Also that Joshua realizes mana seems to do a lot of heavy lifting. Gold and silver armor are absolutely metals you would not want to use for armor because they would likely be both far heavier than steel, and at the same time have about the defensive qualities of boiled good he has experts on his side, even if i was 'aware' of electricity i wouldn't be able to explain it well enough for it to be put in practical use if ppl usually use magic for everything or some kinda 'magical tool' that non mana-users are able to reasonably afford
LOL i'd expect most ppl's priorities (other than japanese bathing) would be to get some modern toiletry/pluming unless 'magic' is so all powerful that a cleansing spell would be enough lol (although i guess i wouldn't mind still physically showering even if you can cast a spell now and then to relax before bed lol)Also that Joshua realizes mana seems to do a lot of heavy lifting. Gold and silver armor are absolutely metals you would not want to use for armor because they would likely be both far heavier than steel, and at the same time have about the defensive qualities of boiled leather.
Also, the fact that mithril is naturally occurring, while silver is rare, and mithril is the combination of silver + mana, it leads one to believe that in a world absent of mana that silver would then become far more common.
Thank youNot sure if translating is getting better
or i getting used to it
Anyway "Feel better soon" @supreme3266
Well medical bills were not high but the damage was pretty solidit good he has experts on his side, even if i was 'aware' of electricity i wouldn't be able to explain it well enough for it to be put in practical use if ppl usually use magic for everything or some kinda 'magical tool' that non mana-users are able to reasonably afford
Dang dude , hope you get some rest/that any medical bills weren't too high