The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All - Ch. 70 - My Star

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 10, 2023
So.... why is her focusing on her music instead of her friends and relationships a good thing....???

Because I also had this issue with a streamer I loved, and sorry, just because you work hard doesn't mean it's something ANYONE should care about. It's selfish, and you know she'll go on and on about how important it to her and just assume you'll also be cool with sacrificing almost everything you liked about them. BUT IM WORKING HARD RIGHT! NO SLEEP 4 ME HUR HUR SO HARD WORKING. I just liked the old person you were, the one who liked the same music as me, not who ever you want to be in the future
Hm... I see what you mean, but I can't help but disagree.

Relationships like these are a give and take- As we continue to change as people, the distances between us continue to grow, and it up to both parties to reach for one another and close that gap. If that effort is one-sided, the relationship itself is one-sided as well, no matter what kind it may be. Our relationships with the streamers we like will unfortunately never have the same dimensionality required for that to be put fully into practice, but I do not find it fair to condemn one's dreams for not being the same as your own.

Mitsuki has plenty of passion for music. I cannot help but find that admirable.

I am not saying that completely shutting yourself off to the world is the correct answer- That in itself is one-sided- but tell me, are Mitsuki and Aya the paradigm of a functional relationship? No, not in the slightest- they're teenagers who are learning about love- not just for one another, but for music, one stumbling step at a time. If we criticized our teenage selves the same way we did teenagers in romance manga, I think we'd get slapped... After all, isn't it that messy, stupid part of love that we can't help but be drawn to, again and again? Is that not why this genre is so beautiful?

I'll put my trust in these two. Even if it's unorthodox, they'll find a way forward.

Thanks for the chapter, as always. I can't wait for the next one.
Apr 7, 2019
So.... why is her focusing on her music instead of her friends and relationships a good thing....???

Because I also had this issue with a streamer I loved, and sorry, just because you work hard doesn't mean it's something ANYONE should care about. It's selfish, and you know she'll go on and on about how important it to her and just assume you'll also be cool with sacrificing almost everything you liked about them. BUT IM WORKING HARD RIGHT! NO SLEEP 4 ME HUR HUR SO HARD WORKING. I just liked the old person you were, the one who liked the same music as me, not who ever you want to be in the future
Damn, you're a huge redflag.
Active member
Aug 7, 2023
They're so cute together, I assume she'll find a way to reach her even during her music making process so they can exist without falling apart
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2019
Hm... I see what you mean, but I can't help but disagree.

Relationships like these are a give and take- [...]
Okay, gonna stop you right here. The rest you typed out is mostly right/agree with and you wrote it in a really beautiful way. BUT this relationship clearly is not give and take. It is one-sided. This is literally 1 by 1 the same as the streamer analogy. It legit reads like one obsessed fan and their oshi being in that "I tolerate you but I don't actively enjoy your presence/would ever seek you out" relationship, which was not the case before. That is also why whatever happens next won't feel as.. satisfying.. I guess I would describe the feeling?

To be fair, her dream of being that insane, godlike musician is well deserved and she clearly works hard for it but what she turned into the past some ~10(?) chapters is just weird- more so if we take into account your point made about them being in high school. This is MILES above the usual overexaggerated high school drama, where small stuff is blown way out of proportion. That is what makes it ~not so beautiful~ for me personally. No doubt what happens next seems to be what everyone wanted but no matter what ends up happening or what the "pay off" is, it will be tainted by what happened before.

Also, I am not some huge hater of the series. I bought the physical release until now but I already decided I will not do it again going forward as this series took a turn I really did not enjoy, personally. It is by no means a bad series but I think the potential was way(!) higher than what we are seeing right now.
Group Leader
Dec 23, 2020
Thank you again for another wonderful release. There's an SFX missing RD/TL/TS on page 2 and 3.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
Payoff so worth the wait :glee:🤘

That's a fantastically composed reveal and power pose. Interspersing lyrics is tricky but it feels done right here.

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