The Lady's Dark Secret - Ch. 42

Active member
Sep 11, 2019
So that oversize pimple of a human is finally swollen with even more audacity...!!

While I'm not a children person, I'm at least relief Estelle didn't take it out on the unborn child. But the gods in this universe are hypocrites aren't they? I personally would hate it if this is some "grand plan" laid out by gods and devils, because poor girl was tortured in life and in hell, no amount of justification can ease that. Or... (I reread Tensura lately) holy power is just when you sincerely and intensely pray for your belief, not to a specific deity, but what do I know.

Not only did art quality dropped, art continuity is completely out of the window now, several chapters ago Juvelle has eyebrow-length front bangs, then last chapter there's no bangs, now it's curtain bangs (and looked awfully cut too, if I have that much money and power the least I want is good hair). I'm persevering for the story for now. It's a shame since I'm sure Death by Roses has worked hard on it.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
I thought she was gonna make it a fatal stillbirth, but since their name will be Estelle, I’ll let it slide. She can turn Estelle Junior against her mother, and help her bring even more misfortune! 😈
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2023
Well why didn't he answer you when you here in hell? Well either the setting's deity could not do anything (which makes it not omnipotent), or chose to leaver her there for many possible reasons. One such possibility is that this IS THE BEST OUTCOME. In the end this could be the only way for her to get the happiness she so desperately craves.
Another possibility it that this is part of a purifying prosses for her. Technically that thirst for vengeance always existed and the only way to refine her character was to put her in the crucible and hell was the only crucible hot enough. (personally I don't like this specific answer, at least for this story)
Third option. Deity lets people do as they wish and then judges them after they die. This story has a confirmed afterlife after all. The timescale and perspective of an immortal god is different then that of a finite mortal.
I could continue listing but I think yall get the idea (if you bothered to read this, that is.)
Apr 11, 2023
I'm persevering for the story for now. It's a shame since I'm sure Death by Roses has worked hard on it.
Thank you for your comment! As always, we will try to continue with this story until the end of s1 (which has no date yet) as with all our projects. And I actually have good news for y'all: from chapter 45 onwards, the art improves a bit (even the artist is aware of the change, and has explained that they changed hospitals and was prescribed the wrong medicine - affecting their health and decreasing the quality of their work). So thank you very much for following this story, and we also hope that the art will keep up with this nice plot!
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Fed-Kun's army
Nov 17, 2018
I commend Estelle for not snapping at the redhaired bitch's audacity and taking it out on the baby. Since all that awaits that bitch is a cruel fate in the depths of hell itself.

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