The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Jun 13, 2020
Unpopular opinion but just mine so don't mind it too much....
Okay, so MC comes back and the only person she wants to mend her relationship with is her son not the sperm donner. Both fail as parent but if the relationship between the married couple is unstable nothing can protect their child let alone have a good relations with one another. They both neglected to communicate with one another in the long time they had to build something stronger. So outer force (fiancée 's family) will obviously take advantage out of it. They should have had each other's back but they became just housemates.
She seemed to have been enjoying her parties and having a healty happy relationship with her brother and his family but neglected her own. Hey, as long as its not your own child, right? From a child's perspective she sucks even her sudden loving acts sucks. She had 18 years before her regression long enough to step up.

In another novel the Villainess fiancée would be reincarnated wouldn't she?
May 4, 2019
While I don't think the FL should be magically forgiven. I do think more understanding on the fact mothers generally have FAR more pressure on them in the child rearing process. Bloody patriarchy 🙄Whether they're necessarily ready or up for the task.

The ML could use the excuse of running the dukedom as an out WHENEVER he wanted to and it was seen as legit.

The FL?
Hers were parties, but she was criticised and is being criticised. Do I think her actions were right? Nope. They're both pretty sucky parents. Just from their lack of communication and affection towards each other and their child (though if she's depressed [implicitly shown] then that makes it [horrid for both] and more understandable)

But!- let us remember:
1) At that time and now (still 🤦🏽‍♀️) childrearing is seen as a 'mother's task' primarily.

2) I haven't even read the last 2 chapters, but I've
seen arguably symptoms of unresolved postnatal depression.

3) ML...You saw
she was struggling.
Why didn't you A) Pick up the slack and communicate that this isn't it? Or B)AT LEAST bring it up?!

And for people wondering why the onus is initially on the ML? Cos it's a marriage. A partnership.

If one is struggling then the other should step up and work with the other to rebalance. It shouldn't be forever this way, but if it's a healthy one it won't be 🤷🏽‍♀️ Both will work to make it healthy and address issues.

to rip her to shreds, when you haven't exactly been father of the year? Dude 🤔 Not here for it.

It's definitely for me the way he went about it. It was condescending and snarky.

He just didn't like being spoken back to and challenged about his decisions, rather than being annoyed about her parenting in my opinion 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Aug 22, 2019
*Comes in with my boiling hot pot of tea and pours a cup* I already told off the judgemental youth on Sultans Bride, and it seems ill have to visit Totem Realm after this. Because ratings shouldn't take a hit because you "hate" the character for how they were. Like what the heck is the point of a story based off of character development then? Yeah some people come from the lowest place possible and they find a better life doing better things and just being a better person than they once were.

Yeah it took her 15 years but at the same time some people don't even change after coming into contact with a near death experience like hers. Some people stay the exact same way all their miserable lives and maybe this a story trying to highlight the fact that change exists.

Yeah you don't want to forgive because of your own personal reasons, but in situations like this all that matters is the people she is trying to gain forgiveness from. No one else matters in situations like this, not your personal experience and not mine. The truth of the matter is that its very similar to simple emotional neglect rather than a abusive relationship or trauma.

If the person[teen-adult] being traumatized does not ask for help or advocate for themselves that they truly want help then you cannot help them if you don't have the power to. Also in this case no one felt abused because she wasn't harming her child in any way. I say this because she was only ignoring her reality, as they say "ignorance is bliss". In the end emotional neglect is a form of emotional issues. He was fed, he was educated, and he was not neglected in any way but he just grew up without knowing a parents love and some parents call this "tough love". Also it is a very socially accepted way of life because as you can see it is a systematically taught way of life. The reason for it being taught to those who are beneath a certain power level simply is because its easier to maneuver and it keeps the mind weak *takes a sip* but thats a story for another day.

There are many subgenres to this form of love/hate/neglect that she showed her son, but it technically misses the mark of abuse. In any case I can heavily relate to this; not that it matters, and I call this "The Matilda Effect"
Jun 6, 2020
@potatozero It's the same for me too. There a re a lot of names thrown around that seem to be important, but there is no context for it. Like I can't gauge the level of importance to the topic of some of their conversations with the multitude of family names and countries thrown about.

Doesn't take away my enjoyment of the manhwa tho, so my eyes just skip past it.
Nov 16, 2020
well she neglected her son for 15 whole years.... so I can understand the ML's skeptical attitude
the MC's changes are so sudden naturally it's gonna take time for the people around her to show their trust
Sep 1, 2019
I like that MC reincarnated to 3 years ago because she still has to confront her mistakes and properly get along with Vicente. It’s definitely a strained period of her life, just before the breaking point.

Other stories would place her right at Vicente’s birth so that she could love him right from the start and never have this repentance acknowledged.

It’s going to be a tough ride for her, but I want to see her character develop and ultimately reconnect with her family despite all the shit everyone is going through 😌
Mar 5, 2019
The MC wake-up finally. But I do like the flashback sequences offers some perspective. Hints as to manipulation and other background that shapes her perception.
Dec 6, 2019
Please :( Does anyone know if the novel has eng translation? I cant find it. Ngl aftr reading the spoiler i was very interested with the plot. >^<;;
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
The premise is interesting, but I really don't think it's handled particularly well. The way the author is dealing with the issue feels a bit... shallow? Or maybe immature is the word I'm thinking of.
Aug 1, 2019
Even tho it was just a political marriage, or even if he does like her, well he isn't that much understanding and sensible. Usually parents don't want their child experiencing things that make them suffered in the past, but he is trying to make his son to be chained into loveless marriage with just-any- noble-lady? Isn't he the cruelest one, making his son into bargaining chip? Aren't you also a wonderful father yourself? Really.
Jul 7, 2019
It’s funny how a lot of people are hating on our MC for being a negligent mother , but still love all the husbands and fathers who KILLED other MCs in there previous lives

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