The Isekai Returnee is Too OP for the Modern World - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - VS Yakuza

Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@InsaneInsomniac That is why I recommend just wiping them out. And when I say wipe them out, I mean literally. Kill them and everyone associated with them. So what if a few thousand shitstains end up dead because of it? It's not like they were humans anyways.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Why even bother bringing up the law, if you're just going to the beatdown, anyway?

Also, I retract most of my liking for senpai from last chapter. "It's a sin to be weak" is all too easy to say when you're in the position of the strong one.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
"So it's all solved again by violence."
And that's a problem because?

While she was much too harsh she isn't exactly wrong. Had Murayama had the proper knowledge, she'd have brought her situation to the authorities, and they'd solve the situation for her. Either way violence would be used to deal with it, because that's the only way to solve it. That's what Abeno was trying to tell her, that she had to do something, and that's why mc didn't correct Abeno on her excess.
And before you come at me, with the "how could she have known?", from the moment they were met with the whole situation she had more than enough time to research the topic, if her house doesn't have a computer anymore, which I doubt since her father used precisely that to put them into debt in the first place, then she could've gone to a library or even use her schools computer lab. Either way she should have tried to do something before giving up, but she did nothing. And that's why "Senpai" attacked her on her weakness.
DIdn't Abeno clearly point out that Murayama had the situation escalate that far before asking for help? She was pretty much saying that the girl should have at least tried to ask for help. But she did nothing.

Seriously, though people need to learn to read, or to have the desire to read and learn, there's no excuse to give up as soon as a problem appears, and definitely no excuse to remain ignorant when information can be easily accessed so long as you have a computer, I won't fully blame her though since her mother should've done this way before the problem was passed to her.

@Deathhappens I fully disagree because strength doesn't always translate to physical fitness and technical prowess, there's literally no excuse for people to give up at the first sign of adversity. Everyone has a way to deal with a situation, and the police exist for a reason, if you're weak you use them to solve the situation.
True weakness is not lack of strenght, but the lack of the desire to possess said strenght in whatever form it takes. Be it through knowledge, courage or physical prowess.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 22, 2018
@BloodySorcerer she doesn't have any such good intentions in mind. It's all just an excuse so she can rob the yakuza blind. Angel girl knows this and wants in on it.

IIRC, there's some weird rule that the supernatural ppl can't do this on a whim, but since the yakuza "attacked first"... well then, it's a Gold Rush!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
The blackhaired girl loves the sound of her own voice it seems
@Deathhappens she's just dumb, remember she was about to die a couple chapters ago lol
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
Kinda half expecting this to happen, so I'll mention this now...
"I'd expect a great fight if this is Saints Row world".
Oct 9, 2018
why did we go from a love confession last chapter to... this?
no panels showing MC's reaction? nothing?
i suppose i should be happy, i'd be angrier if he played the dense japanese male card AGAIN.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2019
I'd like Senpai more if she had a better way with words. Wish she'd stop saying things in a round-a-bout way like that. MC could be a good lawyer.
Dex-chan lover
May 1, 2018
while this was entertaining what with the whole "its a sin to be weak"? no matter how strong or smart you are, someone else will always be better than you. i mean i get what she's trying to say but it still sounds idiotic.

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