The Duke of Death and His Maid

Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
Here is what i think since Sade said she loved the grandfather
She probably put a curse on his grandchild because she wants no one TO love him so that maybe he might come to love Sade in the future
Jan 30, 2020
So I just started reading this recently and I'm really enjoying it. Initially I was getting kinda bored the first like 50 chapters are the same very little if any progress in regards to the plot. But it definitely picks up and starts developing after a bit, perhaps too fast. Anyways I like it and recommend it.
Group Leader
Jul 1, 2018
This mangaka looooooves to take things slow, doesn't she? And yet I can't stop reading because when she decides to further the plot it's fantastic.
Jun 7, 2023
God damn... just finished this masterpiece.. i wasn't crying for the last 20 chapters.. i just got.. sand in my eyes.. right..
Dex-chan lover
Sep 12, 2019
I read through the whole thing cause the first couple of chapters made me very intrigued about how the story will resolve and because the interactions are cute, but the final battle and the resolution to the maim conflict fell so flat.
The antagonist didn't feel like a real threat at that point, for example the whole thing with bringing her offsprings to the present painted her as someone completely non-threatening. The desire of MC to befriend her was so stupid when it was first brought up, from what he knew at that point there were no reasons for him to sympathise with her. By the end of the story it was clear that she also was a victim of her own circumstances, but that is something that needed much more build-up than a couple of chapters that we got.

This manga has some cute moments and gags, but sometimes when it came down to handling heavier topics, like traumas of some characters, it just brushes over them so quickly that it feels unimpactful.
Like Zain going back in time to save Caph's parents. It only took place on a couple of pages and should've been something very important, but we only kinda heard about it and it just felt half-assed.

The whole thing with time magic didn't play in favour of the plot at all. The whole premise of the witch that cursed the MC being dead was so cool and intriguing, like how will they dispell the curse now? But them just being able to go back in time to confront her multiple times with NOT A SINGLE negative consequence just felt so cheap. I think it's an issue in the manga overall, it never felt like there could be any serious negative consequences to any conflict.

There were a lot of mysteries presented that helped with building up intrigue and suspense, but when it came time to unveil the reasons for everything that has taken place, it wasn't handled good in most cases.

Also the marriage between a minor and a 150-year old witch rubs me the wrong way. Hate Zain's character too.

It is a decent manga with a solid carcass for a mystery story mixed with comedy and romance, but sadly the execution of some parts was severely lacking. I would definitely not read it for the plot, but rather for sweet moments and character interactions.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 24, 2018
It's cute and sugary enough, so a decent way to pass an evening.
However, about half-way through it includes a school arc, which starts by the previously never introduced professors randomly showing up and attacking the protagonists as a way to invite them to their academy, and it only ever goes downhill from there.
It's actually painful to read that drivel of an arc, which makes the entirety of the manga no more than 5/10, as for me.
Last edited:
Jul 10, 2024
It's cute and sugary enough, so a decent way to pass an evening.
However, about half-way through it includes a school arc, which starts by the previously never introduced professors randomly showing up and attacking the protagonists as a way to invite them to their academy, and it only ever goes downhill from there.
It's actually painful to read that drivel of an arc, which makes the entirety of the manga no more than 5/10, as for me.
Came here to comment this, the first 50 chapters are a 8.5-9/10 but after this it's just straight up garbage.

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