The Fable - The Second Contact - Ch. 29

Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
By the same token that groups don't need excuses to drop series, groups don't need excuses to pick up series either.

The number of people that entitle themselves to free shit on this website somehow manage to be more aggravating than the snipers themselves.
Scans are about getting access and readability for manga that will probably never get an official release. Limiting the translation to specific groups is so that multiple people don't translate the same work when effort could be spread to more series instead of rehashing existing translations. All these blatant MTL hacks are all about sucking up patreon dollars; if you're so offended by people reading stuff for free, you should be way more upset at low talent scammers chasing high viz series to rattle their begging cups under.

But the reality of it is, you, like every loser who sucks up MTL trash by speed scanners and says it's all good, don't care about that. You just want it translated as fast as possible, and make every excuse under the sun to defend snipers and garbage scanslation.

Whatever, I blocked the "group" and now you too. After all, it's just an easier solution to ignore the things that I don't consider worthwhile :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
I mean you just prove me right by posting that lmao, but the bitches be bitches, I guess. At least he can't read this, or he'd throw another fit.
Double-page supporter
Oct 6, 2019
By the same token that groups don't need excuses to drop series, groups don't need excuses to pick up series either.

The number of people that entitle themselves to free shit on this website somehow manage to be more aggravating than the snipers themselves.
dont pay for shit and read TL'd manga
""snipers"" pick it up

oh man, if only the option of not reading shit existed, plus this group didnt do just a single chapter and book it, they have made 3 chapters available already
Active member
Jan 28, 2023
I'd say it's kinda unfair to the source material to rip it and upload it for free viewing, but to each their own. I'm still here reading after all.

At the end of the day you can continue to bitch and moan, it's just an easier solution to me to ignore the things that I don't consider good, especially since it's basically all free here.
Better to rip and upload something for free than to rip it, degrade the quality, and then ask for donations. You do realize that you're bitching and moaning too, difference is you're bitching and moaning defending crappy work.

And I will continue to call a shit scan a shit scan. It's weird how defensive you are over the idea of people wanting it to retain some level of quality for this series. It literally reads like someone put everything into Google translate now.

You say to ignore the things I don't consider good, the problem is that this is ruining something that I consider good. Just because you're fine with subpar quality doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.

Not to mention they are literally saying they won't work on this series anymore unless they get paid for it lol
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Active member
Jan 28, 2023
People complain about free voluntary work? What is wrong with this people...
We were going to get it for free regardless by a group who puts actual effort into it. It's not really free voluntary work when you're plugging ways for people to pay you either. This is the kind of work we're getting, and acting like any real effort is being put into it is laughable. They literally ended their latest release for this series saying they won't continue work on this if they don't get donations, even on stuff they have already translated. They are actually refusing to release stuff unless they get paid. That is not free voluntary work.
I also literally plugged the text of the raws into a MTL and got the same result as the translation for these chapters. This is why it reads so poorly and there isn't even corrections made after the fact. At least they didn't call Tako "octopus", I guess? Honestly it just shows that even someone like me with zero experience with this, could do a better job, because at least I can proofread this stuff after using a MTL.
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Mar 10, 2021
I'd say it's kinda unfair to the source material to rip it and upload it for free viewing, but to each their own. I'm still here reading after all.

At the end of the day you can continue to bitch and moan, it's just an easier solution to me to ignore the things that I don't consider good, especially since it's basically all free here.
I think you don't see the difference between "respecting the work" and "respecting the author".
Shit scanlation disrespects both, good scanlation disrespects at most one.
Apr 28, 2019

they don't even know who Jackal "Tamioka" is, for fucks sake
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Better to rip and upload something for free than to rip it, degrade the quality, and then ask for donations. You do realize that you're bitching and moaning too, difference is you're bitching and moaning defending crappy work.

And I will continue to call a shit scan a shit scan. It's weird how defensive you are over the idea of people wanting it to retain some level of quality for this series. It literally reads like someone put everything into Google translate now.

You say to ignore the things I don't consider good, the problem is that this is ruining something that I consider good. Just because you're fine with subpar quality doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.

Not to mention they are literally saying they won't work on this series anymore unless they get paid for it lol
I won't deny bitching about the entitlement, I simply failed to take my own advice lol. But again, feel free to entitle yourself to free shit. "It's for quality". "People are going to be ripping stuff regardles". Any excuse under the sun? Good for you.

