The Magnificent Grand Scene - Vol. 15 Ch. 77 - Beginning Anew

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Not boy drama, nope, but a memento. I would guess Evelyn to be on pretty decent terms with her ex-boyfriend considering she's still carrying a picture of him, lol.

Any impressions on this arc so far? Any Royal Ballet character catch your attention yet?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
@EnduranceProtocol So was this the end of this volume? Any idea when the next one might come out? 👀

It’s really interesting to see Kanade have to go back to basics again. For a while it seemed like she was a prodigy who could do anything. Adapting to a new dance style so quickly must be difficult.

I’m probably most interested in Keira and her story. I hope we get to know her more. 🙏
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
From what I had seen of the raws early on it feels like this is more on the competitive side and the drama that undolds on who preforms the best and not so much on the friendships she’s had, like it gets serious from here. Welp looking forwards to next volume!
Feb 4, 2018
Happy it wasn't boy-drama but ballet related. Suits the theme of the manga better. The girls all want to go pro and compete with the best, the sport is going to be most important part in the girls' lives.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm glad it wasn't boy-drama but I'm concerned about the school technically fostering an "I'm an elite" mindset in the students. It's gonna be rough for newcomers since now they have to relearn everything from scratch, it seems like. I hope Kanade can handle it cuz I would've quit day one lmao
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2018
@faniki : of course they're fostering an "I'm an elite" mindset in the student. Because they are an elite

It's one of the top school in the world, and ballet in competitive by nature : There isn't that much ballet companies, and there isn't many leading role in a ballet compared to "support" role, so if you want one, you'll need to compete with all the others to be the one who gets it
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
the posters again?? maybe that also counts against you when they assess. Relearning everything is kind of fun to kanade though, i'm sure she'll be like hinata in haikyuu!! and just keep adding more stuff. so competitive though :(
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
Not my favorite volume, it feels a little off. I know it’s supposed to be an arc about transition, one part of her life ending and another beginning, but it felt more like checking off boxes in a list rather than really having any emotional weight. Perhaps she’ll realize just how precious her learning environment in Japan was later on, after all there was foreshadowing that she might have thrived better in France rather than England.

But thank you again for scanlating!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
The new location and people make me feel awkward and new myself just reading the volume. Well done.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 14, 2019
@karolyn Apparently the next volume comes out on September 17th already but like usual it will take a bit of time until it gets translated here. So I'm guessing we will get the translation in about 2 or 3 months but it's just speculation.
@EnduranceProtocol Am I more or less in the right? I hope so at least since it would mean less wait than for this chapter.
And thank you very much for the translation btw!!
Active member
Apr 29, 2019
In normal circumstances, that would definitely be nerve wracking. Hopefully kanade can find her place smoothly and show her stuff, wouldn't be surprised if that fuels some envy or tense feelings from her peers. Got to love kanade’s first instinct to be amazed and enthralled before nervous or anything else
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 19, 2018
I'm curious what the author's note says. I see a COVID in there.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 2, 2019
Would you prefer in-your-face direct opinions from Evelyn and Rebecca? Or passive aggressive Keira always staring and never allowing a confrontation lol. Feel bad for Kanade, it must be hard to unlearn everything and start over.
Anyway thanks for the volume!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
@EnduranceProtocol It's hard to give a full opinion on this arc so far since only half of this volume actual enters it. I mean we've had 3 chapters so far, including this one, at the school so it's going to take time to form a full opinion of it. Character wise though it'll be interesting having a new cast around. I doubt it'll be the last we hear from the others but like when Sakura went away, we still heard from her in other arcs so I imagine it'll be the same here.

Was this the last chapter by the way? Those final pages gave it that feel.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 17, 2018
It'll be interesting to see how it plays out but I've thought since her trip to Marseille that the Royal Ballet won't be right for her in the end and that she'd thrive somewhere more modern and permissive in its approach and less traditional and rigid. So far I haven't really been disabused of that notion and it feels like the series itself wants to emphasize that too. But we'll just have to see how it develops.

@EnduranceProtocol It's really hard to say which character specifically. Keira stands out by being probably the most moe character in the entire series and I imagine it'll be a long road for Kanade to get her to open up. I like Evelyn so far because she's kind of the "bad girl" (insomuch as that exists in this series) so it shakes things up though I like that she seems to have warmed up to Kanade pretty quickly; at the YAGP you'd have thought she'd be bitchier but she's really not. I can see her being a friendly rival for Kanade in the mold of Sakura and the rest.

Rebecca gives off the vibe of being the one that Kanade will really have to watch out for. She seems high strung and as much hung up on her roommates as Keira plus she's been at the school longer than any of them (well maybe not Keira since we don't know her story yet). If she starts to get outshone by Kanade I could see her going from nice and reasonable to Kanade's first actual bitter rival.
Aggregator gang
Jan 21, 2018
Now that Kanade is getting older and going to an such an acclaimed ballet school, I hope we get a prix de Lausanne arc in the future

Since she’s at the royal ballet, I also hope we get some good Frederick Ashton and Christopher Wheeldon ballet. and hopefully a Carlos Acosta Don Quixote

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