@tacoyakodon didn't know someone is translating this. I read other version at agregate site and the quality is beyond horrible. And why didn't Meraki post at md anyway?
Meraki is too slow that looked like they stopped, they are so behind with the raws, that's why I was reading the latest ones translated, but they are so badly translated... So thank you for giving us a proper chapter after so much time.
Thanks a lot for a decent translation.
Meraki is pretty much a turtle at this point, and they are not on the Dex, so I really could not care less about their current pacing, even though I greatly appreciate the work they had done before.
@CalamityCallout There's another group besides Meraki doing a translation, but it's damn near unreadable. Like it was put through 4 different languages before being translated to English. It's on nelo/lot and other sites, but I just wait for Meraki to make updates since reading the other version gives me a headache.
Ah so thats what I thought, thanks. Meraki has started putting new chapters out too, so thats nice.
But then I have to wonder why this chapter was done instead of going ahead of Meraki? To avoid sniping? but then you either wait for Meraki, who isnt on MD anyway, or deal with the shit translations and get one good one, which, neither are great options