"Oh, don't worry, Niell; you see, I'm actually Japanese, and in Japan women are always wrong if there is a relationship issue, no matter what! Since I'm the 'good girl' character, that means accepting that women are always the problem, and should stay in the kitchen when they aren't making babies.
"While I accept my wrongness, there is a ghost being the 'Bad girl' character, and she will say it's no big deal... but we will all agree that it is always the fault of the woman getting above her station!"
- Translation of chapter subtext provided for those who haven't studied-up on Japanese societal values, or haven't lived in Japan.
Yes, it's actually that gross; (and) No, you're not allowed to talk about it (publicly, anyway; not without being shunned, harassed, and/or possibly deported with PNG status)....
Although there has been rather a LOT of manga about this, and about disabilities, and other topics where Japan is still societally still in the mindset of the industrial revolution.
If anybody wasn't aware of that, they should go read some of them, cos they're pretty crazy-good!
Also, 10/10 for Kate; that's how you treat a friend!