The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

May 24, 2019
another pov at how those usually toxic blind Male lead forces women to be together with him, it crush them, both of them
Sep 24, 2020
I’m quitting. It is too much and if the spoilers are true this will not get better any time soon. I can’t take it, I feel pity for everyone in the story.


Oct 21, 2019
I'm dropping this. It's too much of angst. I'm just looking for a simple, lighthearted mother son isekai
Oct 28, 2019
I know this is good story but honestly I had to stop until the story ending then I will let my hearts go wild and read it. My life isn’t easy and I prefer some stories is light, simple to make myself feel better.
I am really understanding how FL feeling after get birth, in my country almost women after get birth got that’s feeling and it’s so difficult to get through it. It’s can take years to make the women feeling back to normal. Someone can end up kill them self and their kid, or they tried harassing their kid etc ... bad stories I had hear until now. Maybe in your country the women has more care by husband , family and social but not every country is the same. Please read this stories with your open mind and hearts, it’s worth a lot.
Jun 13, 2019
I love this story, even though it has a lot of angst and deals with post-partum depression, i really feel like the MC is trying hard to face her problems and be a better person and mother overall. From the prespective of someone who has struggled with mental issues for the better part of life, I find her inspiring. Even though she made mistakes she's trying hard and facing her challenges, she accepts her faults and is still moving forward. I really want to keep seing her grow as a person.

Thank you for the hard work translating!
Apr 21, 2020
After reading the spoilers in the comments and the chapters till now all I can say is that I pity the husband, he did everything possible he could but he could not get her to become his family as she always had a wall ( her family and their reputation and prestige and power ) around her. She couldn't let go of that wall. All I infer is that she had a huge family complex. She didn't place any trust/faith in her husband to reach out to him. She didn't put any effort to mend their relationship because he was just her best choice so no effort was required. That tells us how this relationship got to the ruins. In the end she still chose her family over her husband that just shows how her priorities were. Both of them were responsible for their miserable life but I don't like how ignorant she was and thinks other than not loving her son she didn't commit any mistake.

But from the spoilers I read the author has done everything to portray the FL standing up from her past but making her husband the bad guy is not to my liking.
Jan 16, 2021
Their marriage seems to be a classic case of misunderstandings and unavoidable situations. He was too busy, she was lonely and sad, he thought she married him just for her family, she thought he was doing the same. He hated being called the 'best choice', but I think to her he was her own best choice.
Dec 16, 2020
This made my daaay, great relationships I like how things aren’t going super easy like in some of the other mangas. Also really cool of the author to explore depression like that for young women rarely seen I’m rooting for our girl ❤️🌸
Aug 17, 2019
I actually really enjoy this. I may have became a little bit tired of just happy stories so this one is quite refreshing and does make me feel a lot. It's interesting and also sad how things come and go. Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised since even though Ercella is the main character, the story is not focused too much on her relationship with her husband or her son, but it's more distributed between them. There kind of stories (or at least the ones i have read so far) tend to be more focused on either romance or motherhood, but we have a little bit of both here (maybe not exactly romance, but marriage) and from spoilers it seems there will be far more plitical themes in the future! I'm happy and can't wait!
Jun 6, 2020
Yo I love this so much this. There are so many tangles, and things are not just immediately solved just because the mother starts to change. I love how she regrets and is trying to make it up to her son and tries to figure out stuff without people automatically falling at her feet and praising her. It feels realistic. Forgiveness is hard. Owning up to your mistakes is hard. It wrenches my heart, but in a very satisfying way. Thank you for translating Bored Corona Kids!
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

Oh no poor husband he forced the FL to marry om and took away her youth and now has to suffer the consequences bohoo

Lol we get it youll defend the ML no matter what he does because man good hot women bad
Nov 23, 2020
This series is just beautiful. I love the way her depression was depicted, it was realistic and relatable at some parts even. I am eager for updates and to see how the story will unfold. It’s a different and refreshing plot for sure! Also thanks to the scanlator team for working on this.
Dec 18, 2020
aghh i dont htink any of them bad its just a series of misunderstandings!!! both of them longed for eachother she just couldnt take the stress and burden of being a mother,
ontop of the duke leaving and their family fighting for succession, her dad dying etc
:( hope they talk ab it and become a big happy family
May 8, 2020
@sam1803 I don’t think the author is making the ml to be the bad guy, they literally both have issues so don’t just push it onto the fl 😭 if you’ve read the chapters you can see that she does really love him but her mental well being isn’t stable. Ngl it’s a bit stupid too only pity the ml, they’re both going through things the other don’t understand, their relationship is practically built on misunderstandings. Whys everyone acting like the fl is the bad guy now💀 . If anyone is planning to read this, go for it. The story is actually really good and just ignore the spoilers. The story is more complicated and realistic than other stories in this genre and touches subjects that’s aren’t common in stories like this. I really like it😌🤚
Nov 21, 2020
Ahhh every new chapter I just feel more and more for each character. Each going through their own struggles unable to communicate properly with each other. I hope they’ll be able to have a talk together soon ;_;
Dec 13, 2019
Alright children. There's a reason why the targeted demographics is a more mature audience, hence the "josei" Tag The MC and ML are both at fault, and that's just normal cause they are complex human being, each riddles with imperfections. They just try to reach their "happy ending" in their own way, with all of their limitation. So to see who is at fault in this relationship is impossible, cause the author/illustrator decided to depict them in a plethora of shades of grey and not a simple black and white.

I love this so much, the characters are very relatable. I feel their pain. The depictions of their interactions are very realistic, which comes as a surprise for something with this setting.

But beware, this is not a light, fluffy read. It'll play with your emotions in the best way possible if you're a masochist like me. It also requires a maturity of mind to truly process this beauty. Thumbs upp.

And those ending spoilers, ohohohoho. Me love that kind of ending, so cant waitt ><<

And, i'd like to argue with the point of @fourteenjune . No, it's not fair to call the ML toxic without also mentioning that the MC is toxic. He
was young. He fell in love. The MC was stuck at at a crossroad, and as she say, "he was her best option". I mean, who knows, if it's not the ML, the MC might gonna be forced to marry a grandpa for the sake of family. He wanted to be her knight.
Then, The MC fell into a depression. He tried to understand her, truly, but as we can see from chapter 26, it's just SO HARD to actually understand the "why" a depression. The MC herself can't pinpoint the reason. The ML then blame himself. He loved her so much, but then he realized that he might actually the one who destroyed her. He felt that he failed her, and he perceived that the MC can never, ever love him because she's just her "best option". He also felt that he failed her son, because the ML might perceived that the MC's harsh treatment to their son stemmed from the ML's failure.

And the MC also...accidentally spew a lot of poison in a nonchalant tone. She keeps saying " You are my best option " in a weary, mildly blaming, and kind of bitter manner, like she's saying "this is all your fault, you can't bring me happiness, i suffer in your care" and "this is all just business" To him. Imagine being told about it again and again by someone that you truly love. I can't blame her...depression is like that. It's silent, like a snake in the dark, and you'll only realize that it's a depression until it's too late. When you become depressed, it's..the people around you will also be affected negatively. She even neglected their child, hated him even. Her attitude then has become toxic too....

And the thing is,ove is something that NEEDS to be cultivated and maintained, especially in something like a marriage. It's a commitment, after all, and it took effort. Those happily ever after is a bull without real effort behind it. This is why so many marriage ended up in a divorce. Like this story, where all the miscommunication slowly piling up until the chasms between them so wide and when they realized it, they were already at the point of no return..

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