The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 7 Ch. 72 - MOTIVE

Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
The whole manwha is about him having 0 confidence in himself and him trying to get better
It's been 72 chapters of the moron fighting people with fist/words and growing balls and all his progression went into the trash in the last few chapters of this arc. First he get shaken by the villain's bullshit discourse and then throws bakugou under the bus to please hamin sue which is retarded specially after all the shit bakugou has done for him across the story.

His whole character development got thrown away to turn him into a retarded, weak-willed, thirsty motherfucker who prefers hoes before bros to the point of hit his bro so he can be cucked by the hoe. The pinacle of stupidity.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 30, 2018

People don't improve just because they want to. Not even if they need to. I find it incredibly realistic that his character development is so tumultuous.

I actually find myself relating to him. Not that I've been in the exact same situations. But that I've been pitying myself, hating myself for so long that it's in my bones.

I can change my (emotional) clothes, get a haircut, take a shower. And from the outside I look better, feel better. But when it's that deep, that constant, it becomes a part of you. And even if it heals, there'll be scar tissue. A constant reminder of who you were. And of who you might still be.

It's not so much that he's throwing away his character development. But rather that his development was only skin deep. The symptoms were treated, but the disease was still there.

I won't claim to be an expert on depression, heck I barely know what's going on with me sometimes. What I do know is that it's almost never simple, and that improvement is a struggle.

Sometimes it's hard to rebuild when all you've got are broken pieces.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
MC's thinking about this incident: "I was played, Im a retard." And continues to have -inifite confidence.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@KebabRemover it's not really character development. MC ruined his social standing in class doing the same thing he's been doing all series. He doesn't know an actual solution to problems without hurting himself. Which is why he bought into the crap do easily.

I don't get why you're pretending Hamin hasn't been an infinitely better support for the MC than Korean Bakugo. Every time he's faced rock bottom it was her that saved him. He almost worships her at this point. Stop dumbing it down to a Bros before hoes situation when it isn't that simple.
Apr 6, 2018
This kinda got cheesy man, the arcs before this were kinda relatable and I could understand the reasons for MC's actions but this arc really jumped the gun. The setup was interesting, but the execution and payoff were really, really cheesing it. Why does every problem end with characters throwing fists for no reason? Why did all of MC's previously regained confidence suddenly disappear? Let's hope the author recovers in future story arcs.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 2, 2018
The issue is mc got his priorities mixed up. He wants to protect hamin by preserving her relationship with the scumbag, but he fails to see that it would be more important to protect her from him. The reason being that he was caught off guard with the scumbags logic. A simple cold-cut and selfish logic that hurts no one but mc because he knows the truth. And so he chose to once again selflessly throw his own desires aside so that only he would have to suffer knowing the truth instead of hamin.

His mistakes were 1) assuming hamin was better off not knowing 2) being a self-deprecating person that had to have sense beat into him and 3) thinking he had to shoulder the burden himself. Good thing hamin is an absolute who knows how to play the game well. Hopefully she'll finally properly open up mcs eyes here and give him a wake up call like tae yang is already doing. Guys if this is rock bottom or 'worse' compared to before then I'm positive it should just get better for our mc.
Nov 26, 2018
shitty trans of chap 73
the previous chaps were boring this is also not a full chap trans only the last epilouge pannels which were interesting.(lol lila had such an anime type entrance.)(will put sfx later if I manage to find all of them later on.)(It might also be possible for the character park han to be park hamin's brother lol)
Active member
Dec 1, 2018
Beat some more sense in to him Taeyang. Sick of this MC twisted logic and playing victim.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Character development aside, this really is cheesy as fuck.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
Everyone that was hating on Taeyang, I will accept your apologies in written form. Preferably double spaced and in MLA format. Remember to cite your sources correctly.

But man, a lot of truth in this chapter. Hopefully we will begin to see Joonwoo grow from this. He really feels like he's been stuck in 'Self-pity Purgatory' for a long while now.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 29, 2018
Taeyang is a fucking boss :D, i can't say it enough but he is the best <3
Kinda interesting that taeyang promised hamin that he goes after junu and listen to the conversation between junu and sungouk but taeyang said that he does what he wants :)
Also when did taeyang and hamin met? That's interesting too but sungouk probably told hamin about that he was going to meet junu
Jan 20, 2018
hohoohoh...10/10 chapter. mc got scolded for once on his bullshit and hamin now knows! that fake fucker is about to get frekt!
Double-page supporter
Jan 29, 2019
I don't think Sungouk told Hamin that they were going to meet.
If I remember correctly the fat guy was there at the gaming arcade when Junu ran away, probably couldn't keep his mouth shut? :D
Dex-chan lover
Dec 27, 2018
Amazing chapter. Taeyang came in and addressed everything that I hated about the last chapter. He also showed himself to not be nearly as shallow as he's appeared to be leading up to now. A redemption for him and he took the chance to bring Joonwoo with him by getting him to address some of his faults. I'd definitely want to see them apologize to each other and become friends again after this, as opposed to when Taeyang proved Joonwoo right about why they stopped being friends when he tried during the school trip.

Oh, and fuck Mr. Psychopath over there in the background being the piece of shit he is here and there in the chapter.
Jan 3, 2019
Taeyang out here spitting straight facts. To think that the most short-fused character in this story is actually more perceptive and level-headed than the MC who PRETENDS or tries to be like that.

It just really goes to show that Joonwoo is way more ignorant to people and the world than he thinks he is. Now that Taeyang has been shown to be this perceptive, I think he should be able to call Joonwoo's bluff from last chapter. All in all, MC got a much-needed reality check and this situation playing out the way it did, weeds Sungouk out of Hamin's life, while simultaneously melting some of the ice between Joonwoo and Taeyang. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

Also, the biggest takeaway from this chapter is that if Hamin wasn't already in love in Joonwoo before, she definitely is now. haha

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