The Haiku Thread

Dec 1, 2018
When I think of friends
I think of Al Pacino
And his little friend


Say hello to him
Don't worry, he wont bite you
It's just a nibble
May 3, 2019
@plonz Do you see?
The first line had five vowels:
Sum-mer e-ve-ning.

Another mistake,
for that are syllables, but
it was no lie though.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

I got some bad news,
unfortunately it's wrong.
It happens sometimes.

I didn't know too.
A shocking revelation,
and a lesson learned.


Eating tasty food
is a sacred ritual,
you must cherish it.

So I said hello,
but that bastard just shot me!
Never going back.
May 3, 2019
@Plonz. It is my
bad, as you were in the right.
My haiku thus lacks.

I will change it soon
Wrong things shouldn't remain. Look
again if you like.

I wish to thank you as well.
Now I know better.
May 3, 2019
I have taken on
myself the challenge to write
a haiku story.

All syllables fit.
If something should be off, the
only thing to blame

is my incorrect
pronunciation of words.
But as I am no

native in either
please be merciful and please
enjoy the story:

Once upon a time
there had been a dragon of
Japanese descent,

a ryū or tatsu
as you also might call it,
for that’s what it was.

Related by blood
to Ryūjin, King of dragons,
but only distant,

it sadly lacked the
power controlling weather.
A sad thing indeed.

The most famous deed
that dragons could achieve, it
was impossible. That was

hard for the dragon –
he was male by the way – and
much sadness this brought.

Without any love
he lived shunned on his lonesome
in mountains instead.

But one day it all
changed for Tatsukichi – that
was his proper name.

Tatsukichi then
heard that Ryūjin’s youngest child
could nowhere be found.

That was curious
though, for said child really was
still a little egg.

As eggs can’t quite run
there was surely something foul
thought Tatsukichi.

He had an idea
knowing the mountains quite well
that were far the sea.

Thus he left his good
lair in a deep water pond
which was crystal clear.

There was only one
who was such a gourmet that
they would dare to steal

even Ryūjin’s egg,
daring to face the anger
of the mighty King.

Tatsukichi went
until he reached a house that
was all in tatters.

“Are you inside?” he
asked, hoping to speak the one
who was living there.

From inside came a
noise, not loud and not quiet.
Indeed someone was

inside the haunted
house, and the dragon knew who.
“Reiko, please come out.”

spoke Tatsukichi
and planned to wait for more.
Creaking opened the

door, showing a pale
woman with long and black hair.
She was the one he

sought. A second mouth
on the back of her head, quite
a famous yōkai.

“Reiko, there you are,
you Futakuchi-onna,
best listen to me.”

said Tatsukichi
“King Ryūjin misses his egg,
his precious offspring

and is crazy with
fear that something has happened
to it. But I know

that you love special,
unheard-of egg dishes and
you love eating too.

Now be honest, pray
tell, have you taken the egg?
If that should be the

case, please do return
it before all hell breaks loose
and Ryūjin in his

anger sinks the isles
of Japan.” That now scared poor
old Reiko, for it

hadn’t been her plan
to die in a tsunami
destroying Japan.

“I will return it
now.” the yōkai woman said
“But don’t tell the King

that it’s me who has
done so.” Tatsukichi was
fine with it and took

care of the egg. He
returned it to the palace
under the deep sea

where Ryūjin’s home
did lie. How glad the King was
to have his child back!

Tatsukichi stayed
in his beautiful pond though
since he came to like

it. But no other
dragon made ever again
fun of this hero.

As for Reiko: She
is as hungry as ever,
looking for new food.
Dec 1, 2018
"Fish are friends, not food"
said the lonely great white shark
But it was all a lie

Biting and chomping
Chased around the submarine
The little fish swam

Submarine explodes
Just then, the screen fades to black
Please, not the blue fish

When everything cleared
"What do we do?" said the fish
"We'll just keep swimming."

Screen is one syllable. Wow

Mistakes do happen
As this poor slob found it out
Thank the Internet

It is how it's spelled
Internet, upper-case I
A common mistake

Please, do not worry
As he got shot in the back
Sorry for spoiling
Nov 15, 2018
Deep in the forest
of endless growing bamboo
lives a small bunny.

Mischievous it is,
Lying whenever it can.
No heart for others.

So today again
it lies in prepared ambush
for it's easy prey.

The sun now high up,
the first one to be fooled comes:
a simple kitten.

„Good day, dear bunny.
Do you, perhaps, know the way
to the nearest spring?“

The bunny replies:
„Of course, it should be just there
behind the boulder.“

As the cat walks by,
the bunny starts to snicker,
knowing the cat's doom.

A loud scream rings out!
Behind the boulder, on stakes,
lies the cat, impaled.

Laughing and dancing,
the bunny enjoys it’s time
without any worry.

As it is now pleased,
it decides to walk around
to search for more prey.

But, as it sets out,
suddenly without warning,
it gets smashed to pulp.

Like a shot arrow,
a falling bamboo shoots down
and deals punishment.

So ends this sad tale.
May both of them get their chance
to now rest in peace.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Gulf of Mexico,
churning, fuming, and birthing
a tropical storm.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Nobody asked me
but here, have a cute picture.
Don't stare for too long.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
This story moved me.
Two kids at world's ending find
release from regrets.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019

Night falls as will I.
My endless battle postponed;
Sleep beckons to me.

Night fades at sunrise,
a brand new day approaches.
My battle resumes.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018

You. Always fighting
it seems. But why? Against what?
Go with the flow, friend.

The middle way is
the path of enlightenment.
Seek nothing, find all.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
When nothing remains,
anything is possible,
be One with Nothing.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
See there, you got it!
Many people don't listen,
but you grasped wisdom.

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