The Lady's Law of Survival - Ch. 28

Mar 28, 2020
@Xirre tbh I don't have time to check all the snipers on all the series I follow.
Ofc I try to support the scan groups as much as possible, or even the authors through official translation whenever I can do so.
Btw there's chapters 29 and 30 in Spanish for those that are interested xD

The point here is that she didn't do it with bad intentions and apologized on the last chapter.

Just saying that if the scan groups are overloaded with work they could use some help from people that is willing to.
Aug 14, 2020
Hm the drama is kinda annoying tbh, mirazinax didnt have bad intentions so I think it's fine, she even apologized
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2020
Eve is now my favorite female character of all time also whether translating raws is illegal or not depends on which country you are in. in the US as long as something is different from the original then it falls under "fair use" laws which is why lyric videos are legal despite the creator of the vid not owning the rights to the song it gets very complicated when "fair use" is applied internationally such as japan and korea not have fair use laws
Oct 12, 2020
Ah, more translation drama.

Does anyone own a series if they started translating it as a fan?
That depends on a very simple thing, did you buy the rights to owning the translation of a series?

If the answer is no, then nope, no group can claim dibs on anything. In fact, y'all are legally required to take everything down if the original author requests it

This is why translation groups are so adamant about warning people from posting/sharing on Instagram - mangadex is relatively niche and not really advertised, Instagram on the other hand has a wider spread and its easier for publishers to find stuff there.

It would be nice if fan groups could stop claiming rights that they don't rightfully have at all, and work on a project because they like it and enjoy translating it.

Here's some advice from someone who has a rather successful career. (hiding it under spoiler so this post isn't so long and for the people who don't really care)
In the beginning, it would quite often happen that people would steal my ideas, my drafts, and claim them as their own. I honestly didn't think that would happen in rl, but it actually can and does happen.
However, here's the catch. I'm a perfectionist, I prepare things in advance, then edit them, re-edit them, review them, study weaknesses, argue with myself over how to justify them etc.
So whichever draft they would take, by the time they would be showing up with their "great idea" , I would actually have a whole bunch of improvements on it or explanations why it wouldn't work. I never bothered calling them out, I simply proved I was better

Moral of the story, don't stress over the competition, work on being the best option, and people will acknowledge it.

Now, please appreciate how perfect Eve is in this chapter.
Jun 8, 2020
buahahah😂😂😂 he.. he lost a tooth!! Aaghh I caannt that was so satisfying!!😂

anyway thank you for translating @MiraZinaX!! your time and effort is much appreciated!🤗
May 8, 2020
When someone translates without the author’s knowledge and permission, they have no right to get mad at others for doing the same thing. They don’t own this series, and likely don’t contribute financially to the author. I am of course very glad there are so many people who volunteer their time to do this and know it takes a lot of time and effort, but it is honestly shocking to me how mad some groups get when other people “dare” to translate the same thing and share it on a website neither of them own. (Not talking about the specific group involved here, more so the comments the translator has received from others)

I get it, I do. It can be disappointing when you’re working on a project and need a break. If there was an easier way for regular people who just want to do a few scans to understand all these intricacies and know where to look for info, maybe it would help. But then some people are saying you should wait SIX MONTHS before assuming something is dropped and you can safely take over? Who decides that? I’ve seen people essentially hate brigade those that translated a few chapters just for fun without knowing about what could happen, all because scan groups got so mad they threatened to immediately drop the project and everyone piled on to the poor person that thought they were just doing a nice thing.

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