The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings

Jan 7, 2020
@Sl23ga @nuha38 i agree with you guys. Both MC and her husband is wrong. But at the same time I think they also have their reasons to do so. So we just need to be patient for the up coming chapters.
Oct 27, 2019
Her treatment of her son is completely her fault, she was a horrible mother and now wants to try to redeem herself. How her husband treated her was and probably still is unfair, but the child had nothing to do with it. And we don't even know yet whether the son and father relationship was actually good, it might not have been warm but at least it was there.

Just because somebody hit me doesn't mean I can just go beat up someone else.
Oct 1, 2020
Postpartum can be extremely difficult if not treated, but for it to last 18 years... she made a choice to continue blaming her son. Though depression can turn us into monsters.
May 18, 2020
What does the first princess having a miscarriage have to do with Herson? :< I'm having a very bad feeling abt this :-'( and for Ercella, its her choice to marry and when she made the decision she knew that it wouldn't be all lovely and dovey marriage why is she even expecting for him? For now its cent be blamed on any of the charcter before reading all the recap chapters.
May 19, 2020
The first princess is Ercella’s sister that’s why they are telling Harsen about and that’s why Ercella is shocked, it was said in the beginning chapters the her sister had a lot of miscarriages and then died when she gave birth
Dec 7, 2020
Are you a girl by any chance?

Postpartum depression is serious. A lot of mothers go through it. They see their child and they don’t care. They want to care but for some reason, they can’t. It’s uncontrollable.

She didn’t chose to hate her child. No sane person would. But unless your in her shoes, I guess you will never understand and if you’re a girl, I hope you don’t ever have to.

Seriously man, I know it’s only a manga but still.
Oct 27, 2019
@ash003 Yeah, but it doesn't excuse the actions or lack there of it just explains it. I made the comment more so to the people blaming her husband for everything like she was some child. I got bit heated by that patronizing attitude. But I don't think this manga is even trying to justify her behavior nor is she. She is trying to remedy the situation.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Its a great read but im currently abstaining this series since the flashback started.... just skimming through the raw is already making me suffocated...

Ill wait til the flashback is over and make it as a motivation to get through this emotional ride
Aug 13, 2020
I can see how everything just seemed out of her control. I can see and understand why she became depressed and never spoke to her son. It pains me to say this but, because I know first hand how it feels to have depression, I can say for certain that once you are, it becomes so much easier to be depressed then to try and fight it. In her case, it seems like once her sister became engaged to the prince, she started ignore her own feelings. It’s hard to explain her thought process and the reason as to why things ended how they did. All in all, she was a young girl who was put in a position where she felt like she was losing control of things. She put her family before herself, which lead to these snowball of situations. Her kid didn’t deserve it, the way he was treated, and I’m sure she felt bad about it, she just no longer knew what to do. Trying to go back to the things we’re, was her only way of trying to escape, unfortunately that never works, and it just made things worse. I feel for her, I hope her son comes to understand her. So they both can move past it and start over.
Sep 7, 2019
@onte sorry to butt into an ongoing convo, but i’d guess the reason you’re seeing people holding her husband more responsible in the flashback arc, and treating her like a child is because in many people’s minds, she was a child? basic math puts her getting pregnant and giving birth at age 17.

obviously that doesn’t excuse neglecting her son for the next 18 years! the kid got the shit end of the deal no matter what. but i think it’s fair of people to point out a double-standard in acting like a teenage mother isolated from her social support network with (what’s pretty obviously) severe post-partum depression is a terrible person for falling into a pattern of neglectful parenting, when her husband does the same thing without the mitigating factors.
Apr 21, 2020
Majority of the comments here are bashing Harsen to be the fault of everything and I am completely baffled. She was in depression I get it but all the choices/decisions were taken by her and no one can deny that. She put her family before herself and now she's blaming everything on her child for the situation that's happening to her, well great. The thing is later on she started to doubt the choices she made and that started a conflict with herself. She couldn't blame her family well because they were her family and Harsen was just a choice so only the choice can be at fault.

For everyone here only she was a child/ or was of young age but not Harsen, a direct contradiction.
How he had to become a duke after coming from a war and then again going for a internal strife be it negligence or something everyone here thinks he had to because it was his responsibility.

Everything aside, the fact that she started to ignore the existence of her child at birth is even greater than ignoring him for 15 or so years. And now redeeming for what she had done is not even feasible. It's just that you can't play with the feelings of others so that you can feel good. That's just what she is doing, her conscience is lit up and now it's telling her what she had done wrong so she's redeeming for that so that she doesn't have a burden on her heart. If someone here thinks that you can cause harm, pain to others and when you realise you were wrong you can get the second chance it's totally unacceptable at least to me. Time doesn't rewind or scars don't heal they remain there even when you do your 1000% to mitigate it. Note: I'm not targetting only her I'm saying it in general.

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