Okay. Quite a bit going on here.
I feel that Dowun may not necessarily have romantic affection for Lyon, but at the very least, a feeling of care as one would have for a protégé.
Considering how much he's invested in her success, to see her acting up now must be painful.
A logical MC would go the route of a reliable ML who built her up when she was nothing. But nah, here we are with the forgetful MC, looking for romance in the wrongest places, publically rejecting her most loyal weapon.
Baek Han and Asara still daring to be upset over their masters' relationships. Do these people know what it means to be aspiring above their jobs/station?
At this rate, if anyone tries to assassinate Lyon, it may very well be Asara. Her respect for Dowun may not keep her anger in check, as Lyon doesn't even try to hide her disdain for him.
I wondered what happened to Jayang. Guess we'll find out.