The Insipid Prince's Furtive Grab for the Throne - Vol. 2 Ch. 8.1

Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
@cor3zone But the Butler was actually fine with it.

@XNovalX But how is she a scumbag? She's loud, sure... but she wasn't that bad at all... hell, we have plenty of male characters like her that are popular. Yuuji from Baka Test, Renji and Ichigo from Bleach... or Kenpachi from Bleach (dude tries to cut up everybody)... heck, Zoro and Sanji do this kinda sh*t all the time and we love them. Gokudera from Reborn acts much worse than this and he was extremely popular....

And look at Bakugo from My Hero Academia... he's an actual bully yet people love him....

Heck, comically violent characters are often my favorite... whether they are male or female...

And the fact that she actually protected the MC and is actually looking out for him I feel should mean more than just a lazy guy who considered sword training as bullying.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2020
@deathmailrock People love those characters because they are as bad on the inside as they are on the outside. Your point is that she is a bitch on the outside, but she's good on the inside. Weirdos that indulge in tsunderes are hopeless masochists that think with their dick.
Ichigo is nothing like this girl. Sanji gives attitude to those that are scum. Your comparisons are no where near this character. I'm beginning to think you are getting mixed between people with attitude that keep to themselves and annoying bitches.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
Ah yeah yeah...
I see.

So people is disliking a female (this part kind of important because some comment particularly is so fixated on this) character who care to a lazy MC (because he appear to be so) for him to become better.
I see it just like a mom who say "Go to school/ wash your dish/ stop playing your game" to her son.

I think both example go against the character will, IMO.

But that will in both scenario is a character "flaw" and that is the main job of our lovely mom, i mean female knight—to force that will/flaw/ideology of MC have for him to become a better character.
It's all about change. A character in the story is interesting mostly because they are changing throughout the story.

All of the character so far beside female knight is, have a okay attitude with MC being lazy (though because they know how strong he is lol) but i think its only her that trying to make mc go out of his comfort zone.
Ok that side is for the female knight.

But from MC perspective yes, she is a busybody. Even on his own he is trying his best helping his brother to become emperor.
Group Leader
Jun 2, 2019
@XNovalX But she isn't a bitch. And no, Sanji beats up his own allies. Ichigo kicks his friends.

And she's good on the outside AND inside... at worst, she's too brash, but even on the outside, she wishes to protect innocent people, and she's protecting her friends...

And she actually can be reasoned with; her attitude towards him as an adventurer was just rivalry. In fact, Ichigo kinda acts worse towards his friends. At least her action towards the prince was more reasonable, just trying to make him do the activity he's meant to do.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2020
@deathmailrock You act like they kick their friends ass for no reason. "she actually can be reasoned with" If you see carefully she doesn't comply when the MC essentially tells her that he doesn't need her help. " just trying to make him do the activity he's meant to do." What? He has a plan that literally doesn't include her, yet she's trying to join in when she's uterly clueless as to what he's going to do.
I get that you already have some sort of love for this side character that has just been introduced, but if you are gonna make preconceptions about her, my point will never get through to you because are making up this fucking character as you please. There is a limit to the amount of white knighting you can do for a fucking 2D character.
Mar 28, 2019
After seeing 100+ comments on this chapter and reading through it after last night, I am so thankful that I'm not alone in thinking the token tsundere character is annoying and basically unneeded. I originally commented when this chapter came out expressing my dislike of her and got comments expressing disagreement, as well as just being whiteknighted, so I actually started to think I was being hypercritical.

Thank god there are some people out there that actually see the actions the token tsundere are taking are literally antagonistic towards the MC, and is literally performing the antagonist's role but trying to parade around as a "good" character. Keep up the fight against blindly accepting bad characters because "waifu", people will soon realize that hentais have better characters that are hotter and move on, and we can finally get well-developed and thought-out characters.

Shoutout to my guy @XNovalX for debating for hours against the garbage eaters, you my homie <3
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2020
@Massmada265 I'm glad there are logical people like you out here. "people will soon realize that hentais have better characters that are hotter and move on, and we can finally get well-developed and thought-out characters." You are so fucking woke, this is actually true. I just wish that they stop making female characters so illogical, we get that that is how they act in rl, but damn, this is supposed to be fantasy.
Mar 28, 2019
@XNovalX I just want characters written well, that are actually well thought out and defined. No more of this cookie cutter, token tsundere, boring-ass characters. If I wanted hot girls to fap to, I get hentai. This token tsundere is so basic. Like women are complex, varied and human, stop writing them like their 2 dimensional (pun intended) and only have 2 personality traits. I'm not asking for award winning writing, but at least make them FEEL human, and not just fap bait for the weebs too scared to read hentai.

Like as someone that has interacted with females for even just a little bit, it's so glaring that manga authors have such a hard time writing actually human characters (especially women) and just reduce them to fap bait or """comedy""" or tiddies. It's almost insulting how flat and stereotypical the token tsundere is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2019
I think it might be a decent route to take honestly.

The nice one from earlier who has shown to be clever and willing to play with his tricks would be a good foil to help this Lawful good Palidumbass.

*I mean I genuinely hate palaldins but honestly it could be worse... This could be a "Ima rape my antagonist" isekais...*
Mar 3, 2019
This manga was going well. Now I'm conflicted. Definetly don't like the new girl at all. The other one developing was getting much better.
Aug 15, 2020
@monkey123 gosh simp or not i'm still basing on RL facts grow up bruh. I live in a household were we respect everybody no matter what type of personality they have but go as far as threatening are family we'll definetily go and make them regret that they ever threaten us. To begin with i'm not a simp, and also i'd rather be a simp than a rape lover. Lol you're profile tells it all...
Sep 17, 2018
i want to laugh reading all this comment lol, some hate the new character, some like the new character, and they duke it out for hours lol.

i understand why some people hate the new char because she like to drag the mc around, but remember many char also dragging people around for their own benefit too, like how our mc trying to force his own brother to be the emperor when the little brother kinda reluctant to do it and want our mc to be the emperor, and still our mc force his own brother to go along with his plan, but we still see our mc as a good guy, why is that? if you answer because he is thinking of his brother, then how come the new char is a bad one because she dragging mc around while thinking about him? the things is, it's the way you see it that make you hate the char or liking it.

just look at rent a girlfriend manga mc, many people hate him, but some defend him, in the end, it's all in how you see and feel about the char yourself and that's the biggest reason you like it or hate it.

people like some trope and other like another trope, so don't start arguing about something that can't be fixed anyway, it just make the argument looks dumb, either you like it and read it or you hate it then stop reading it, it's your choice.
Sep 17, 2018
And for the record, some of those mangaka who use "tsundere" as their character personality, is actually female in real life, so yeah, not all mangaka is a male.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
No, I mean the butler pretended the prince didn't slight the knight. The prince very much did, calling her devil. If she felt like it, and the emperor himself didn't intervene, I bet she could have the prince executed for that. In some cultures servants follow their master into the grave. Regardless, an executed master looks bad on the CV.

So, it was in the butler's best interest to smooth it over. Which he did: "Unfortunately, I don't think anybody will come. The strongest knight is already here, after all." Effectively rejecting the prince's order to call someone, without directly disobeying. Also threw in a compliment to the knight, for good measure. Within the limitations a butler has, that's pretty much masterful manipulation.

Also, how do you get "the butler was fine with it" after just saying "the butler doesn't take what he says seriously"? Discarding something as silly is the same as being fine with it? I don't understand.

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