The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 64

Jun 21, 2019
it’s all part of dowun’s master plan.

what’s the plan? nobody knows tbh it’s probably always changing
Mar 21, 2020
Well I mean he did stand in all that downpour regardless wether he cared about her or not

But yup he's got his work cut out for him if he wants to win her over again. The author has amazingly shown just how wide the drift between them is in just two chapters. I also do want him to feel the emotional pain if Lyon is going to end up with him. He's got to grow genuine feelings .I'm looking forward to the developement though nothing's set in stone.

Seing the comments I feel like Dowun's really misjudged. Most of you seems to be forgetting that Dowun was the one who helped her reach where she is now. Teaching writing ,reading ,sword dancing and stuff. You'd say he's been using Lyon as a tool. Yeah I suppose he is but he made it known to Lyon early on as well. She knows that she's being used and two chapters back she said that all of what she did was her choice.Not Dowun's . I feel like Lyon's being unfair to the deal they made. Dowun has been true to it and helped her reach the position of empress and in return he asked for power. As I've said beforehe also have made it known that he doesn't expect any mutual effection from it. There not married, yet disadvantagous rumors regarding her bodyguard is going about. Lyon being overly friendly with baek han is going against the deal Dowun and Lyon set up at the beggining . So she's slightly straying from her end of the bargain.
I suppose everyone would want an overly caring male lead and Baek han is just that but Dowun's not. It can't be helped how cold his personality is. After all he was raised like that much less he's the eldest of the wang clan. Great things were probably expected of him ,being the eldest and all. If in his childhood he was as meticulous and hard hearted as this, it'll be even harder for him to open up to his feeling and all. From what I can tell Dowun views feelings as a weakness so he probably sealed all of them off to not appear vulnerable. It's gonna be harder for him to open up.
Also , the two times he tried to reply when Lyon indirectly said that he wasn't bothered to care about her he was inturrupted. The first being when Lyon dropped the ring and went and the second time bring the irritating purple haired guard. I feel like we should hear him out first .

Why is it that most of you somehow expect him to love Lyon back when from the start he stated that he doesn't want any effection in their relationship .maybe his feeling might change lator on but isin't that a good thing .

All in all I find Dowun a pitiful character with how much hate and prejudice he keeps getting .He seems to wholely misunderstood as manupulative even though he's not taking adavantage of Lyon's feeling for him early on . He could have not told her he was using her as a tool and let her misunderstand but that's not what he did.
Didin't read over the comment so made lota spelli g n punctuation mistakes sorry
Jun 26, 2018
hahaha idk why but I found it pretty funny to see Lyon being cold toward Dowun and it actually having an effect maybe.
Feb 29, 2020
@Yoshiko09 THIS IS THE COMMENT. i feel like a lot of people view dowun (and the other characters) very superficially. imo there’s really a lot that is going on and we are to read between the lines in terms of the scenes and the emotions that were portrayed, and that’s probably why i can’t bring myself to hate dowun but instead feel a little pained whenever he appears
Mar 21, 2020
@yli @Penge @christina7tio
Got a tad bit scared there seeing three notifications on the same thread 😆 .since the majority(or at least most of who are commenting) seems to be on Baek han's side I was prepared to get some backlash haha.
I feel happy knowing that some people share the same thoughts (ˊ•͈ ◡ •͈ˋ)
Aug 1, 2019
well honestly I have no idea whether I even like this or not , but I do know I'm going to keep reading this.
I have read the comments, I also kinda ship her with dowun but i like baek han too.

So in the beginning chapters it was mentioned that Hong Lyon's name means flower and dowun's name means cloud
so yea look at the title we all know who the ml is gonna be. (still we can't be 100% sure but whatever)
And then i decided to search baek hans name meaning,
baek= white
han =(very vauge its my own interpretation from reading many articles)
it has actually very very broad meaning and doesnt has an english equivalent and since I got down to understanding it or trying to anyway I decided to share😄
so just imagine a mc type person being treated as a slave , oppressed by someone they dont like
what would be their emotions?
hate, anger, bitterness, revenge, helplessness, and emptiness sometimes.
hope too, to endure silently and get out someday.
Han is just basically your anger at injustices you suffer, the feeling of not being whole sometimes, the hope that it'll get better so i
have to get through this.
its a state of sadness and anger at which there are no tears left to cry, hope and just not feeling whole.

