The "I haven't made a thread in a long while so I'm going to ask you to make/design a character then we can make a story with them in another thread t

Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2018
Bob's little sister
Thought as a boy by her brother because her chest is flat
Had roomba as a pet
Work in maid cafe

Now I'm afraid this thread will get burried by my turn.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
Man :
Love to destroy a balance things
Have sensitive emotion
he will kill you, if you're too good
sad life
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Name: Randolf the Rancid
- Has an enormous nose, he's a little self-conscious about it though
- Good at smelling things from far away, approximately 1 km smelling distance
- Has a Master's Degree in architecture, can't find a job with it yet
- Favorite food is pineapple
- Grew up in middle-class suburbia, still doesn't know how to ride a bike
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Haruto Sato (literally google'd common japanese names lol)
-Doesn't have visible eyes
-Short black hair
-Whamen magnet for no reason.
-Red string of fate with Truck-kun.
-AKA "Hiro the Dense"

Ok, i feel super embarrased, goodbye, i'm never going to post on this thread again, probably
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
RP thread

Inu Sato
- Brother of Haruto
- Just an average, highschool boy
- Jaded and detached outlook on life. Disguises laziness as "pragmatism".
- Acts the Straight Man, actually just likes to complain.
- Women still love him anyway.
- AKA "Inu the Whiny"
Dec 1, 2018
- fresh out of grade school
- pervert
- likes to peep
- likes to flip ladies skirts
- Hope's stalker
- thinks Man is cool.
- stole Bob's roomba
- scared of Haruto
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
Big Bob:
Like bob, but bigger.
Bob's long lost brother.
fix his own roomba.
separated with Bob because Hope.
May 3, 2019
Wiborada von Sovanitz:
- Hoary dwarven sorceress with deeply hunched back and white hair so long it drags over the floor like a noble lady's bridal veil
- Over a millennium old
- Uses her wand also as a cane
- Collects bookmarks from various countries and worlds
- Has a pet Quetzalcoatlus (giant pterosaur) called Vögelchen (German for little bird), however, wherever and whenever she might have gotten it, though some say a bookmark was involved
- Stranded on Earth due to lack of magic needed for continuing her travels
- Now spends her days at the local library telling stories of her adventures to the children (and looking for bookmarks)
- Has been prime minister for some twelve generations in a certain kingdom but was already retired when Bob served in the military there
- Helped Bob out quite often during his military days with her expansive connections and unparalleled magical prowess (he somehow had a crate full of limited edition bookmarks from Earth he could use as bribe)
May 3, 2019
Titan Tiny:
- Kid’s little brother, ten years old
- Until recently far too small for his age, more like a five-years-old, and thus called "Tiny" by everyone including his family until his real name was forgotten
- Mobbed in class for his body size and could not play sports with kids his age since it was far too dangerous for him
- Incredibly popular with animals, younger children, and the elderly though, and still is
- The only one in his family who can cook, and good at it too
- Heard about a hidden shrine whose god makes all wishes come true and went there praying to grow tall and strong soon. Did not know that the same god is infamously mischievous though.
- Had a major growth spurt making him grow to over two meters (over six feet seven inches) and becoming incredibly brawny in only one night. Growing like a healthy boy ever since.
- A gentle giant who loves to help others, though he has problems controlling his newfound strength, involuntarily breaking something on a daily basis.
- Cannot play sports with kids his age since it is far too dangerous for them
- Kid’s crush has fallen in love with Titan Tiny ever since he stopped a truck which was about to take her and Haruto next to her to isekai. Since then she tries to recruit him to her parent’s dojo (much to Kid’s chagrin) and is also the one who gave him his new nickname.
- Reigns in his big brother Kid whenever his antics go too far, thus very popular with girls and women though far from what they would consider physically attractive
May 3, 2019
Is this still the character collection phase or has the writing phase arealdy begun, and if yes, where?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
I think from flow of responses this will mainly be another poop posting of joke characters. But imma happy to make a thread and setting of the characters to get it rolling
Mar 21, 2020
Joe aka Church aka Crackhead Joe aka CloutLord
"Call me church cause yall gonna meet the Holy Ghost" is his motto
-called a crackhead for having too much energy
-scrawny but strong, wears combat boots, BDU pants, and and wears MX flag as bandana
-the embodiment of the word cracked
-can slap you filthy in MW (MP&WZ)
-runs MP5 w/ no attachments (like a crackhead he is)
-rushes in without 2nd thought
-vision of a hawk x10
-lasers ppl from across the map
-ADS speed off the wall in-game and irl
-carries an Opp Exterminator on him at all times
-too godly they say he aimbots
-has a pet rat called Goblin
-still hasn't gotten his check
-can milly rock better than any other OC
Feel free to criticize my dood and make him some sibling if you want
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Once upon a time, in the middle of a busy town in the Capital kingdom, there was a tavern where Bob and Hope usually delivered their harvest products to the owner.
They saw, in the corner of the room, John, a lonely person. Both of the siblings were approaching him, and then they asked why he is so lonely. He told the siblings that he was so lonely and in need of a house to improve his solitary experience. The siblings confused, and suggested to meet Randolf the Ranchid, the only architect in town, who was also don't have a will to life. For the siblings thought at least, people like them may understand each other.

To be continued by person after me
May 3, 2019
Still shaking their heads about the antisocial John, Bob and Hope returned to their farm which consisted of nothing more than some fields, a stable where the oxen and cart could be parked (Their father's motto was: "Ride a horse, have remorse. If a ox cart you are driveing, slow but safe you are arriving."), and a farming shed, no house anywhere to be seen. A farm house was not necessary though, for Bob and Hope were residents of Japan. They entered the shed and returned to Earth with a magic cicle for interdimensional travel which could only be used by members of their family, the de Spair family.
Thus Bob and Hope de Spair exited the magic circle on the other side in a closet full of Bob's otaku goods, giving the word closet otaku a whole new meaning. The otaku blood ran deep in the de Spair family, had their parents, both genius magicians, explicitly come to Japan after getting hooked on some manga left behind by one of the many heroes or anti-heroes summoned from Japan. Bob, Hope, and their long lost brother were already born in Japan, growing up in two worlds at the same time.

After returning home, Hope left for her part time job in a maid café, taking along missing posters featuring her lost pet, Roo-chan the roomba. Bob sat down in the living room to watch a recording of his favorite anime he hadn't watched last night since he was out drinking with some former military colleagues in isekai. But just as he got to the good part he heard the doorbell ring...
Apr 11, 2020
-was a total libertine who died in a major carrot accident
-reincarnated as an otter
-play the sax and is currently living under Kid's bed and attempting to figure out a way to hit the bars
-has too much imagination and makes prank calls to me at 3am with stories of his conquests
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
(Also someone necros bob's life, I don't remember his brother's character)[

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