The Ghost and the Exhausted Office Worker - Ch. 90 - Chapter 90

Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2018
I like this manga. I'm not fluent enough with my words or thoughts, but I like how Miharu is slowly and healthily pushing him towards turning into a better person. More understanding and loving of himself, and making him go through his own rationalization rather than spoon-feeding words and lessons to him.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2019
I don't understand why good manga about nature of human and relationship like this not being popular and most people saying this fantasy, the story is actually dark it's talking about loneliness and hardship on communication not to mention the desire to please other people's yet how this nature being talked in this Manga is pretty suit, it teach human always have problems and insecurity yet that doesn't mean it's the end, human need to move forward thru to reach someone even if it's not always working yet moving forward having courage is something that everyone need to do like it or not

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