Damn, that Just look like real life humans. If we really had magic in ouro world I bet some fascist pig like that emperor would exist here as well. Humans are always afraid of what they can't have or understand or a little of both, even when it's on their side helping them, so I guess I'm a little curious for how this manga is going to explore this.
@relic626 it’s more than just not needing the witches, it’s just racism, which is never really reasonable or logical. The author’s not trying to set up some grand scheme as to why the which hunts happened, the King’s just racist.
You'd think that the witches, being created by god, would be revered as angels and like, not killed and raped. Of course, that god could have fallen out of favor and not been worshipped anymore, but whatever.
Yeah, So far humanities' motivation for turning on witches isn't really fleshed out, you could definitely make it work writing wise (Made some scapegoat for a national tragedy or humiliation, ala "stab in the back") but the author hasn't done that world building yet.
Well then, this is the kind of vengeance that I really enjoy. I hope it doesn't end like most, with mc becoming an edgelord that rapes and abuses everyone.