The Ideal Sponger Life - Vol. 16 Ch. 66 - The Seed Passed Down

Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2023
They want a diplomatic break so that in case the church instigated an invasion to the southern continent, they can have the Upsaala kingdom backing the southern kingdoms instead of the church.

Nowhere in their explanation have they shown to be antagonistic to the Capua kingdom, so I don't know where you get that idea.

The whole thing about allying with the Upsaala kingdom is to make it harder for Capua Kingdom to fall to any northern invaders.

They also wants a lot of marbles so they can mass produce magical tools with which they can provide to Capua Kingdom to fight off the invaders.

They also can't just send a ship north, because they repeatedly said that they are landlocked.
Tju didn't say that they were antagonistic towards Capua but that they are making plans and schemes that has the potential to be harmful to Upsala, a "partner" to Capua, which can be detrimental to their own standing with Capua with whom they want to trade for the marbles.

And I agree with that assessment, for being so smart about their plan they seem to be rolling a dice, gambling that that worst case scenario doesn't happen. Even if the worst case wouldn't come to pass, If I were to realize that someone had done such a thing to my friend I would most certainly think twice about doing any "beneficial" deals with the scheming one.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 27, 2020
This manga require you to have a very good memory or at least re-read it so many times to understand the plot. It involve high level politic after all, just like our real world.

Re-reading Chapter 1, page 1, panel 2.

I have no idea that THAT leads to high level politics. XD
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2020
Let's just say stephen's explanation is part of the reason the other is that you don't know the background behind all of that political movement and you're right now throwing stuff around going in the wrong direction and being angry and offended for the wrong reasons. Some hints: The Sharrow and Jillbell royal families are blonde despite all people in the southern continent having dark skin and hair. They have a heirloom magic tool passed down centuries in the royal family that pretty much is specific for ocean travel despite being landlocked and just gave it away to the Upsalans. They don't want 'The Church' near them no matter what. Those are hints already shown on the manga, further info would touch into raw manga and LN spoilers.
You don't want The Church relationship to magic and it being involved in the Southern Continent where magic and lineage magic is prevalent, or any country that uses magic for that matter
If you are trying to hint towards the fact that the Twin Kingdoms are from the north continent which they escaped from due to being hunted by the church...there's no need for hinting or spoiler tags as that was clearly said by the characters in the manga already.

I also am almost certain that there was some talk about the north's interest to invade the south, and their large-scale sacrifice of sending many ships at once only to have a few of them survive the trip is part of preparation. Probably trying to find safer routes and such.

Nothing here is a secret. It was already in the manga. I do understand that there's a lot of content to actually remember here, since this is not a manga with a lot of inconsequential talk. It's jam-packed with important information just about every chapter.

And yes. From the Twin Kingdoms point of view, invasion is going to happen (and it is intended to happen, so they're not wrong here), and they would be prime target due to their hostility with the church. Capua would also be invaded, because there's no way to get to Twin Kingdoms by sea. As such, Twin Kingdoms are by no way instigating a war. They are however instigating a crack in the relationships on the north continent, which may help the south continent by buying time or at least reducing the amount of invaders.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2018
Don't get me wrong: everything so far has been interesting and enjoyable... but i feel like we're further and further away from the easy-going isekai that was promised to us on the tin.
A few chapters ago, MC resolved to stop the easy life and do everything he could in order to help his wife and children.
It was just before he learned teleportation magic.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 8, 2020
:nyoron:can't wait for 69th chapter with mustaches politician's pitter patter
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2020
A long time ago I wrote a comment about someone turning their head to the left to sneeze instead of right, meaning the maid was going to steal the merchant's coin purse. This was to point out the ridiculous game of politics these people are playing. One based largely on assumption and wild conjecture.

Well, someone please hand Guiseppe a handkerchief, because he's using all the tissue for his plan. If Zenjirou doesn't throw a bucket of water on it, Aria will.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2019
Well... I may be wrong, but I do think Lucrezia has feelings for him.

I may be remembering wrong, but I don't recall her sister already being married. And they are closer politically and even in interests, since she does the magical tools he both wants, got fresh new ideas for, and has a resource that would be very useful for. So if it was all a political thing they could have used her instead.

