@MinMan1 ML has been trained into submission in much the same way that elephants are trained in the real world
They are punished from when they're born with their mahout's ankusha so that even when they grow up the the size of a bus they're back away from a human holding what is little more than a pointy stick.
Their owners don't even need to strike them, all it takes is for the elephant to see the pointy stick for it to back away.
Though ofcourse therehave have many recorded cases where abusive owners have meet a grizzly end when they acidentally dropped their ankusha in front of an abused elephant
So no I wouldn't call him a sub, though before a woman like the MC any man might behave like one
@Aflowerlove250 he looks like a bodybuilder that's way past the natty limit, without access to enhancing drugs, no amount of raw eggs and whey will get you such a magnificent bulk.