be nothing but miserable hell and sold as slave moment it goes through. Yep, so easy for her to do. I wonder what country you live in, because in ours - divorce needs to filed and accepted by both parties after a third party intervenes and tries to make marriage works priorly with counseling and therapy.
4) He raped her again no matter how much you deny it, Marital sex does not automatically make it not rape. Ah yes, if she had only accepted a situation in where she was the VICTIM and would tarnish her reputation and honor to tatters without any protest. But she didnt? How dare she, let us just have her slowly die instead by not providing her living expenses or even food when she starves.

Fabulous life? Girl is powerless who was married to the bitchass as political tool, in constantly harassed , suffers hatred of duke because the bitchass can't actually stand up to people who do wrong, so he vents it out on a VICTIM. Sexually abuses her, coerces her into divorce by point of starvation. She literally described the marriage with her biggest regret and her life being of utter despair by marrying him.

Oh, the wealthy duke doesn't have balls to stand up for himself and needs helpless duchess to turn against her own family.

So stop having a flawed view of how non garbage duke is rofl.
Jan 14, 2020
The plot of this comic is sh*t. Not just saying that because "oh I don't like this part or that part..." but because there are inconsistencies in the plot development.

But hey, who's really here for plot? I'm here for the smut.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 8, 2020
Sorry to burst your feminist bubble, BUT it wasn’t rape. She consented every night to reproducing with him, since she knew their relationship was nothing more than a shallow arrangement. End of story. She wasn’t expecting anything like ‘love’ and ‘care’ from him. Most arranged marriages were/are like that. Sleep together in order to have heirs/descendants only.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@CashWalker What's the point of you reading this series, set in a historical setting, if you are trying to force it to fit into your modern sense of morals and ethics? In fact in your own post you just stated women had limited rights, yet you are then immediately judging the duke for acting like anyone would act in such a world/period. The FMC's family got very close to the king, so the MMC can't do much, at least not easily. However, he still wants to keep his own distance. Why are you only hating the duke and not the FMC's corrupt family, who's the real cause of it all? If the FMC's family was at least half decent, the duke and duchess would be happy together and trying to produce offspring every night like rabbits.

The FMC herself is also very uncaring about her family. She knows it's full of scumbags, but what about it? As long as she herself somehow gets away from them, to hell with everybody else. It's funny that that you are absolutely adamant about the FMC being the ultimate victim, yet demand nothing from her because in that period/world she would be more or less powerless. Yet when others act like they would in that period, they are suddenly astronomical bastards. The duke behaves exactly like you'd expect one to behave in his role. So far. This story ought to have a mushier conclusion, but that's how fiction goes.

Btw, I don't consider the duke non-garbage. He's just as garbage as the duchess. Like you said, he's lacking backbone, but that's how people often are, seeking out the easiest solution to their problems. I just said in the previous post this series has no good characters so far. Although I had forgotten the remaining maid. She might be a good person. Might be.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Wow. She endured that? Hehe. I felt bad for her. But her family is too thick faced grrr.

Does anyone know where I can read the novel? Trash it may be, I am excited when the time comes he is sooo into her. Hehe
Oct 26, 2019
I'm surprised that from the description and the first chapter I was able to tell this was how it would play out. I'm sure the people surprised or confused just weren't paying attention.
Now we get to the question, was it intentional that he pulled a "you thought you were cheating but it was with me all along!" Or was it somehow an accedent?
Cuz intentional means he a big scum boy refusing to let her go when she agrees to leave.
Accidental mean she probably mistook him for a stranger and forced him into it, which would be fun in a femdom way.
May 3, 2020
I think some of you readers given how incensed you are about this story would be better served by just dropping it.

Anyway the plot is intriguing but the story is slipshod and inconsistent. The husband is garbage treating his wife poorly and never attempting to become acquainted with her, but it is a political marriage to someone who’s family is making his life miserable. He cuts off the wife to get her to end their political marriage. Once she agreed he gave the money back. He’s a negligent husband but not a rapist or a monster. The wife is a victim of circumstance with no power in this matter whatsoever. I like how she takes initiative to get some happiness asking her husband to allow her a lover. You do you and be upright about it. Well we’ll see how this goes, I’m here for the smut and want the husband and wife to have a peaceful resolution. The wife she seems to be attracted to the husband so I want her to get all she desires, a good husband, great sex and freedom from her vile family.
May 9, 2019
he ends up following her to the brothel and paying the owner to keep her mouth shut so that he can sleep with his wife and pays the owner not to tell his wife. Basically he hates the idea of another man sleeping with her 🙄
Dec 13, 2020
@UniYuki In the spoiler forum of this serie someone bought the novel and is translating it there.
As far as I've read by the forum, it seems that he is doing it intentionally, because he told to the worker in the brothel to tell him when she went there so he could go (that's what I understood but I'm 100% sure it's intentional)
Oct 12, 2020
By the looks of it, she's perfectly ready to like the act itself and was obviously very frustrated and unfulfilled with the marital version of it. Hence the grand idea of an affair.

She is very selfish, but then again everyone around her is just as selfish, so, who could blame her?

I feel like Manwha are shifting towards a "realistically unlikeable mc who deals with bs situations and tries to make the best of it for herself" theme 💀
Sep 14, 2019
I'm okay with a trash ML, I'm used to it by now 😁
What I'm worried here is when one of them tries to sleep around with others along the way
I like smut but that doesn't mean I'm okay seeing them having sex w/ side characters that's just so not my thing 😌

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