honestly later i was surprised that this all matched with the MC's childhood situation like
whoa man, that's super ironic really.
or maybe i'm just going too deep and the author actually just intened for han to mean "half" xD
Oct 31, 2019
I feel bad for Dowun, but Lyon deserves someone who makes her smile, feel appreciated, beautiful and loved. He had his chance to treat her as a person and not a pawn, but he didn’t. Dowun is ultimately, undeserving of her as of rn.
Jan 7, 2020

ok anyone who calls Asswun critics "misjudgers" is misjudging the bigger picture themselves.
Imma say it again for those in the back
I don't give a rat's ass if he helped her how to read or write. That wasn't charity; it clearly was in his best interest to help her for his own self-elevation. In other words, he wasn't doing it for her - teaching her was always about him, about reshaping her and stripping away her personality to become a person mirroring him. Very Pygmalion - look that shit up. So let's not mistake that solipsism as a laudable act of Asswun's generosity/goodness. It was always about power, in this case, over a woman's self-agency and her potential to satisfy a man's ambitions. He didn't make any of this transparent to her when they first became conspirators, and even if he did, telling someone in advance you're going to sculpt them into someone that chiefly serves their interests does absolutely nothing to excuse that kind of behavior anyway.
Asswun is the quintessence of male fragility. No, he's not fair for keeping his "part of the deal" because that deal wasn't a fair one in the first place. Like I said, a crucial part of training her was molding her in the way he saw fit; it was something he came up with for his self-gain and continues to privilege his sociopathic beliefs and his alone. What, "u get to be empress, in exchange for I get to be the puppeteer consort making the decisions for u behind the scenes, urs truly, an obsessively gaslighting, proprietorial freakshow?" He legit wants Lyon to serve as a figurehead executing his desires, his decisions. That's the definition of a toxic relationship. Fuck that shit.
More importantly, just because Lyon became empress according to his plans doesn't erase or remotely serve as equal recompense for the years of emotional toil that Reject Jpop Bangs saddled her with. Asswun has had her struggling with literal self-doubt from an entire childhood of repressing her true self - a self he continues to despise because it is exactly what he tried to "reform" her away from. Any retainment of her empathetic, less stoic self is proof of how she has resisted his influence over her, and in Pygmalion-like fashion, he hates any indication of her independence from him. Honest to god, how does that come even close to a mutual partnership, much less a fair deal?
There's a fine difference between making a deal / serving as an accomplice for reciprocal benefit VERSUS spending years belittling his partner's opinion / making decisions in her stead on account of his own uptight ego. Critics of Asswun aren't misinterpreting him; we're elucidating the reality that he's entitled as fuck and continues to believe he's superior to Lyon. Did the time skip show any signs of maturation or empathy on his part? God no! Asswun just grew in possessiveness over Lyon's time and feelings and now goes out of his way to sabotage her relationships with other people. If he didn't want affection, why is he falling over backwards to obstruct Lyon's relationship with her trusted bodyguard - to the point of endangering Baekhan's life?
Let's not pity emotionally abusive characters. Let's not pity those who neglect a woman's opinion and mental well being. Let's not blame their position in their family for their destructive behavior (and I say this as the eldest in a tough family myself, lmao what an insanely flawed argument to make). Let's not reply to criticisms of Asswun by crediting him for Lyon's rise of power, because one, he's her abuser and two, it sidesteps her own role and labor in her politicking. She put in that work, and if it weren't for her, Asswun would be irrelevant. Any white knighting for Asswun gives undeserved credit to a pure chauvinist who doesn't give an ounce of consideration for what a literal empress thinks. Just look at this chapter! 64 episodes in, he still doesn't care for Lyon's opinion; he simply doesn't think her genuine interests are worth the consideration over his jealous insecurities. In fact, the very reason he hates Baekhan is that the guard threatens his hold over Lyon. A relationship with Baekhan doesn't jeopardize her power - it only endangers Asswun's position at court because it renders him extraneous - as he should be.
If anything, his waiting in the rain served little more than a PR stunt for members of the court, a thinly disguised overcompensation of his own insecurities. It's been perfectly clear from the start that everything Asswun does is self-serving, aimed to bolster his own image, his own reputation.
Yall need to stop drinking the warm ass Koolaid that Asswun's a complex character. Unfortunately for you, he is not. There is no subtext or special nuances to his abusiveness. Men can be horrible without explanation, and that's okay. Your comments in defense of his "layeredness" or "aid" in Lyon's rise to power ultimately mystify or draw attention away from his history of exploitative conduct.
Obviously, think how ever way you want. People are entitled to their problematic opinions. Mine's that Reject JPop Sensation needs to get his tongue snipped and melted down to oil up the pan grilling his severed dick.
Apr 8, 2020
(-_-' why is everyone arguing all the time here.. can we just enjoy the chapter.. the story stresses me enough here

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