Reading this till the end was f**k*ng worth it! Like god my mind is pleading for more, but deep down i feel like it ended beautifully. I'm still begging for more though.
Reading this till the end was f**k*ng worth it! Like god my mind is pleading for more, but deep down i feel like it ended beautifully. I'm still begging for more though.
If you want a bit more, check out "The Girl I like Forgot Her Glasses - Twitter Side Stories" and "The Girl I like Forgot Her Glasses - Pixiv Side Stories", they have small mini-comics that the author made from time to time about the series.
Eu amei esse manga. No início, parecia que seria como aqueles mangás antigos que nem têm cena de beijo, mas ele me surpreendeu muito. Fico muito feliz de ter tirado parte do meu tempo para ver essa obra-prima. Espero que o autor mostre como eles estão depois de alguns anos. Esse está no meu top 2, logo atrás de Komi-san wa, Komyushou desu.
Absolute cinema ,Masterpiece ive never seen a story that made me so interested, ive read this like two times in the same week and im so proud of them 10out of 10 perfection