The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious

Active member
Sep 23, 2018
Probably the only advantage Kissmanga has over Mangadex, they don't seem to give a shit if something is licensed.
Feb 27, 2018
I believe that MangaDex isn't bothered to have scanlated release even if there's an official english, as long as we don't upload the official one here.
If I'm not mistaken, I think it's that rule:

2.2 The existence of an official translation has no relevance to the rules for uploading scanlated releases.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2018
Ah what the hell, I actually liked how this one was going.
Group Leader
May 25, 2018
@Zephyrus Oh come on, how can this chapter could even be considered as a violation of the rule 3.2.6 when we didn't release any other chapters yet? I would understand if you tell me that for other series since we already started uploading new chapters on Boredom. We have uploaded this chapter to let people read it since an unknown uploader as uploaded it. And because of that, we happened to let KissManga gets this chapter.

In addition, how can you say we cannot use MangaDex as an advertising platform while you're technically supposed to be one as per your aggregator status? You have, for sure, a very paradoxical speech. Anyway, at no time Boredom Socity was falling under any rules on Mangadex (I suggest you to read again rules, but you supposed to know them already since you're moderator?). All I see is that you guys are just enforcing invisible rules which is very biased for you and not for Mangadex itself.

At this point, I'm still wondering how it is possible you kept all my series... I even find funny that you've promoted this first chapter on Twitter...

Also, what the "please report them so moderators can take the appropriate action." stands for? This is your job to monitor Mangadex, that's your only one role on Mangadex while we're doing all the process from translating to uploading. Do you really think we have time to do your job as well?

Honestly, being the sole "decent" aggregator doesn't mean you can do what you want. At least try to fix all your inconsistency before trying to argue with me.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
Your points in order:

1. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that you directed @_das to upload this chapter solely for the KM scrape or the advertisement on another reader because you've made it very clear that you won't be uploading anything to MangaDex for people to read because you disagree with our inactivity rule. Does this mean that you will be uploading this series in its entirety to MD once you get more chapters? I can go ahead and restore the chapter, then.

Also, you just admitted to literally uploading to MD simply for the views because no one recognizes the uploader. So you don't want to upload anything to MD, but you did this time because you just wanted views, a KM scrape, *and* a redirect to the boredom society reader?

2. Here's the thing: You don't get to upload a single chapter, say future chapters will be found on Boredom Society, and not upload anything else in that series. Unless, once again, you're going to resume uploading to MangaDex? In that case, we will restore the chapter and allow the suggestion/ad to read at Boredom Society.

3. Moderators do not have the time to read the thousands upon thousands of chapters uploaded to MangaDex each day. Do you? That's why we have a report function. We can't fix issues if we don't know about them in the first place. If you want to point fingers and cry, "Well they're doing it too! Why aren't they being punished?", we absolutely will resolve the issue so long as it's pointed out to us in the first place. Mods are not omnipotent or omniscient. We depend on our readers to help us make sure the community's rules are enforced.

In conclusion, we're sorry that you don't like MD's rules. We're sorry that you don't want to upload here. But you don't get to cry about how terrible we are on the one hand and try to use us for views and advertisements on the other.

If you have additional concerns or questions, you are more than welcome to speak to @ixlone or @Holo either here or on Discord.

I would also like to make it clear to anyone else reading that Staff understands that @Xereste and @_das are NOT official Boredom Society staff members. Their work is merely hosted there.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

You've completely missed Xereste's point. He clearly said that the chapter does not infringe on any rules because only one chapter is out. You could have done your due diligence and checked but you did not. Since only one chapter is out, it does not break rule 3.2.6 which states:

Only partially uploading releases with the intention to lure users to your site for the other chapters is not allowed. Either upload all chapters, or don't upload any.

To spell it out to make it blindly obvious: No other chapters exist so there is no "luring."

You claim that we are not allowed to say future chapters will be found on Boredom Society, which I will remind you is a scanlator's site. Which rule says we can't do that?

The claim that we did this for views is also preposterous. Reddit generated far more views than MangaDex did.

