@evelyria oh no, this is why I mentioned body builders. That is the art to sculpt the body to have certain looks. A person that train will increase and have a rigid muscular mas BUT won't be, never the same as the body builders. As I said they are artists that work in sculpting their body. A person training to their body, they will want to train the parts that they will. For example, most people who will be training for any type of sport will have a balanced toned muscular appearance. Example. Most have toned legs. cuz legs is one of the largest and biggest muscle beside the torso. The people who work more with their legs, will have ore attractive legs O_O lol. think about soccer players, swimmers, gymnastics, those that fight in Asian leagues. I can't remember their name. They use their legs, etc.
People like boxers work their upper body. so you see where I am going. in the beginning they are round it out and then according to their specific sports, they specifically begin to train those parts. Many people confuse that with body builders. that is wrong xD. This is why our MC is not super gorilla xD. She works more into her alchemist tonics, flexibility, agility, and aura is used to boost/buff her muscles =3. do you see where I am going. You always look for ways to compensate to be better. Of course We have others female MCs that are generals so yes they will have more toned muscles that this MC xD and will work in their aura and flexibility cuz they still need to compete with males. Their disadvantage is the flexibility and agility is not that great as a female body cuz , once again we go to the bone structures, the bones quality and dense is much heavier for males compared to females. oh let's not forget mages, but like warriors who are weaker against magic. mages would be weak against physical damage, but they are excellent in magic and would boost their body and have an above average trained body to have a decent body [let's not consider those goofy. or stories with comedy tag lol cuz they sometimes have odd reaction to make the story funny]
I hope that gives you a better idea of where and how I see, in a more detailed way oh how some characters in different stories try to become stronger [male or female =D]. Yes showing weakness can be a strength some MC could explode. But most female don't allow the reader know that they are doing it in purpose. The author makes her a naïve person when she is old enough to be married. That is foolish. Mean while most authors make the male MC even if weak an OP even using that same weakness but god forbid they do the same a female MC.