The Entrails of My Mind

Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Clear Umbrella

She had a clear umbrella
Because she never wanted to hide the colour of the sky.
Even when the sun was swallowed by grey,
She would look up and smile
Because she knew the clouds would soon pass.

BY : Charlotte

Foxy and The kitty
For what you created were pretty
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Part I Sanctuary

I am Inkawa The Immovable
My heart pounding so fast, i have never seen such a strong monster. Lilhra Come to save me and heal me (trying to protect), Sanctuary was so close. I, myself as The Immovable couldnt move it was a shame, since Lilhra trying to help me walk to Sanctuary she lend her hand with a warmth smile and support me with her shoulder. Thanks to Lilhra magic frozen wall skill, the enemies couldnt reach us, keep walking and walking till reach the destinstion the Sanctuary, a bigger monster came and grab my leg, Lilhra who supporting me walking to sanctuary trying to loosen the grab from the monster.
"It's okay Ink, calm down, close your eyes and keep walking"

I close both of my eye and felt something cold supporting my shoulder, when i open my eyes, Lilhra wasnt there. I am looking everywhere who was supporting me to the Sanctuary. Then i realize that, her familiar supporting me to the sanctuary and Lilhra sacrifice herself for me.

Ohvaz Fitzen Lilhra. ( The Frozen Cold Hearted Lady who fall in love with her own master ) That is her name mean.

Since this thread is Entrails My Mind, i couldnt let it slip away, because i have some spirit after i get rejected by my crush. That's unfortunate, but I am glad she said that and thanks to her i get some idea that slip by. ( The Entrails of My Mind )
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
If you asking me abut her Familiar, her familiar was gone, because the master is dead. That's why Inkawa confused by who supporting him to the Sanctuary.

Her Familiar name is Lyza The Wyvern. she is a dragon and can make a form of human.

See you later on part II

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