The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Feb 22, 2020
im really liking this story. the MC is really trying to grow, and the plot is realistic. the more we read about her previous life, the more realistic it feels and the more im rooting for her to be able repair her relationship with her son.


Mar 12, 2019
Y'all hate on her as if she's not human. It's not okay to neglect your child, but post partum depression is incredibly serious, plus she's going through a lot of shit. On top of her barely being an adult. Plus some other shit that's about to come into play. All I'm saying is, y'all better keep this same energy for them dads that literally kill their children .
May 15, 2020
Ercella go through many sad events in her pregnancy, that's why she feel post partum depression, she's human too 😭😭😭
Dec 1, 2019
Oh my gosh! Ercella went through hell with her pregnancy! In my theory, her negligence is probably connected to her postpartum depression that was probably completely invalidated by the people around her. It’s hard to be around a child when you feel like that.I know people think that the author is going about this immaturely but I think we need this to understand Ercella and Harsen’s argument.
Jul 31, 2020
Y’all are blaming ercella but it’s important to understand she was around her early 20s and only married because she had too and it was expected of her. Trauma I heard is something that is too much too fast or too soon, and trauma can affect our nervous system with these trauma responses when our body thinks we’re in danger. So I get that a lot of people see her as shallow but there’s much more that comes to play. Not excusing her actions but understanding her reasoning I can’t help but empathize with her situation.
Apr 21, 2020
The last few chapters are giving some new insights on how the story began to unfold into the present but still we will have to wait for the further narration to get the truth how it unfurled into this situation.

But now it seems they both had been negligent towards each other in how they did not convey their thoughts clearly. I don't know why but Ercella had some fear in her mind which held back herself from speaking. She became pregnant in such a young age and the mood swings which women experience in pregnancy further lead to the trauma when she alone encountered difficult situations without anyone to support her (here the closest being which she needed by her side at that time was her husband but he was not there for her) and she herself was not able to communicate her sorrow and pain.
Nov 30, 2020
I feel like people always forget that even if you can blame your depression. other people suffered because of it too. just because she suffered a little, can she really forget how she never tried to clarify things with harsen and made that great man's life full of discontent. to me, Ercella is a selfish woman. its all about her emotions.
Feb 12, 2019

Yeah, everyone suffered from Ercella’s depression, we’re not blaming everything on her illness, but you gotta know that depression isn’t something that can be cured easily, nor it is like a cold that you suffer for a few days. The symptoms of depression can be really really dangerous, and deadly. Ppl can feel anything and nothing at the same time, they can have this emptiness of life, they can laugh and cry two minutes later, they have mood swings, feel mad at everything or feel that they don’t matter.
Depression is not a light matter for you to say that, and I know what I am talking about. I do not mean to be harsh, but it just annoyed me for you to disregard ppl’s feelings.

How can you know that she only suffered a little? Yeah, others suffer, but invalidating her suffering just because other ppl suffered too isn’t doing anything, not to her, not to anyone.

Yeah, she was kind of selfish because she had it all, but at the same time had nothing. She had to marry, but had luck that Harsen was a good husband and let her do anything. Moreover she spent her days alone, when she was pregnant she couldn’t even meet or hang out with her friend to at least idk, get away from the loneliness; being pregnant while depressed is not uncommon and can be deadly for the child and the mother. She then saw her mother for the first time in what seemed months (judging by her belly) and finds out her father is dying. Harsen, her only support in that house (bc the rest of the time she’s alone) goes to war and maybe not return (we know he did but back then no), then her father dies and has to bear it alone (because her mother also is suffering and since they’re separated they can’t see each other as often) so no comfort from family, she is preggo and we still don’t know what happened to her for hate her child, since at the beginning we saw that she loved him (it all started when he seemed like three / four years old).

I’m not forgiving her cuz what she did was wrong, and she admits it, but still, understanding what led her to do it can change your pov. It’s late for her to mend everything? We don’t know, and we can’t judge because we don’t know what we would do in that situation until you experience it.
Apr 21, 2020
@Sl23ga is 100% right. Of course what she did was in no way right, I mean she did abandon her child for 15 years. But at the same time postpartum depression is no joke, especially if you compare it to the limited medical knowledge in this manhwas fantasy setting. Unlike today there are probably no resources dedicated to recovering and treating ppl with mental health disorders, so can you imagine how much untreated sadness she was under for years. Ppl always just assume that when someone has a happy family or is rich they have no reason to be depressed but COME ON, this girl is what 18? She's pregnant, her body is changing and her hormones are everywhere. Not only that but she knows her husband didn't marry her for love, her father is dying, she can barely leave the duchy to see her family, and all the vassals think she's incompetent and inferior to the princess (the one they wanted as the duchess). She has to go through all of this, while at the same time the one person the thought was on her side, harsen, barely talks to or acknowledges her anymore.
So I'm not condoning her because her actions against her sweet son were way uncalled for, but at the same time she had to go through a hell of a lot too.
Nov 30, 2019
I hate this manga, but damn do I keep coming back to it for the melodrama....

"I understand that a portion of everyone was dealt some shit cards their ways. The female mc facing post-partum depression and honestly not knowing how to navigate the transition from a young girl to becoming married to a guy she really doesn't know and to becoming immediately pregnant where she is sequestered in an environment where everyone treats her as an outsider. To the male lead who was sent off to war, leaving a pregnant wife at home, having his father immediately pass away, while being forced to deal with family literally trying to usurp his position. Yeah that's not a good recipe for a relationship. Finally, their son who was forced to accept the fact that he was emotionally neglected by his mom, who then suddenly tries to change her tune and essentially force a "mother-son" relationship with him."

BUT... there's a common theme that is pissing me and the reason why I label this as melodrama. THE.DAMN.LACK.OF. COMMUNICATION. especially between the mc and her husband. *Sigh...I just find it personally frustrating. BUT it's also why its the perfect recipe for a drama and soap opera, which can be a guitly pleasure of mine. lol Sorry I just needed to vent about all of this.
Dec 21, 2020
I’m all about finding more about the backstory or the past of the characters but I want to learn more about the future. Or more like the present. Damn. I’m so impatientttttt
Dec 21, 2020
I feel so bad for Ercella...
In no way am I justifying what she did to her son. Neglecting her son for 15 years is not good at all. Horrible even.
But why did Harsen make it like everything was her fault? I feel like some of the maids or workers or butler could have done something. It’s frustrating to see someone get blamed for everything.

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