Just tell the emperor "No, piss off dumbass" and watch him rage. He'll probably end up killing you, but so what. At least the douchebag doesn't get what he wants. And since god(s) seem to be real in that world, the emperor will probably get divine punishment as well. @MCX01 Seems likely, but if it is so, then the sibling should learn to behave.
I also think that way tbh. I mean, the emperor said stuff about remembering something even though the pope's body was just an empty vessel before MC took over. It could only mean that the emperor was talking about remembering her previous life's memory. The god also said that her younger sibling is a very important person in the world, so more stuff that points to the emperor being the reincarnated younger sibling.
@MCX01 god told her that her sibling in this world is the reincarnation of her previous sibling... unless tiny dude isn't her real sibling? Maybe the emperor is a reincarnated bf lmao
If it turns out to be the emperor who is the sibling, then GOD has a twisted sense of humor if they develop a romantic relationship later and they find out the truth 😂
I haven't read the raws yet since my Korean is rusted as fuck, same as my Japanese. But I certainly want to since the raws are at chapter 33 so far.
Just read the raws for a bit, and we have a 3rd option for the sibling theory. Next chapters will be filled with guessing and wild theories... From our point of view.
Broblem is, shes a extreme brocon and a Yandere apparently/Tsundere.
Can the Emperor like, seriously, f*ck off? CEOs and Emperors are ALWAYS the worst. I don’t get why u always have to make them such as*holes. Is this a premise to make it to first male lead? I swear to god..
lmao the emperor is such a brat faljkfsdjl :'D i hope they explain why he's so fixated with her because she wasn't even awake before.... i don't want him to be her reincarnated sibling tho bc that's fuckin weird??? since they're clearly gonna be in a romantic relationship?? HE'S VERY CLEARLY IN WANT OF A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP, IF NOT IN LOVE WITH HER??? i don't mind if someone else turns out to be her reincarnated sibling as long as it's not the emperor lkfdlakjfsd but ludan seems like a cute sibling so pls keep him too, mc!
thank you very much for the update~ i have so many questions lmao every chapter i wish i get some answers but so far nothing sighs
If this is the way this comic will go, someone please spoiler me now and tell me, cause I do not give two shits about that garbage emperor, and if he keeps doing this shit, I'll just dump this now.