Is it that time again? For new chapters to appear? Well you just made my week it seems.
Also glad you only released them today so I can enjoy them weekly. Before today, was away from a computer for ages due to... well, a console launch. That makes people forget everything else easily when it sucks you in.
This chapter really did show Kanade's difficulties currently at the school. It's not that she's finding it a hard place to be at, rather it's a different place she is still so unused to. I particularly liked how she got words mixed up, and how everything being in English is still daunting to her with her current level of understanding, because it really does show that she's not English here in this school, that she only has a decent grasp so far, and there is plenty that she has yet to learn about the language. Plus cultural norms differ too, like with the statue and her own views differing from those of the children.
It was kind of cute seeing her standing next to them though in terms of height when you realise she would have started at their age or younger and simply seeing how tall she is against them hits how long she's been at this for.
Of course then the chapter ended on a more sombre note. As tough as things are for Kanade, she's getting by and taking it as a challenge. She's looking forward to everything to come, and she goes off in a group of her friends and dormmates all excited. Then you have Shouko, calling Kanade and sitting on a bed alone. That ending basically makes me think that for her, she isn't adapting to life as easily. She isn't like Kanade in that she can accept the challenge head on, despite her problems at the time. Most likely things are still a struggle for her, and she might be finding it harder to make friends too without Kanade around, since Kanade has never really struggled at drawing in those around her. Shouko would have always benefited from being in that orbit, but being away from her now must make things difficult.
@SuperOniichan that's still a surprise to know that. You don't expect to hear that with serialized authors, mostly because you assume contracts would prevent them from doing so.