The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 35

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The only reason he didnt show her the shrine before was that he could use it to get on her good side and manipulate her again
Apr 13, 2019
Thanks for your hard work.

I might drop this one. FL is incredibly weak and easily manipulated. Just isn’t my cup of tea.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 15, 2019
fuckkkk bruv. . . everytime dowun fucks up he does something to make up for it but then he fucks up again and the cycle repeats. . . i wish he had even a sliver of emotion in him
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
me every time i see dowun so much as breathe:
Apr 9, 2019
I’m gonna be honest, I’m not a fan of Dowun but it’s not completely hopeless. The author would need to give me 20 chapters from his POV so I can understand exactly why he is the way he is and why he acts the way he does (and even then it is skeptical)
Jan 24, 2020
I can't seem to understand the hate on Dowun. Right from the start his goal was to rise up to power and the FL is one of his stepping stones to achieve it. 🤔
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
Siiigh if the author intends to make Dowun the ML somewhere down the road, she's gotta start showing Dowun's thought more. At this moment I can't tell if he even cares about her.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 6, 2019
@JasmineTea14 This is ostensibly a romance, so most want to see the two leads have some chemistry. It's also an issue that it's hard to draw a line between Dowun's personal feelings and his self-serving political calculations. If he's tsundere, it's definitely 99% tsun.

That said, I think it's silly for people to hate on the man who from the outset stated he was propping her up purely to benefit his family with no interest in her as a woman. She knew and agreed to those terms going in, and she undoubtedly has him to thank for the status and luxuries she now enjoys. Is he the best person to fulfill her emotional needs though? Questionable. What surprises me is that he'd care enough to avoid disappointing her, so that's something.
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
Dowun is a very goal oriented, success driven, efficient kind of guy. He's the type to purposely avoid building more connections or feelings than is necessary to get the job done. I feel like what we're watching is Dowun gradually getting an inkling of affection for the empress despite himself. Despite the fact he's always able to give a cold logic reason for his actions, I think at times there's a little more to it.

On the flip side, we've seen the empress build immense affection for him when they were young, but now that they're older it's started to wane with doubt and skepticism. Moreover, her life savior has now reentered her life. However, I get the feeling she can't truly be indifferent to Dowun even though she may wish to. At times what he does pushes her away, at other times it draws her closer but regardless his presence moves her one way or another. Makes sense, as in his own way he also saved her life. While he wasn't selfless and she's had to make sacrifices, it's clear that if he hadn't entered her life she would have been forgotten and wasted away at the bottom.

Its quite interesting to watch these dynamics play at the same time. Right now I'm reading it more as a drama than a romance which is fine for me. In this particular scenario I think a slow build seems more fitting.

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