The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 45

Jan 26, 2020
I can't.... nope...they don't belong together lol. He is going to destroy her if he marries her. She needs freedom and independence. I am sorry but I never saw independence for women in that a place like that during a period like them. She will always have him as his superior plus she is not well-known yet. Yes, people in the army knows her but no everybody in the capital nor in the public eye of the new territory of the empire.

Please don't let her marry him. She deserves another guy. A bit cringy how if they were to marry would be a force one or I feel like a person who can see how things, realistically speaking, can end up bad but can't say anything to the couple otherwise they will get mad. I can only wait for the bad things to happen and be the one to say "I told you so."
Apr 26, 2020
@Darkwolfix I totally agree, but if she's a queen I don't think that'd be a big problem. If not she's better of a knight just not a concubine
Jan 26, 2020
hmmm Nah they are best pals. I can't see them marrying.

She feels like she accomplished something and is grateful to the emperor. She adores him as the new symbol of the new empire. He knows she is a good man, a responsible person, and fair to children and adults. Yes, she is dense, too but love is not something that she needs at the moment nor looks for it. If she became all shy and lovely dovely then the author is manipulating her. That is so out of her character. She will need more time to actually get to the point that she will want love. The emperor does know that once he finishes his war, he will be asked to get an empress. That is why even his friend wants him, the emperor, to make her just his concubine. There are many things that she needs to become an empress. Just like a doctor or a lawyer or a nurse. You don't see just anyone. This is not just about "love." She needs to get the respect from the people. She needs more time and during that time Paulina will get to know more people more guys and do believe there is a better man for her.

yes, she is a very strong and independent woman AND a rough woman. She was in the military. The emperor is too delicate. He is strong but too delicate and needs a woman like him. A strong woman but delicate to keep an image. They both are the symbols of the new empire, plus emperors, 98% end up with concubines. Paulina would want to just cut the head of any new woman. Look how "cold-hearted" she was and help the innocent princess to kill herself. I would say. Make Paulina the empress and have the current emperor as her emperor consort LOL.

I do believe she needs to be the head household, her man will be strong as if not more than her and have a docile moment just showed to her, but he will know that he can't impose his persona on her or on her people. That is why and the previous reasons mentioned, I can't accept her to marry the emperor. They are both best friends and will support each other. I see Paulina like the duchess in the manhwa, "the duchess monster and the princess." The new mother of the MC is very strong and rough JUST like Paulina and her husband is strong like the mother/ The MC's mother is the best friend and consultant of the emperor/king.
Active member
Nov 26, 2018
Uhhh a concubine??? She’s a warrior god dammit. Not that there’s anything wrongful with sex workers but Paulina isn’t person you hide away in a separate castle. She deserves better respect and if that’s how the king is going to treat her I just don’t know...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
aino's honest yet shitty attitude is very much appreciated, esp considering claude's position and their banter is hilarious but also 1) stfu about that concubine nonsense i won't allow that for our hero miss paul, and 2) i really don't see how she would take such sentiments/news as a positive thing. not only does she not see claude in any sort of romantic light, but also she would most definitely not agree to giving up her position as a knight and become claude's woman like that. it's not gonna end well if claude goes along with aino's idea 🤕 at the very least claude could try to sincerely court her rather than straight up confess (and possibly force her to reciprocate/accept)

thanks for the translation!
Oct 27, 2018
Ahahahahaha he's lovestruck, and doomed. Aino is right, I don't think Pauliana has ever thought about him in that way 😅

Thanks for the chapter!
Jan 6, 2020
S P I C Y uwu I love it make it real pls we all love a strong woman and a strong princy boi coming together yes we do 😤😤
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
@Stickerparty normally I feel that the wife is the political/noble blood marriage slot in this situation and concubine/mistress is for who you love. At least if you can't get fairytale lucky. It's because she's a warrior that she gets the concubine slot.

At the same time, he is the highest power, bar none, and we haven't seen anyone he would need to curry favor with through marriage in order to stay that way.
Oct 26, 2019
I don't get the concubine suggestion. Even though she's the daughter of a lower aristocrat, she's still nobility. He's the emperor that just conquered everything so there's no need for a political marriage alliance.

I know she doesn't see him in that way at all though. He's so adorable. Poor guy.
Sep 6, 2019
I agree.
Although 'concubine' comes with a bitter aftertaste, it's basically how these kinds of things work.
As you said, normally someone of political/noble blood gets the marriage slot while the lover who might have a lower position is the concubine.

But yeah, seeing as there is no one so far he needs to curry favor to, he could possibly go "fuck it" and give it to her.
Aino seems to want him to marry one of the noblewomen from the countries they conquered. Possibly, 'cause he doesn't really see Paula as queen material. But seeing as Paula was able to stack up a good amount of achievements, it might be possible for Lucius to get away with it?
Sep 6, 2019
I forgot what title Paula's family had before.
But in most settings like this, there tends to be a certain expectation toward who should be the queen even amongst the nobles.
From what I recall, the queen usually has to come from a Marquess family or higher.

At this point, I think it's just Aino thinking that he should marry someone who fits that status despite there being no reason to cater politically. Probably 'cause he sees Paula as a knight now but not really queen material, I guess?
Apr 29, 2019
Sorry emperor, not like this.
She's not some flower you can put in ur dang harem or whatever.

Ms Paulina is too strong, amazing and intelligent of a woman.

She deserves a fief and some sort of a noble level up or something. She comes from a noble family, she deserves a duke duches level up. That makes more sense, with all that she has contributed for all those years under you.

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