The Knight and Her Emperor

Nov 21, 2020
NGL, when I started reading, I signed up for romance. But honestly, it turned out way better than expected.

Pauliana trying to fit in the men's world was excellent plot. While this is still applicable to the world to day. Her discrimination was blatant.
A lot of people nowadays are subtle but it makes me think about the pioneer women who fought for their right to be recognized in their career fields in the beginning.
She could've been just as good as an ordinary soldier. However, since she is an woman, she had to work 10x harder which work very well into her favor.
I like how she earned respect from her men comrades. I like how the good deeds of other men didn't stir romantic feelings from her, too.
She can kill you but she is actually a cinnamon roll deep down. Lots of room for character development.
She's been through A LOT. I WANNA HUG HER.

Maybeee, I'm gonna have to wait for around 500 more chapters before Pauliana figures out about the emperor's feelings for her. (I mean c'mon it's been 10 years!)
I honestly don't want her to end up with the emperor. She deserved so much better.
Sure he adores her and it's cute as heck her but with politics getting in the way, he could never make her truly happy.
She does not need a man to make her happy.

In this story, you also see women whose thoughts differ from the societal gender norms and making the best out of their situation.
Despite their hardships and the common perception of drama surrounding concubines, they still show compassion towards each other.
While there might be a competition, the story notes that they were just puppets by their families and they were just fighting for their own survival.

yeah, i finished this series within 2 days. i have 10 more paragraphs in my head. 😂
man... i should probably just start a blog.
May 15, 2020
I love ch 91 and 92, it was so satisfying and empowering. We all know in the past century, women is just about bed, kitchen and producing heir. I love this manga so much 💜
Nov 26, 2020
DAMB this shit good bro, such a narrative too. Everything about this i love, and getting to watch these characters and watch Pauliana grow too. I shocked they can keep this going to, most stuff like this just feels dragged out but you really feel like you've know the characters for so long and bond. I cant get enough, when the next update coming?
Jul 9, 2020
man cha 91-92 really hits
Jan 11, 2020
This shit is deep... but I’m pretty sure I already know where this is going
Sep 30, 2019
dont even care abt the romance anymore, i love how the story is unfolding rn and these last few chaps esp :)
Apr 1, 2019
This manhwa has the slowest burn I’ve ever seen but it’s like the good burn you get from standing under a hot shower on a winter morning.
Can’t wait for more!
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
I'm so glad the manhwa is different character-wise from the novel. Novel-Lucius sounds like a really shitty person.
Oct 8, 2019
I feel like Rebecca just used pauline...
Is it just me???
cause its seems like she pushed pauline away because she knew that she was gonna be the crown princess or something idk???
Dec 4, 2020
Honestly such a good build up and realistic plot. I'm seriously so happy I managed to stumble onto this manhwa by chance.

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