The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 1

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
Yeah I got no sympathy for her, yes parenthood is hard and yes being a parent when you're young isn't easy however even at the hardest, a good parent wouldn't neglect their child affection,it was neglected to a point that even during death, the child held no form of attachment and from the interactions from the maid, she was a terrible mother, let's see where this goes.

Oh and weirdos like ohkinch who think writing a flawed female character in historic times is misogynistic are the height of stupidity.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
It's not the kids' fault, but i sympathize with her. She was like 17 when she had a kid, likely didn't understand the weight of motherhood but was shoved into the task because of tradition. And suddenly she has to give up her own life for her son because apparently he's way more important than her own life.

It's a valid cause of resentment but her target should have been the society, not the kiddo.
I hope the author handles this delicately because the mother and the son are both victims of a highly misogynistic culture.

I'm pretty sure I'd resent my own kid(if I ever have one) if he was the reason I had to completely give up on my work, passion, social life, friends etc. That's not a villain thing, that's a human thing.
Group Leader
Apr 26, 2020
Makes me sort of question though... You'd think nannies are the norm in high society from these sorts of settings. And to the criticizers below it's not like she abused her son. Not physically or mentally. She simply shunned him. I feel like that much is fair enough considering what she had to give up because of him. Sure, it's not fair, but it's reasonable and understandable. It's being human, since not all of us are saints apparently.
Aug 15, 2020
I think this is supposed to portray her in a bad light but honestly I see her as a victim of the society. She was pressured to have a kid when she was young because it was the "norm" and as a result lost her youth and had parental responsibilities she was not yet ready for. If she was not forced into early motherhood she probably would've been a good mother because we can see she regretted her actions by the time she got older and was more matured.
Jan 28, 2018
I understand that its is supposed to be fantasy but who in high society would reprimand you for having a nanny? Wasnt it the norm back then and even now???
And well, is she really a villainess? She left her son to be cared for other people (not like alone and unsupervised mind you) because she was 17 when he was born... and she is going to be "good " just because she is going to be the mom now.... which is not good :/
Active member
Nov 10, 2019
hmm I'll see will this interests me coz I think the only solution in here is to be a good mother. or maybe there will be twist or challenges along the way
May 23, 2020
@Mivas yeah sure! Tell that ur child you were a burden cause I was 17 y/o when bearing you!
Secondly for her position and envy from others was sole reason for pursuing happiness! That's called vanity and there are a lot of empty poeple like that in RI! Now regret kicks in and... this story begins... so let it be a lesson for some poeple out there
Jun 8, 2020
"the child is five".. "but im only 22" *me doing the math-...huugp!!😲 she was 17 when she had him😐

this is going to be an interesting read
May 4, 2020
Considering it's Victorian-inspired society, the norm for families with means was to leave children to be reared by wet nurses, nannies, and tutors. It would actually be highly unusual for her to be actively involved in her son's life (...which might explain why the 19th cen. was so chaotic lmao, full of dysfunctional people).

To the modern eye she was definitely an emotionally distant mother and that's unfair to Vincente. But it's equally unfair to tell her to give up her social life and distance herself from her friends completely just because she's a mother?? Doesn't matter if she's 22 or 42, she's allowed to have a life.

Why was her husband controlling her going abouts and giving her permission? That's incredibly misogynistic. The fact that this was happening is probably why she started having feelings of resentment that was misdirected towards Vincente in the first place. I'd like to know if her husband was still meeting his friends and not dedicating 100% of his time to the kid. Why does responsibility solely fall on the mother to martyr herself to the moral goodness of raising the family? Reminds me of the whole debacle of the South Korean government releasing a set of motherhood guidelines just this month that instructs pregnant women to cook for their husbands, lose weight by performing household chores, "hang out clothes that you wore before getting married or small-sized clothes that you'd like to wear after giving birth and look at them when you want to eat more than necessary or want to skip workout," etc.

If this series wants to take contemporary standards on the duty of parents to provide both financial and emotional safety, they should also go by progressive ideas of modern motherhood
Aggregator gang
Apr 19, 2018
i have sympathy for the mother lowkey :( only 22 and isnt allowed to go out/looked down on for going out is so sad + she gave birth at like 17??? wha?? 22 years - 5 years right??
she shouldnt have taken it out on her child but i can see where that was coming from :(
Sep 7, 2019
she was just a kid herself when she had him?? i feel bad for her son but she’s also a victim here. i’m really hoping the story doesn’t one-sidedly act like she was an awful person just bc she wasn’t a good mother (even if she views herself like that), and it handles the subject well.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
I don't think she's that bad of a mother.
It's very understandable for her wanting to play even after having a kid. She's young, and a person of any age could get bored holed up in their house everday. I don't get why those people are shunning her for leaving a five year old kid with a nanny just for one night.
Double-page supporter
Jun 30, 2018
I don't really blame her for falling flat as a mother. She was so young and the society she lives in is stifling as fuck, and it's even more stifling being stuck in a mansion all day doing pretty much nothing since women in societies like this can't really do shit.
Feb 2, 2021
what she did to her son is VERY bad, i understand as to why. she didn't get to “enjoy” her teenage days and had to respond to the chauvinistic, mysoginistic and double-standard society. her husband is kind of controlling. plus ,she was TOO YOUNG to give birth and be a mother. she didn't know what a married woman, especially a mother should do or their duties.

so instead, she hated her son and blames him for the bad things she encountered (but that's not good) she just wanted to achieve HAPINESS, do things FREELY abd live life to the fullest but i guess her life is too cruel. It's a cruel fate.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Tbh I can understand her. She was only 17 years old when her son was born and deprived from having fun and socializing in the years of her youth. Obviously she shouldn't have neglected her kid, but realistically I can see how this happened.
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Alright, for a first chapter it was pretty good. Im not a complete fan of how quickly she changed her ideology and would have liked to see her mull over it for a chapter or 2. However I can get behind the intention to make up her lost time with her son. Especially the idea of it being a regret in her dying moments. Also while I can understand the mother to an extent I cannot condone her neglect of her son.

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