I don't feel the need to defend scans as much as I don't care for people crying about free things that can easily be avoided.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
ReadSeinen's translations are of much higher quality, but still...I read'em, so thanks for the chapters Chaste Scans!
As for whether to conitnue with this series or not, it'd be more polite/ ethical if you guys drop it since ReadSeinen are still actively working on this, but if you decide to continue then by all means~ who are we to tell you guys to stop?
Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
This is not cool. TCB scans scanlated the first part in under a year and nowhere did they mention that they were going to drop translating the sequel, doing this to them is just disrespectful. And the drop in quality with these scans are more than evident. Thank you for the translation, but if two groups are going to translate this series, I know which one I am going to pick.
Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
By the same token that groups don't need excuses to drop series, groups don't need excuses to pick up series either.

The number of people that entitle themselves to free shit on this website somehow manage to be more aggravating than the snipers themselves.
While I appreciate you playing the devil's advocate, and it's true that there's no honor amongst thieves, there's an unwritten rule that groups need to wait atleast 6 months in releases before picking a series up. Yes plenty of groups flout that rule, but they also rightfully get flack for doing so which is what is happening here.

If it was just another ordinary run of the mill group, and somebody else sniped them with decent quality scans they probably wouldn't have gotten so much pushback, both of which aren't valid in this case. We are talking about a group that translated more than a 100 chapters in under a year. We wouldn't have reached this spot if it hadn't been for TCB scans and their insane speeds. And just take a look at the quality of these scans, there's next to no proof reading, the translation's all over the place, it's complete and utter garbage. It's honestly a disgrace.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
"rightfully get flack"

Automatic disagree. It's fine to not like something, same as not liking any manga. But imagine I started complaining that an author didn't cater to my taste and preference. Sounds petty and bitchy as fuck? In my opinion yes. Not like you can't bitch either, but not like I can't call it as I sees it either. Same applies to scanlations. At most I'd say it was subpar quality, but then to rage at them like a petty-ass bitch? I gotta draw the line there.

Y'all be yourselves however, I can only continue to look down with the same disgust you guys look at snipers and poor scanlations. You bitch about them? I bitch about you - the cycle continues.
Double-page supporter
May 8, 2019
"rightfully get flack"

Automatic disagree. It's fine to not like something, same as not liking any manga. But imagine I started complaining that an author didn't cater to my taste and preference. Sounds petty and bitchy as fuck? In my opinion yes. Not like you can't bitch either, but not like I can't call it as I sees it either. Same applies to scanlations. At most I'd say it was subpar quality, but then to rage at them like a petty-ass bitch? I gotta draw the line there.

Y'all be yourselves however, I can only continue to look down with the same disgust you guys look at snipers and poor scanlations. You bitch about them? I bitch about you - the cycle continues.
What are you even trying to say my guy? That's not at all what I said. You can go on any tangents you want, you can look down on people all you want, you can even bitch about people all you want but that doesn't change the fact that sniping is not cool.

Nobody here is raging like a 'petty-ass bitch', all they are doing is pointing the wrong from the right, that's it.
Active member
Jan 28, 2023
"rightfully get flack"

Automatic disagree. It's fine to not like something, same as not liking any manga. But imagine I started complaining that an author didn't cater to my taste and preference. Sounds petty and bitchy as fuck? In my opinion yes. Not like you can't bitch either, but not like I can't call it as I sees it either. Same applies to scanlations. At most I'd say it was subpar quality, but then to rage at them like a petty-ass bitch? I gotta draw the line there.

Y'all be yourselves however, I can only continue to look down with the same disgust you guys look at snipers and poor scanlations. You bitch about them? I bitch about you - the cycle continues.
Difference is the author wrote it, they didn't feed it into a MTL and then tell people to pay them or they won't do it anymore. The reality is what you're doing is WAY more cringe than what anyone else is doing, and you seem to be raging more than anyone else here. At least we're upset by the lack of quality. you're upset because people are upset over the lack of quality.

I am giving zero credit towards a team that's literally putting this into a MTL and claiming it as their own, and then begging for money for it or they won't do it (so technically, they're not doing this for free, so you can stop bringing that up to make them appear more chivalrous), and I am definitely going to criticize them. What sucks is they don't even proofread it after putting it into a MTL. Stop being a bootlicker for a crappy scanlation team of all things lol
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
ReadSeinen's translations are of much higher quality, but still...I read'em, so thanks for the chapters Chaste Scans!
As for whether to conitnue with this series or not, it'd be more polite/ ethical if you guys drop it since ReadSeinen are still actively working on this, but if you decide to continue then by all means~ who are we to tell you guys to stop?
Because they're doing a shitty job, begging for money for doing a shitty job, and stepping all over someone else's good job all at the same time?

It's not complicated, my dude.
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