Unless the fact Lucrezia would become a princess if she married him was supposed to be kept a secret and that was supposed to have any influence, but I doubt it. I think it would be more likely they expected him to find out sooner or later anyway.

what the fuck is even the goal here?
they want to instigate a diplomatic break between the northern church and Upsala. but for what gain? making sure that Capua does not get northern technology, because Upsala may get destroyed worst case? but they want to get marbles, which they can only get from Capua? I doubt Aura will be happy about the weaking/destruction of their northern partner.
they are hoping for trade, but they are aware that this may cause a war between north and south AND they know the south is less technologically advanced.
they are gambling the peace of several countries for what? faint hopes of also getting a northern trade route? they could have just send a ship north in hopes of achieving trade that way... (and if your ship technology is lacking then just spend money on research).
this all seems like dice rolling veiled as diplomatic chess play.
from what I gathered, they are trying the exact opposite of going against Capua, but as sneakily as possible.

They want access to Upsala's tech, and Capua's marbles. But of course, as sneakily as possible so the other countries of their continent, including Capua, don't go against them, since that would be a big power jump.

On the other hand, they fear the northern continent. Upsala's tech is strong, but so is every other country's up there.

You see, they fear that the Church may start a colonization campaign, leading the countries of the north to take over those of the south.

Capua would become their shield, since they are on the way, so they need to both reinforce that shield and make sure they want to keep shielding them.

Upsala would serve more work. They are both increasing their power (both theirs and Capua's) with their tech, become a point inside the enemy grounds - which may not be much but is still helpful - and would serve as a good advertisement of "hey, why try to colonize us, we would be so much more useful if we became trade partners instead! Look at all we can do if you let us work in our own pace."

I may not have gotten it right, though. Who knows.

You know, at first I didn't quite understand why I liked the politic-ing as I find it boring in every other work besides this one, but then it clicked, it's not only well written, but what carries this is the interesting and well developed characters which feel like people with goals and their own lives.
So many other works just make them plot devices and that's all, this, makes all the difference.
This is a lot like me and that story about the child villainess trying to avoid going bankrupt in the monetary crash she knows will happen, and going through economics and politics way above my head.

I have no idea what is going on, but they make me enjoy the show anyway.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
Not sure if am too stupid for what this manga has become, but am really not enjoying these last few arcs
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
freya throws bait
lucrezia jumps at it


giuseppe throws bait, while planting a trap
freya takes the bait future...

uppsala kingdom upgrades sea travel
church discovers uppsala has legacy of escaped white kingdom
democratization plans for the south continent breads in the north?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
what the fuck is even the goal here?
they want to instigate a diplomatic break between the northern church and Upsala. but for what gain? making sure that Capua does not get northern technology, because Upsala may get destroyed worst case? but they want to get marbles, which they can only get from Capua? I doubt Aura will be happy about the weaking/destruction of their northern partner.
they are hoping for trade, but they are aware that this may cause a war between north and south AND they know the south is less technologically advanced.
they are gambling the peace of several countries for what? faint hopes of also getting a northern trade route? they could have just send a ship north in hopes of achieving trade that way... (and if your ship technology is lacking then just spend money on research).
this all seems like dice rolling veiled as diplomatic chess play.
So you know colonialism? That time period of exploration where European nations systematically screwed over developing cilvizations sanctioned by the church? This is a very blatant mirror of that with the Twin Kingdoms aware of its possibility due to their own history of migrating from the North.

They understand that as the North's technology grows especially in sea faring they'll eventually send more explorers to the souther continent and either try to establish trade relations or conquer the souther continent based on what they think will be more difficult and profitable. The church hasn't itself been shown, but they've been talked about and everything makes them sound superior and conceited. The Twin Kingdoms feel they'd be likely go the nuclear route and try to conquer the souther continents. Their goal is to send tech over that tells the northern continent "hey don't F with us" or at least makes them look harder to conquer. But they ultimately understand eventually the church will just do it anyway, so their preparation is on building beneficial alliances. After all they're not on the coast and can't actually fight off a sea invasion.

