The Knight and Her Emperor - Ch. 91

May 2, 2018
Alright well its heavy handed but it is character development. I'm very glad I've kept up with this story.
Apr 2, 2020
they could have made the gold digger handsome at least T_T but anyway ~ did yall see that little smirk when he opens the door for her?? he's a snaaaaakeeee

~ somehow I wish pol looked more like she's described in the novel, where she's small and pretty thin... here in the manhwa she looks too much like a man

I love rebecca <3 and what I love about the wives interactions with pol is that it comes to surface their social disavantages just bc they are women, no matter what they do (the wives can't desire have their own ambitions or take control of their lifes beside marrying/carrying a child
and even when rebecca dies, people are disappointed because she died while giving birth to a girl
; pol basically achieved a lot of power but almost no one sees her as a woman /something that she never hated/. For everything that she has, she had to work even harder than a man, and even that isn't enough, because there are still enough people that doesn't respect her and talk badly about her).

pol is going to start knowing much more about the struggles women generally suffer thanks to the wives, it's like that awakens her own "feminity", somehow; that's why she ends up falling for the gold digger guy: he's the first man to treat her like a lady (besides the fact that she wants her own family and someone to greet her when she comes home )

thanks for the chapter!!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
Of course she can't empathize, isn't it sadder she practically had to give up on being a regular woman, if she wanted to, the minute she was sent off to war. But just like the concubine are "fighting" to bare an heir and become empress Paulina is also having her own battle in a world made for men but the grass is always greener I guess
Active member
Jun 12, 2018
It's a pity that women have historically been looked down on. Even during modern times with all our changes in society it's still an uphill battle to fight against sexism.
Sep 8, 2020
i think the concubines and Paul position have their down side. On one hand, the concubines live like a caged bird but always be taken care of (food/clothing), got maids to service them. While Paul is not seen as a woman/ little to no romantic relationship/infertile but has the freedom to do w.e she wants. I think this is just the case of the neighbors grass looks greener.

its weird she kinda bring down Paul while discussing this, considering she(Paul) has done nothing but made sure they were friendly with each other.
Dec 24, 2019
I really like that the author is taking the time to talk about this issues, it makes all the character more human
Jan 29, 2019

All im saying is i have more sympathy for miss Paul, like, how can she know the burdens of a woman when she was never given the chance to be one?

So maybe the girl could of explained a bit more in that sense, why its so important to bare children to a high ranking male, to a person who has always had to worry about her head being attached to her neck?

Tbh cant they both admit they were both given a hard time at the starting line in life? - my point of view
Dex-chan lover
May 4, 2019
It's interesting how the frictions and tensions are starting to develop. The balance was well maintained until that point, but the three Ladies have the pressures of their families to get pregnant first. Failing to do so would mean they could be shunned.

Paul doesn't get it because not only doesn't she understand a noble woman (only a noble woman, since the common women worked and had less restrictions) but politics are things she doesn't think about. She never considered the actual political reasons for choising the three brides, the inner political struggles unless explicitly told.

She trully can't see why the big issue is because she sees the situation as any common marriage : you can get pregnant later, no need to rush.
Dec 19, 2019
I dont like the tone that Rebecca used in 'englightening' Pol about her struggles. It's as if she is a lesser of a woman just being unable to empathize with Lady Stra. Sure, she is lucky because she became a Marquess but that's all she focused on, the good parts. Would she be able to stomach the gruesome atmosphere of war (broke a rib and having a dent in the head)? Would she be able to handle being raped by her superior (it was not portrayed here but Pol was raped and being attempted to multiple times in the novel)? Everyday she gets spit on and cant even sleep at night without having one eye open. Each of them has a different sort of struggle. How funny it is for her to call Poliana out for being unsympathetic when she herself is insensitive enough to see that Poliana would not get it since she never had the chance in the first place.
Apr 29, 2019
Hmmm I don’t think she can survive if she were to be in ms paul place.
Ma Paul has suffered enough
She’s amazing
Active member
Jun 1, 2018
In some ways, Paulina is luckier than all the other women in Acrea, being acknowledged by the King himself, being bestowed land even though she's a woman, having a high position even though she's a woman, no expectations of having children even though she's a woman. Paulina is quite dense in some areas, especially in areas she has never experienced before. It's good character development for her to talk to the concubines and understand and sympathise with them
Dec 19, 2019
@pingustrategist It may not be explicity shown in the manhwa but Poliana is completely aware of her disadvantage as a woman. The novel never fails to mention it in every chapter. Multiple occasion does her male colleagues took credit her achievements in her prev country. Also, she was never stronger compared to her fellow knights. She compensated her lack of power by diligently studying war strategies. (Dont forget the nepotism in the military. Not all high ranking officer are skilled.) It is mentioned that she only managed to twist a joint of a solider bigger than her size but never able to break a bone or made a finishing blow using her bare fist. There was even a minor squabble between her and Aino about her promotion as Lucius' personal guard since it is known that Lucius can handle himself without her help. Ultimately, she was never as lucky as you think it is. The luck she had here is she met a young Emperor who is inexperienced with war. New ones had the tendency to be more open minded compared to their older counterpart. Had it be later, Lucius might not have her under his wing.

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