The Executed Sage Who Was Reincarnated as a Lich Started an All-Out War - Vol. 8 Ch. 30

Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2019
I swear to god, him, that archer guy, and now this new dude is exactly the same.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2018
Never mind drawing in and implanting knowledge, with a name like that, it's sounding more and more like the Will of The World isekaid someone.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
But... i wonder...
even if she does get revived
would she have wanted it?
what would she think of the horrible things he's done?
doubt she would accept any of this and might turn against him.
I think that she will suffer, but she will kill the demon lord and then kill herself, probably at the end of the story, and our MC will accept that because it was his plan all along.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
No. Dwight said he and the hero previously fought and defeated the succubus together on their way to defeating the first demon lord.
If she's been defeated, how is she alive again? I always thought Succubus-chan came back with ms heroes soul or something.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
If she's been defeated, how is she alive again? I always thought Succubus-chan came back with ms heroes soul or something.
just because she's defeated doesn't mean she's killed, dwight as a sage doesn't go on a killing rampage, you probably could made a tame shounen manga out of dwight and claire (the hero) journey to defeat demon lord, i deduce that mainly from seeing pieces of flashback lich dwight have

which chapter that makes you think the succubus are the hero really? the succubus introduction are pretty much her trying to get to safety with the remnants of the former demon lord army, so either you skim it or muddled with some other manga you're reading or both

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