It's actually very important to them that the Capua kingdom remains close allies, which is a big reason why the past interaction with the MC getting pissed over them attempting to use his son as a bargaining chip was bad for them as well. They both need the Capua kingdom to give them marbles for their power up and literally need the Capua kingdom to not let either country get conquered. On this front they also want to improve diplomatic relations with at least one northern continent country which is going to be Freya's because she's already tied to the Capua kingdom. It's even for this reason why they want a royal family member to become a concubine and tie the countries' closer together (though I really really wish this one would just fade away and not get a position that'd make her a recurring character 😂).

It's really not bad optics and something that only makes since coming from the Twin Kingdoms since they've been established to have that history with the church.

You know, at first I didn't quite understand why I liked the politic-ing as I find it boring in every other work besides this one, but then it clicked, it's not only well written, but what carries this is the interesting and well developed characters which feel like people with goals and their own lives.
So many other works just make them plot devices and that's all, this, makes all the difference.
I really like it because it's not just overly malicious or deus ex machina. So many political oriented Manga just feel like the author have some sort of weird psychological masochist fetish. Everyone's just stupid evil and then even worse everything happens off screen. Like I don't know why authors think it's interesting for me to be reading and then all of a sudden the conflict is magically resolved through flashbacks and either the main character or main antagonist outmanuevered everyone so bad nothing even really matters.

This chapter is the closest we've come to either of those (and it's only the flashback outmanuevering) and even then most everything happened in real time. Plus Freya did her due diligence and the MC figured things out even without being in the same room. Plus we have an earlier arc where they (twin kingdoms royalty) tried to outmanuever and got burnt for it. And at the end of the day, no one has malicious intent. Even this is the twin kingdoms genuinely wanting better relations with Capua because they understand the importance of good alliances to thrive as a nation, but in war and grow their own prosperity.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2023
You know, at first I didn't quite understand why I liked the politic-ing as I find it boring in every other work besides this one, but then it clicked, it's not only well written, but what carries this is the interesting and well developed characters which feel like people with goals and their own lives.
So many other works just make them plot devices and that's all, this, makes all the difference.
I think this manga does politics a lot better than others. A good example is how the General was handled. Namely in a lesser story he would have almost certainly become some kind of bit villain turning comically evil in an attempt to seize power now that his first and only plan of marrying the single queen failed. Instead he pivots like a "real" human into new plans and makes the best out of the situations for his benefit. Even this arc has strong characters acting out fairly realistically with varying motivations and personalities.

Now one could disagree with the actual amount of politics vs say slice of life antics or booba but the politics as it exists is fairly good. I think only this very latest plot point about the church invasion is bit out of left field but even this isn't exactly unsupported by the story so far. This particular plot point suffers more from story set up syndrome where characters magically align with coming events because the author wants you to know what to pay attention on. As in the characters know the church will invade not because it's the most logical outcome in their shoes and the intelligence at hand, but because they know the church will invade because it's been set up as part of the story as such. A tiny fix here for instance could be to present some alternative options because even if we know that the church will invade (because of course they will) and the characters definitely know it's a possibility, they shouldn't be so sure about it. For instance it wouldn't be entirely out of the picture for them to trade the magic tool that helps seafaring to secure an alliance for a future play at the marbles, after all the relic doesn't really have value to them being landlocked but huge value as a gift at this very moment. They have already been shown to carry generation long plans so a long term play like that is very natural. All of that could happen without framing it as a grand scheme against the church. Then you could have Freya's perspective explore the church angle later for instance to arrive at the same end result. Still again the last plot point is still remarkably well set up across many chapters in comparison to a more average manga plot so it's not coming out of nowhere or an asspull by any means. In a worse manga the same idea might have been presented straight out like "we give this thing to you, you will need it against the obviously and comically evil catholic church my job here is done --vanishes out of the story--"
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
I refuse to fucking believe that Lucrezia actually fell in love with Zenjirou. There was never a development like with Freya where she fell for him because of his character and how he treated her as an equal. Jfc I really hope she doesn't become a concubine.
Saaame, i fucking hate her as a character and a "concubine option"

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