If you'd like to claim you abide by MD's rules, don't follow made up rules that aren't listed. It is also very anti-scanlator of you to take down links to a scanlator's site. So much for MangaDex being one of the "good" ones.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018

Regardless of whether or not more chapters are out, there is no way for anyone on MangaDex (or any other aggregator) to know that without either A) Checking MangaUpdates or B) Going to your website. Most people don't bother checking MU so the obvious choice is going to your website. The effect is the same regardless of whether or not a second chapter exists. Is that not "luring"?

Xereste has shown absolutely no interest in having his chapters on MangaDex, and has one of our rules plastered on his banner showing why he refuses to upload. He should be fully aware of what all of our rules are if he's bothering to try and protest against it. Choosing to upload one chapter just because it benefits him to advertise where his future chapters will be uploaded when he's stated that he doesn't want anything to do with MangaDex isn't something we're going to allow. Either come back to MangaDex or stay on whatever site you choose to upload to.

The chapter was previously uploaded by someone else and credited to no group. You were the person who constantly reported the chapter and demanded that it be taken down instead of properly changing the credit to your group. After it was taken down you chose to reupload the chapter with the new credit page rather than requesting it be transferred to your group and editing the credit page in. The obvious and only reason to do this is because it benefits you to have people view the link in your credits page and/or the off-chance that it gets scraped by other sites who didn't have your credits page. Again, how is this clearly not an attempt at "luring"? Your argument relies solely on the fact that the second chapter isn't released but people will still check your website to see if the second chapter is already there or not.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

You are acting as if linking to a scanlator's site is a crime. Let me remind you that the reason for all of this is that Zephryus removed my link to Boredom Society's site when I posted it in the comments.

I do find it funny that Zephyrus couldn't respond himself but regardless, you have not mentioned the rule that I supposedly infringed on.

I reported the chapter for "Group Policy Evasion." Since I like to do my own due diligence (a concept which might be new for some of the staff), I made sure to talk to Xereste before taking further action. In this case, that meant uploading the chapter to MangaDex. The intent of a scanlation is never mentioned in the rules and is irrelevant.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018

Answer the question. Will you or will you not upload future chapters of this series to MD? If your answer is yes, then I'll apologize for this whole misunderstanding and reinstate the chapter that das put up and then removed after it was confirmed to be scraped to KissManga. If the answer is no, you clearly put the chapter up to redirect readers to the Boredom Society reader, which, regardless of whether or not more chapters are out, is a violation of 3.2.6 because you have absolutely no intention of putting up other chapters.

This is not a court of law. Rules lawyering will not work in your favor here.
Power Uploader
Jan 19, 2018

You are the one preaching the rules in multiple instances. Regardless, Xereste is not currently online so I cannot answer that question. I'm glad to see that you're making it clear what kind of site MangaDex truly is. It's a shame that all the work the developers are putting in is undermined by staff such as yourself. That's all from me though, it's useless trying to make deluded people understand they're wrong.

Thank you for bringing up KissManga. It's fun to see you compare yourself to the site you aspire to be.
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
You have no other arguments to make so you're resorting to personal attacks. Great way to dodge the question. If @Xereste wishes he can answer it later when he's back online.

Staff has been as patient as possible with you these last few months considering how you have worked behind the scenes to poison us against every group you have access to. We are tired of arguing with you every time you pull a stunt like this. Your comment privileges are now permanently restricted on MangaDex. If you continue to break uploading rules, I suspect your uploading privileges will be permanently revoked as well.

This all started over you throwing a tantrum about fan colored pages and has culminated in you resorting to using MangaDex's popularity in order to get scraped by other aggregators. You have deliberately and spitefully tried to rules lawyer your way through your every attempt to undermine our rules, which were written in an attempt to balance reader's rights and scanlator rights.

In the past, you've been a great help and asset to MD. You've even helped write some of the rules in existence today. We could all have continued to work harmoniously together to make MangaDex the best place to read manga. It's a shame.

If you wish, you can appeal this decision to @ixlone or @Holo. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018

well then...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
This whole drama is almost as interesting as the manga.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
I haven't even read the actual chapter and just came to read what was going on here ?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
That's why ppl choose KissManga over mangadex ? we simply want to read manga

P.S. - awesome series this is
Jan 23, 2018
I saw there used to be a chapter here. Then when I looked again to start reading it, it is already gone, and made me curious so I visited the comments tab - to check if I would be able to learn what happened.

10/10 - will regularly check the comments tab for more drama.

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