The Goddess of Healing - Ch. 18 - Confrontation

Jul 30, 2019
I feel saying she is allergic to flowers too vague, but whatever..... Is it now that the mother discovers the true? About her sister intent? If so, poor thing....
Aug 15, 2019
@July_Daydreamer actually, if the mother were allergic, i think that she wouldn't have accepted them in the first place. given the mom's hesitance on the "yes i'm allergic," i'm guessing that jiuqing made that up and the mother just went along with what her daughter said. if so, that means that jiuqing was banking on the father not knowing her mother well enough to know whether she has an allergy, which is fascinating. don't know for sure, though

oh, and jiuqing would probably say that because she wouldn't want to expose herself as a divine healer (since "only divine healers" would know about it, according to the aunt) so this way she could call it out without revealing that part of her

thank you hour of lunacy/magnificent aurora scans for the updates!! woot!!!
Nov 28, 2019
ugh this dad is really terrible...
he was ready to bite on her daughter's ass, but then the moment she proves him wrong he just leaves it as is. If these two girls are sisters why didnt he just marry that bitch to begin with, instead of the wife, he is obviously not interested... also does he not realize that the general holds greater interest to his daughter, so you would think he would at least change his attitude... also i feel like the general also should have probably held that disgrace of a father reponsible for his action, he only made himself lose face... i am just utterly disgusted with this family 😤😤😤

...and thank you for coming to my rant ted talk
Jul 30, 2019
@just_me_myself-and-I and @livescened
Sorry, I didn't express myself right, I meant: The MC's excuse to destroy the flowers being because her mother is allergic to flower is vague. I got that she lied to protect her mother and find an excuse to destroy the flowers. And I know there are people allergic to polen, etc, but never to flowers in general and I just don't know if it's the best excuse, like her mother can't go closer to flowers anymore, to keep appearances or whatever? But surely I am overthinking...
Jul 26, 2019
Thank you for the update! @Darkwolfix I meant as in now- the present and not her past life, and it's been awhile since the first chapter so I wouldn't have really remembered what had happened in the early chapters

Also it's interesting because we haven't seen how the mother really met the father and how the father met her so called aunt. Also I wonder, if her so called cousin is the same age as our fl or older since the aunt is the past lover of the father, why didn't he just marry her instead in the beginning instead of marrying the fls mother, and it truly shows that the father is very biased. Even the fl pointed that out. The mom is too nice for her own good, or maybe she's just naive. And I wonder if she knows that the aunt is her husband's past lover,but it seems like their on friendly terms though.. Hopefully the fl tells her to be careful... (I'll be so pissed off of the father kicks out the legitimate daughter and the mother for his mistress and illegitimate daughter :mad: in this timeline)
Jan 26, 2020
@UuulonnyuuU you haven't really pay attention to the story. That's sad. I would suggest you to re-read it. All the info is right there in the beginning of the manhwa.

I can't believe the father is in such a hurry to take the MC's mother's friend as his concubine that looks for any little excuse to blame the daughter so he can push all the "bad deeds" of the daughter to the mother and have an excuse to marry his wife's friend. It is disgusting.

@esmee_n101 he doesn't care because his old flame is back with his child. He wants to give some sort of "compensation" to his second daughter. I am sure the MC mother's friend kept asking him to help her look for a good husband for their children. Yeah that cousin is her half sister. It is in the beginning of the story. When the MC began to explain everybody's background and reasons in the first chapters, the MC commented on how her own father is easy to be manipulated and didn't care that she even died and was glad that his second daughter married his first daughter's husband.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2018
Yeah I find it dumb too that she lied about her mother's flower allergy.

What's the point in that?
Either you cause a scene and reveal the bad guy intentions or you don't and just throw away the plant.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 24, 2019
We’re so proud of our girl. Even the general is impressed. That was so satisfying! Lol! I love that her mother catch on so fast and supports her daughter fully. Thank you so much!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Well at least using "she's allergic to flowers" proves this woman knows nothing about her sister since she's not and it's also a great reason to keep them from giving her more poisoness flowers
Feel sorry for the mother and daughter dealing with those snakes, can't wait to see the justice
May 31, 2019
How convenient she happened to have the salve? I find it a bit disjointing that she used allergic to flowers as a reason. Was expecting really good slap in the face showdown for the aunt and cousin. This just gave them space to come back with a even more vile plan.

Thanks for the chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2019
Ooo that was clever and killed two birds with one stone, she's very prepared to fight back and now she can prove to her mother that the aunt and daughter are trying to hurt her
Thanks for the chapter!
Jan 26, 2020
@UuulonnyuuU I believes he married the MC's mother because of her family's name. He met the mother's friend when he was courting her. He married the MC's mother and started their affair. The father and mother's friend were already "dating" by the time the MC's mother and father were engaged. both daughters are pretty much close or the "cousin" is just a bit older for a few months or for a year. The MC mentioned that when she put one and one together.

He doesn't care much for the MC's mother but just stayed with her cuz...remember....according to all the manhwas ancient Asian men only looked for social statues when marrying. Their love/lovers were their concubine. Since he couldn't get anything out of the mother's friend, he never married her. The MC is not sure whether the father kept in contact with the mother's friend or was later on that the mother's friend tried to contact him and let him know about his daughter. The only thing that she knows for sure is that her father never cared for the MC's mother nor care for his legal daughter since she is not the offspring of his beloved.

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